
Primordial demon world

After the Primordial Demon Realm reached, Demon Emperor Yukadai reached the highest cultivation level! Discover a new world! A world that does not belong to humans! Acquire the Black Primordial Spirit! Every living creature had a soul color that distinguishes it! But the black color was only found in legends...!! The Demon of the Primordial Realm did countless searches! He spent countless years studying different types of creatures!! Men and women, young and old, primal beasts! Primitive trees! Which made the blood flow like rivers and formed in seas and oceans accompanied by piles and mountains of corpses..!! He spent countless years looking for the dark field! It was like someone swimming in the sea of ​​knowledge with a small rickety boat, but he kept doing that until he succeeded!! Causing countless mass genocides! And using diabolical methods...!! The trainees wanted to get the same answer! Reach the dark field! Everyone wanted to take the answer from the Demon Emperor Yukadai! In various ways! But to no avail...! Dark Lord! Demon ruler! Primordial Demon Realm! Some of the nicknames given to the Demon Emperor Yokadai! It's up to his dark power! That prevailed above all! That reigned over millions of corpses! On oceans of red blood! The Demon Emperor continued on the path of genocide! It was a tyrant! It was having a terrorize everyone! For millions of years! The most terrifying thing is that he does not die! Even if his body is destroyed! It was back every time from the dark! Because it belongs to the dark! And darkness belongs to him! It was a dark entity in itself! Growing from a small villager to a mighty above the heavens, everyone trembled under his feet! No one dared approach him face to face...!! In a battle that shook the world at last, Heaven's Will Artemis could not watch the tyranny of the Demon Emperor and stopped it...! In that battle at the last turn, she used all her power in her latest technique! You have taken everything back to the starting point..! The emperor returned to a mere nine-year-old..! But there are no perfect plans in this world! He returned with his memories and his primordial black soul!

DremHoty · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

Old memories

Chapter 15

"Who are you..?" The golden-haired young woman looked at him and said...!

"Xianlong..!" Xianlong smiled at her and said

"I mean who are you? Where did you grow up...?" The young woman shook her head slightly and said...

This talk attracted the group of girls and they quickly approached him to hear well...!

"Where did you grow up...?" Xian Long muttered upon hearing that question!

"Just a small village at the foot of the mountain!" Xianlong smiled and said..!

"Come on, tell me about it? How did you grow up to be such an impudent child?" The golden-haired young woman looked at him and said curiously.

"This is annoying! I don't want to talk..!" Xianlong looked at her and said...!

"Tell me and I will give you primeval stones.." The young woman smiled wickedly and said

"No, I'm tired...!" Xian Long said and closed his eyes again…!

"Hmph, naughty child..!" The golden-haired young woman was annoyed with a gentle frown on her face...!

Xian Long raised his right hand and looked at the demonic ring on his middle finger! It had a very majestic shape like a demon skull

Xian Long closed his eyes as if he was asleep. Endless memories flowed into his river of memories and reappeared!

His story wasn't that great! He lived a life of destitution and poverty since his early childhood!

Far away there was an incredibly poor village! Secluded and without ample water or lunch! The villagers there had a very difficult life

They grew wheat and sold it to earn their living..!

There was a small family named Yu! Consists of only two people

There lived an incredibly old man! He was always bedridden from illness!

A small child, no more than three years old, stood in front of him, looking at him.

He had hair as white as snow with eyes as black as night..!

This child was an orphan who was taken care of by the old man! There was no news about his parents! Or about who they are...!

The days flowed, the little boy grew up and reached the age of five! His snowy hair flowed behind his back, wearing torn clothes. Dirty everywhere on his body! Darkness grew in his black eyes..! He was small and weak!

Taste the child different types of suffering in his childhood! He had to go beg the villagers for food and some water!

The old man's condition got worse and he reached the point where he could no longer stop coughing..!

One night, the old man's condition worsened and he suffered because of his illness.

