
Primordial Sin System

In the novel "Primordial Sin System," readers follow the journey of Dave Alexander, a man reincarnated into a life of privilege and power after enduring a previous existence filled with misery. Now the son of the empire's strongest expert, known as the guardian, Dave is determined to seize every opportunity presented to him. Unexpectedly, Dave's life takes a unique turn when he discovers he possesses the Primordial Sin System, a mysterious system that grants him extraordinary powers and abilities by experiencing and embracing the seven deadly sins. Fueled by this newfound power, Dave sets out on a quest to collect beauties, conquer challenges, and ascend to the peak of his potential. Note: I am not a professional writer; I write as a hobby. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Feel free to criticize my work. I want to express my gratitude to those who appreciate and love it. There might be some plot holes in the early chapters, but I am committed to creating a better and more cohesive plot for the story.

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Chapter 41- Rob the Rich and Help the Poor (Revised)

Chapter 41- Rob the Rich and Help the Poor.

After returning to his dorm, he initiated a new session with the ladies.

They inquired about why he was late, but he casually mentioned that he had gained enlightenment and lost track of time.

The ladies had grown accustomed to their routine, finding it almost addictive. They believed it made the process of getting stronger remarkably easy.

As the competition to select representatives for the school was scheduled for the next day, they intensified their efforts.

They were eager to showcase their progress. Despite the rapid growth in their cultivation, they remained committed to practicing skills, techniques, and comprehension.

The next morning, he opened his eyes and looked at the notification.


[Ding! System Report]

Sin Points: 700,000 (Lust) (Rose, Susan, Lina)

Dual Cultivation: 200,000

Stocked Sin Points: 50,000

Previous Sin Points: <100,000 >

Total Sin Points: <<1,050,000 >>


Having gained Sin Points from their session the previous night, Dave was contented.

Entering the kitchen, he prepared a meal for the ladies and the baby dragon.

Thirty minutes later, the enticing aroma of the food roused the ladies from their slumber.

Draco, ever the food enthusiast, was already on high alert.

They all enjoyed the meal, discussing the upcoming competition.

"Be cautious not to reveal too much during the competition. Some students from other schools may be observing ours,"

Dave advised, and everyone nodded in agreement. They understood the importance of holding back some secrets.

Though their official rank may not have risen, the quality of their power had significantly improved.

They prepared to go to the Academy while Lina was going to the office to prepare because they have a meeting today.


Susan went with Dave and Rose to watch the upcoming competition.

She didn't attend any academy because she prefers training at home with her personal trainer.

Opting for a personal tutor at home, she believes that, even without formal studies, she can lead a good life thanks to her family's support.

Despite her talent attracting the interest of many masters who wanted to take her as a disciple, her father rejected those offers.

Instead, he personally trained Susan whenever he had time, providing her with precious items and resources for cultivation.

This is why her cultivation level is high for her age.

Dave strolled alongside two stunning beauties, earning much envy from the boys.

Both Rose and Susan held Dave's hands, showcasing their beautiful looks.


Envy + 1,000

Envy + 1,000

Envy + 1,000

Envy + 1,000

Envy + 1,000


Dave observed numerous students, and the crowd was teeming with people. While walking, his keen sense of hearing caught wind that some students, initially on a mission, returned for the competition.

Certain senior students had ventured outside the academy to undertake missions, refining both their skills and cultivation.

Dave noticed several formidable fourth-year students, reaching the Peak-tier. Their faces exuded arrogance, seemingly dismissive of others.

They projected an air of exclusivity and elegance befitting their higher-year status, looking down on their junior counterparts.

Dave couldn't help but smirk. If only they knew that Rose and the other ladies were almost on par with them, their pride would crumble.

As Dave and the ladies strolled towards the arena, many took notice of their handsome and gorgeous figures, eager to strike up a conversation but feeling inferior in Dave's presence.

Suddenly, a handsome figure, standing at 170 cm, approached the ladies with a smile. "Hello, ladies. I am Sebastian, a fourth-year student and the son of Duke Glenn. Nice to meet you, Princess, and young Miss Susan."

Despite being the duke's son, he regarded them as equals, as both Susan and the princess were children of a duke, just like him.

Sebastian paid no attention to Dave and confidently greeted the women. Having recently returned from a mission, he spotted the daughter of Duke Kern and the princess, hoping to display goodwill and perhaps capture their attention.

He believed that his father's high position warranted respect from the two ladies.

Sebastian was a Mid-tier King level, but his level was lower than that of the ladies.

"Who the fvck ado you think you are? Get lost."

Angered by the intrusion, Susan shot Sebastian a fierce look and responded with intensity. She then followed Dave, completely ignoring Sebastian as if he were invisible.

Sebastian, taken aback, maintained his composure. "That was disrespectful, ladies; you should be more reserved."

Susan shot him a deadly stare and moved so swiftly that Sebastian had no time to react. In an instant, she delivered a swift kick to his groin.


Everyone was scared and didn't expect that this beautiful lady was really having a bad temper and being brutal.

They felt chill if they thought that they were in Sebastian place.

"Why would I care about you? Even though you're the son of the Duke, we don't fear a bastard like you. Hmpf, you've ruined my day."

The crowd was stunned, their attention returning to the ladies.

The onlookers hadn't anticipated that the princess and Duke Kern's daughter were accompanied by a red-haired man.

Their eyes widened when they recognized Dave, known throughout the empire as the most handsome man and the number one on the 'do not provoke' list.

Family members often warned against provoking him.

Dave smiled and glanced at Sebastian with pity, saying, "Oh, so you're a Duke's son. Don't worry; I'll inform my father later about your attempt to make a move on my women. Your father must be strong, huh?"

With a sneer, he ignored Sebastian and continued walking with the two girls.

Sebastian, nursing his injured ego, was also stunned and scared. He hadn't expected to try and snatch the Guardian's son's women.

As he overheard the whispers of the students, he realized that the man was the son of the Guardian.

'F**k, I'm dead.'

While he wasn't afraid of the princess and the duke's daughter, the prospect of facing Dave's father terrified him. If the Guardian got wind of today's events, Sebastian knew his own father might not be able to protect him.

Upon realizing the consequences awaiting him, Sebastian promptly lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.

Dave glanced at him and opted for a minor punishment, grabbing his storage ring as compensation for causing a disturbance.

Despite having enough wealth, Dave didn't need to take this action, but he felt a desire to play the role of a good citizen by taking from the rich and, in a sense, giving to the poor—although in this scenario, the 'poor' referred to himself due to the voracious appetite of the gluttonous Dragon he possessed.

A smile crossed Dave's face as he patiently anticipated others to provoke him, knowing it was a simple way to earn some extra cash.