
Chapter 1: Where I am?

The stars shone at night. On the mountain in the forest lay a young man.

Slowly, his eyes began to open. There was confusion in his eyes. I was on a ship in the ocean. So how did I end up in the forest ??? I can not even see the ocean nearby. Standing and looking around, he decided to use the celestial coordinates to compute his position. He took out a miniature map of the starry sky and began to count his coordinates.

Attempt after attempt came to nothing lead. This made him nervous. After thinking a little, he decided to go to the east at dawn. At night the young man could not fall asleep. He wondered why he could not find his a position. He was worried. Soon he felt thirsty and hungry. First, at dawn, he decided to look for a pond, and if luck would be on his side, catch a couple of fish for breakfast.

Waking up under the bright sunlight, he understood his surroundings better. Rising and slightly stretched his body, the young man went to the east, as he had planned. The road was rocky and uneven, which irritated him. After a couple of kilometers, he finally saw the pond. He could no longer stand, he ran to drink water. After drinking, he looked closely and realized that there was no fish. This disappointed him a little. He looked around and realized that there was nothing edible nearby. He continued his journey to the east. But the idea of where he was not leaving him.

A couple of hours later he saw a rabbit. The rabbit had one leg in the blood. Apparently, he was wounded. The young man's eyes flashed, and he quickly rushed to the rabbit. Rabbit obviously was not going to give up so easily, and he rushed to run away. Since these were mountains, there were many steep turns and places where one could accidentally fall down. The maneuverability of the rabbit clearly weakened.

In one of these places they fell. The expression of the young man became terribly ugly, and he could not help but curse the rabbit. Looking down, he saw only a black abyss, which was rather strange, because it was a sunny day and you had to see much further than now. This embarrassed him, but since he was close to death, and it must have been the last moments of his life, he did not think about it. Only it was not his last moments of life.

"I'm falling for quite a while and why do not I feel air resistance?". The young man thought: "Or, maybe, I do not fall at all!"

This thought shocked the young man, and he began to look around with great attention and try to find his companion on this journey.

Looking around a little more, he noticed a golden fire. The fire was 20 meters away, but he still felt the influence of the flame. True, instead of a burning feeling, he had a strangely cold feeling. The boy felt that his heartbeat and thoughts had become terribly slow. As soon as he wanted to think about it more carefully, this strange feeling disappeared and he heard mutterings.

"Strange ... this is not a golden soul nor silver or bronze ... strange"

The boy looked shocked when a black flame approached him. He felt an inexplicable horror to the flame. It was a rather unpleasant feeling. He felt like an ant in front of an elephant.

As for the black flame, as soon as he swam closer, he carefully looked into the boy's eyes and, as if he had discovered something, shouted a little

"Gray souls, of course, gray soul ..." muttered a black flame: "Finally, I was able to find a decent receiver for my great race ..."

The next moment, the black flame, or what was inside it, grinned and said:

"Now it will be a little painful."

After the warning, a black beam of light shot and hit the boy's heart. The boy felt unbearable pain but also felt that he could not lift his finger.

A transformation has taken place in his body. He had a strange feeling that he could see everything that was happening inside him. Bones, blood, organs, skin, all this has undergone unexplained changes. Especially the heart and spinal cord. Watching his heart and spinal cord turn black, he felt tired, and, knowing all this, he fainted ...

A few hours later, the black flame slowly said:

"You can no longer pretend, I know that you are awake, if you have questions, you can ask them and then you will not have more chances"

The boy laughed at the fire, but he also felt helpless. After thinking for a couple of seconds, he asked a series of questions about where he was, what kind of creature - a black flame and what black ray of light he shot directly into the heart.

The black flame seemed to foresee his questions immediately began to speak.

With the help of black flame, the boy learned that he had arrived on the continent of celestial rage, and also this is the edge of the continent. The name of the region in which it was now was the Eastern Rift.

The name was given in honor of the ancient battle, which occurred several million years ago. In addition, if you go to the east, it will arrive in the middle city called "Eastern Dawn". He also learned from him about the levels of cultivation and what is closely related to cultivation. The separation of levels was: Ki refining, creating the basis for the formation of the golden core, the emerging soul. He also explained the separation of weapons and pills. He explained the most common and rare races that roamed this continent. In short, he gave the most general information about the continent. As for the race from which the black flame emanated, he did not answer. He explained the black ray as a legacy of his race, as well as his greatest good fortune. As for more details, he can find him in the black sphere. When his soul becomes a little stronger, and he can withstand the resistance of other souls, he will be able to learn more detailed information about the continent and the heritage. While the black flame explained everything that took a couple of hours, and the black flame began to flicker.

"I didn't expect it to happen so quickly," the flame muttered. "This will be my gift for you before my departure, Boy!"

Two more rays of light fired. One went to the place between the eyebrows, and the other stopped after reaching his chest

"What appeared in your sea of ​​consciousness is the art of cultivating my race and some tricks so that you can stand up, and the blade on your chest is 100 percent synchronized with the artists I gave you ... Good luck to you HEI YUN !! "

With these words, the black flame flickered several times and disappeared into the void. I was still in shock, digesting what the flame said when I felt myself trembling around, and the next moment I found myself again in a lush green forest, but with a presentation about where I am and what the rules of this world are.

I feel a little silent and distressed. Hei Yun went to the city of the eastern dawn.