

"Your friend would be right. But that doesn't mean we just give out VIP passes to anyone who comes and asks for them! You have to earn them by passing our requirements, or hailing from a noble family of at least Count rank!"

Seeing Alex's unrelenting attitude, the guard on duty decided to play along.

Besides, since Alex knew that there were some requirements to acquire a VIP pass, he should at least oblige him.

Alex was right, and the Bulky man hadn't lied about there being requirements to obtain one.

But the bulky man was being quite vague when he mentioned needing the 'strength' to possess one.

Obviously, strength could only mean one thing, but it was better to actually say 'power' than strength.

Power referred not only to one's own physical/magical capabilities, but also referred to influence, political power etc.

Meanwhile strength only referred to physical/magical capabilities.