
Chapter 48: Worst Case Scenario


Something is wrong.

My eyes fly open and I push myself off the ground. I shake off the grogginess. It didn’t take long to understand what the problem was.

Alymar is out nearby, Sara is healing a badly hurt Vulcana behind me, and…Maria…

She standing before a weaponless Brackin and that was all I needed to know. She fused with that evil-looking weapon.

Maria’s eyes were a sickly yellow and her entire body was covered by a pitch black metal. But that’s not what disturbed me, it was her voice.

“Submerge, Darkness.”

It was deep, demonic, and full of hate for the one in front of her. But more than that, he can feel the sorrow undercutting it. Maria was in pain, her heart was broken but from what?

I didn’t have to contemplate it as Maria turned into shadows and melted into the ground.

All was silent. Brackin fanatically scanned the area, especially the shadows. I did the same, I need to stop Maria before she does something terrible.
