
Primordial: Reincarnate into Barbaric tribe with Farming System

In an Unknown world with various Beast a soul got reincarnated. With his knowledge and power he will conquered it all. Let alone some unknown obstacle even the Heavens will fear his footsteps. In the journey of fate only the mysterious system will be the only companion. 4 chapters in a week.

Masfiq · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Training of a savage.

Looking at Axel, a cunning smile formed on the shaman's face.

"Let's see if you could survive the trial, hmm? What would I call you if you achieve success? Would you be from the blood of lions... or the blood from us kings? What should I name you?"

The shaman then turned his attention to the fourth and fifth persons.

In each of them, he drew a lotus on their forehead and fang-like vertical lines on their cheeks.

Their names were respectively:

Arian Isle Dhua. Sahera Isle Kholma.


In Axel's mind, a child exactly like Axel was crying in an empty room, but soon the flow of time began to reverse. He was so immersed in the memory that he forgot about the shaman.

Suddenly, the scene shifted from his house to the training ground. In his left hand, there was an axe, and in his right hand, a sword. He trained every day and in every way possible, returning home only to continue training. He would wake up, eat, and train relentlessly until the last time he saw this body's parents.

"Don't worry, son," Mikio's father reassured him, ruffling his hair affectionately. "With your Uncle Maki by my side, there won't be a power on Earth that could harm me. And remember, be strong, buddy. Don't let Mommy worry about you, alright?"

"Okay, father!" small Mikio answered with a happy face.

A woman with ash-colored hair entered their home and kissed Mikio's father on the lips. That was Mikio's mom, but sadly, Mikio didn't know much about her. When Mikio's father passed away, she disappeared as well. All he knew was that everyone told him she had gone to help his father and had sacrificed herself in the process.

As Axel delved into Mikio's memories, time seemed to freeze. He found himself in a surreal moment, facing a majestic white tiger bathing in a river. The tiger's enormous body resembled a mountain, and its curious yet thoughtful gaze locked onto Axel.


"The power you possess shouldn't remain here," a thought immediately surged into his mind, echoing repeatedly.

"The power you possess is different from others of your kind. Sister may find you fascinating," the thought echoed once more, resonating within Axel's consciousness.

Locking eyes with Axel with its piercing yellow gaze, the white tiger spoke again. "Your body color is different. I will call my sister"

Meanwhile, Axel stood frozen in place, mute and unmoving, resembling a statue carved from stone. Even if he wanted to speak or ask something, he found himself unable to do so.

Gradually, the white tiger's body transformed into a fiery red hue, its once burning yellow eyes now glowing with a halo of cyan light. It approached Axel slowly, stepping through the mist that concealed its form. With each step, the mist cleared, revealing the tiger's soaked fur, as if it had been bathed by the river itself. However, an uncomfortable heat radiated from its body, causing Axel extremely discomfort.

He came to a halt directly in front of Axel, his breath mingling with Axel's own. Placing one paw firmly on Axel's chest, the pressure caused Axel to stumble and fall.

Looking up at the towering figure of the red, fiery tiger, Axel felt even more afraid.

"Hmm! You are from the land," the red tiger spoke in a feminine tone.

In the real world...

Axel was writhing in pain, tears streaming from his open eyes as his legs thrashed involuntarily. Foam resembling white milk formed at the corners of his mouth.

The shaman observed Axel playfully, while the others looked on, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern. Though some experienced pain or relieved their memory, none exhibited the same extreme reaction as Axel.

In Axel's mind...

The red tiger gazed at Axel once more, remarking, "You smell different. None of your kind have approached me, looked, or smelled quite like you. Why be a warrior when you could be a diviner?" Its tone turned angry, and a black breath emitted from the tiger's nose.

Sensing danger in the dream world, two lines on Axel's cheeks began to glow faintly. The once polite and curious tiger now turned angry, sensing another being within Axel's body and intent on killing him.

However, just as quickly, it sensed danger...

In an instant, the tiger's body turned green, and a force from Axel's body sent the tiger flying several meters backward. Before Axel stood a lady, resembling the statue in shrine, her expression filled with concern as she looked at the tiger.

In the real world his body also stop moving and became peaceful. Shaman face became surprised but he did not do anything. Instead, he retrieved a bowl of water from the air and gently spread it over Axel's body.

The tiger, now confused and enraged, fixed its gaze upon the goddess. "It's you, fallen. How dare you covet our descendants," it growled, its voice tinged.

The goddess, her anger simmering, retorted, "Leave my domain at once. Here, I am the honored one."

In response, the tiger scoffed, "With just a clone, you dare to command the great four? Perhaps I am not strong enough to end you in this form, but do not forget that my brother is not asleep. He will come." A sarcastic laughter echoed from the green tiger's mouth. 

With its eyes already a vivid green with oceanic blue hues, it further provoked the goddess. "Oh! Shall I dare to say this is your final bloodline? Kekeke! How unfortunate, even that diluted with ours," it added with a smirk.

The goddess, without uttering a word, launched an attack in anger towards the tiger. Swiftly, the tiger transformed into blue, intercepting the green beam from the goddess. With a humph, the blue tiger's sparkling blue eyes shone as the clone of the goddess disintegrated and vanished, only to reappear at a distance between Axel and the tiger.

Ignoring the goddess, who stood far behind Axel, the blue tiger demanded, "What's your name, my descendant?" Axel, almost unconsciously, spoke his name, "Axel."

With thunderous power emanating from his blue eyes and his body drenched in water, the tiger spoke, "Axel... nobody in the world has crossed my path and forced me into my brother's body as a follower like you have. Yet, you, being a mere mortal, have accomplished it. What should I do with you?"

"Why did you and your kind betray the great kings? Why weren't your father or mother content to die for their protectors rather than make child like you?" With that, the tiger moved closer to Axel, seemingly intent on either killing him or taking him away, but the goddess intervened, swiftly shifting him far away.

"He is also my descendant, Qing Long. I also have the authority to take him into my care," the goddess shouted at the blue tiger.

"How dare you, a lowly fallen, question and yell at me? It seems being cursed through your bloodline and banished from the nine heavens did not teach you a lesson?" With that, the tiger's sparkling blue lightning transformed into an azure dragon and attacked the goddess.

Seeing this, the goddess swiftly took Axel away to the real world.

However, she missed something particular as a lightning spark from the tiger's body came into contact with Axel.

And he woke up fully drenched and soaked with water, half-naked, with only his night undergarment visible. His right hand's awakening mark was burning brightly. He stood up and looked straight into the shaman's eyes.

Realizing that he had messed up, he shouted at the shaman, "Axel Isle Mikio, that will be my name."

"I always dreamed my name as Axel, Shaman," he softly added.

"Alright, if you think that suits your test..."

The shaman also looked confused, wondering why his scheming had actually failed.