
Primordial Tyranny System

What happens if in a world where three factions rule, appears one being led by his desires and turns this world in his playground? What if this being gets a way to obtain an immense power, blessed by the Gods and reborn in a body with one of the greatest potential? Well, people will queue up waiting to kill him, but when you try to kill someone like that, you only serve as a stepping stone to his ascension. Look at our protagonist, Axel, who one day will shake the world simply by mentioning his name, or any of the titles he earns along his way to the existential apex. [ Fantasy Carnival Contest ] Author Note: english is not my first language and also first time writing, so I'll try my best and also I accept any comments to improve, because it's sure I'll have some mistakes. Cover's not mine, yet it's edited by me. R-18 content will take place in this novel. Enjoy :) My Discord: https://discord.gg/tJTJc5NJhu My ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/primedarkness812 Donate to help me write!

vortexx02 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
27 Chs

Frostmoon City

The journey to tell the truth was quite fast and we barely talked about miscellaneous things while she wondered things about the skill I used, although I didn't explain everything to her, I still told her a few things to calm her curiosity a bit.

On the other hand, I wanted to know her opinion about why she didn't let anyone find out about my lineage, and well, she just explained to me about what the system already told me about the relationship between devils and dragons. But it seems that there is something more important than lineage or hatred, it is that they are much more powerful and they fear them, that is why they apply the typical rule of submit or destroy.

Knowing that, I more or less already know how to act and with my ability I think I would be able to mask any dragon aura as well as the information that my system shows, in case there is any tool or someone capable enough to see more things.

It must be said that the whole conversation was carried out through telepathy because we were being watched, yes, my mother noticed them since they left our family's territory, and she told me from the beginning, to which I replied to leave them for now and that we could do something in the forest, anyway they wouldn't kill us since they are mere servants and surely they are here to watch.

Also, my mother decided that she would just show me around the city today. Since we were wearing normal clothes to be inconspicuous, she told me that she could buy something I like, so I just used the analysis skill on most things.

I didn't notice anything interesting except for a pair of black diamond-shaped earrings, which increased MP regen by 20%. I asked my mother for them, of course she bought them for me.

"Mom, can I buy a gun for when we go hunting?" I asked him expectantly, I mean, I have literally been reincarnated in a fantasy world, who doesn't want to use a weapon?

Unfortunately, people started looking at us strangely, at first I didn't realize it, but when I saw my mother slap her face, I think I understood.

Other than nobles, there aren't usually any kids my age who are strong enough, and of course, even though I selected the height I wanted in advance, I'm still a brat.

Luckily my mother just nodded and told me, "be careful of the things you say as well as get used to talking softer, but come on, I don't know what weapon you might like and here is a good store"

We walked for a few minutes, if it must be said that the city was quite big, so it took a while.

We arrived at an out-of-the-way store, which had virtually no customers nearby, and I gave my mother a questioning look, to which she simply chuckled and said, "just wait, the best isn't always in everyone's sight."

I decided to listen to her and we just went inside. It had to be said, there were very few weapons, but what the hell was up with those ranges?

'Although there are few weapons in sight, they are all between ranks E - B, and I could swear that the best rival the lesser A-grade ones. Mmmm it seems that I will discover something interesting'

And so it was, shortly after entering, a voice came from nowhere, cutting my train of thought only to see an old man who literally came out of nowhere.

"Ho ho ho, but what do we have here, young lady, you haven't been here for about two decades, have you come to repair the daggers you took last time? Also, why don't you introduce this young man," said the old man, feeling a great danger from him, and he was right, also seeing that skill, I suppose that what he shows are not his best weapons.


Name]: Hazel Maas

[Age]: 2067 years

[Condition]: curious

[Race]: Magma devil

[Bloodline]: -

[Affinity]: Earth - Fire



[ LVL: 379 / 425 [ 57.000 / 379.000EXP] - Rank SS (SS-)]

[ HP: 78.000 / 78.000 ]

[ MP: 100.000 / 100.000 ]

[ Strength: SS+ ] [ Agility: S ]

[ Defense: SS- ] [ Resistance: SS+ ]

[ Soul: 2.000 ] [ Charm: 89 ]



- Grandmaster Blacksmith (SSS)

- Rune inscriptor (S)

- ...


"Hahaha, don't worry old Hazel, I haven't used them much during this time, especially for this young man, he's my son, Axel, I'm going to take him hunting so he can level off a bit since the awakening ceremony is coming up, and he told me that he wanted a weapon" my mother told him with a smile.

"Then tell me young man, what kind of weapon do you want", then I pointed towards a sword that was hanging. It was similar to a katana, single-edged and slightly curved.

Also, I added, "and I want two of them" which made him look at me more curiously since unknown to me, using two swords was very rare since it was very difficult to master, and I asked for them without even hesitating.

"Well well, Iliana seems like your son is daring, don't you think? HAHAHAHA" her laughter echoed throughout the store, "well, I'll give you two normal ones for when you go to the forest, and when you awaken your affinity, I'll inscribe the runes according to which one you wake up.

With all that said, he gave me two swords, which to tell the truth were quite good for what they were used for, I didn't expect much for something that I will use for a month or to train.


[Single edged metal sword (E)] x2

[Combat power: +300]

[Speed: +10%]

[Durability: 10.000 / 10.000]


When we were going to the inn, I saw that an auction was going to be held in which an S grade item would be sold and there was a big commotion, my mother saw that I was making a funny face and said to me, "honey, remember that this It's quite a remote city and the creatures here don't usually go above rank B, so it's very rare to see a deadly pickaxe item around here."

Actually, it made sense, maybe it was my problem since I was born as the son of an archduke and abilities surpassing the immortal rank that my common sense was distorted.

Then I remembered and asked her, "Mom, how expensive would a skill stone sell for?"

"They are extremely rare so depending on the type, even a B rank skill stone could even sell for more than an average EX rank item" she answered me instantly.

"Mmm mom, I have a C - rank skill stone that I have no use for, we can auction it off and see what that item is or if there are other interesting things?" I asked, continuing this time through telepathy.

As expected, she froze, although from the moment I was born, I already caused a commotion, she was more and more surprised.

"H-how is that possible darling, do you know how rare they are?", she told me shocked, to which I simply replied, "it's because of the ability, when devouring a corpse there is a small chance of obtaining some ability that it had, but it's random".

She seemed to think for a moment until I accepted it, but then she said, "Honey, anyway, why don't you give it to someone in the family or someone else to win a favor?" .

"Hahahaha," I started laughing as a mischievous smile appeared and said, "Mom, it's an experiment, depending on the ability, if I give it to someone, unless I don't want to I can automatically make them my minion, so I want to see what it would be like if I didn't give it up, and leave some residual mana hidden."

"Anyway, you can have it if you want mother, if you're not interested either, can we come in?" I told her with pleading eyes.

With a long sigh, she said "honey give it to me and I'll tell you if it's useful." I quickly handed it over to him, he seemed to spend a while looking at its use and how he could use it, but in the end he just sighed, "although it's useful to me, I have a better movement technique than it is. Now if you want us to sell it, I'll say it has ability to rank up, and we will earn more fufufu"

Finishing the conversation, we headed towards the place where the items were put up for auction...