

The Military officer looked at Alex like he was stupid.

Why on earth would any D- rank awakened come to a Floodgate a whole tier above him? It just didn't make sense to the guy.

It was just suicide.

But since Alex's information checked out, he couldn't really do anything about it.

If Alex was here, it meant that the university had agreed to let him take on this mission, which the Military officer didn't have the authority nor the effort to override.

If he wanted to go and get himself killed for such a stupid reason, then he wasn't going to stop him.

He was just a logistics officer, it wasn't his job to authorise who could and couldn't participate in this mission.

"Well, Alex, your information has been confirmed with the database. If you can just wait here while I go and fetch your Floodgate emblem, then you can be on your way in no time." The Military officer said.