"Yukadae, where are you?" Grandpa muttered faintly!

But he did not get a response!

The child stood in the corner of the room there silently looking at him with his black eyes..!

"Cough." The old man's coughing sound echoed in the small room.!

"I want some water...!" The old man kept coughing and tried to reach out to grab a glass of water..!

The old man suffered from blindness! He couldn't locate the cup, causing the cup to fall off the table..!

"Water." The old man tried to find the cup, but he did not know that he had dropped it! He couldn't hear..!

The child Yokadai stood looking at the old man suffering in silence..!

The old man extended his bony hand and slowly moved it left and right..!

Suddenly his hand stopped moving and fell under the bed and hit the floor...!

The child stood silently looking at him all night long..!

"Grandpa, are you okay?!" The child shook the old man's head a little and said..!

Tried a second and third time, but there was no response from the old man! He died...!


At the age of six, the look became darker in the child's eyes! He lived a lonely and boring life! He looked at the rest of the children playing and having fun from the side of the road in silence..!

Didn't find spinning like fools sexy at all! He didn't know why they laughed! Or what they find sexy in such a stupid matter...!


Yokadai went to a small forest located near the village in search of some fruits from wild trees…!

He no longer wants to beg those idiots for food...! After Grandpa's death, Yokadai felt that they did not want to take care of him..! And their cold behavior when dealing with him...!

After hard work, he finally found some fruits..! Climb the tree and take some..!

But on his way to the village he found a little lost child!

The child was no more than four years old...! cried of hunger!

"where are your parents..?" Yokadai decided to ignore him, but returned to him after hearing the sound of his sad crying..!

The child did not stop crying!

"are you hungry..?" Yokadai laughed and put a fruit in the little boy's hand..! It was like a peach...!

The baby stopped crying and soon started trying to bite off this hard fruit..!

Yokadai laughed when seeing this! But after a while he stopped laughing with a strange expression on his face..! ah shit

He sighed sadly and grabbed the fruit from the child's hand..! He bit and chewed it a little and put it in the little boy's mouth...!


After a year, the little boy Yokadai reached the age of seven! His appearance has changed a lot, but not for the worse, but for the prettiest! But due to lack of clothing and hygiene, it was like an uncut jade...!

"Luo Ling! Where are you...?" Came home with many fruits…!

Suddenly a small child appeared with black hair! His skin was white! The little boy was named Luo Ling!

"my old brother..!" Soon the little boy rushed towards Yokadai..!

"Good kid...!" Yokkadai stroked the little boy's hair and said...!


The two children continued to live together! Yokadai took care of a small child!

But unlike him, Luo Ling was a very cheerful kid! And quickly adapt to the children of the village...! He has a lot of friends too...!


But times of peace did not last on the small village, and soon the small huts caught fire! And the screams of the villagers rose in the sky

Bandit attack! The reason for the disappearance of the village from the river of time!

This was normal in a world governed by the laws of the jungle..!

In a remote place there was a wooden crate carrying nine children! Among them are Yukadai and Luo Ling..!

The bandits took them to sell to the slave traders..! Children were a required commodity..! To brothels and work as slaves to rich clans and families...!

"my old brother…!" The little boy's face was pale from fear..! Yokadai hugged in fear...!

"Don't worry, we'll be fine...!" The older brother gently stroked the child's hair and said...!


But this was not the case, the two children were separated..! One of them was sold...

Luo Ling was sold to some men!

The two children cried sadly for you, no matter how much they resisted, it was of no use..! They are separated...!


The fate of the child Yokadai was also strange! The group he wanted to kill even in his dreams he became a member of...!

One day, bandits threw a dagger at two children who were still in the middle of the cage..!

Snow-haired Yokadai..! And another child with a huge and muscular body!

"I'm going to free one of you haha." A middle-aged bearded man drank a glass of wine and said in a loud voice…!

He had an incredibly huge body! He was the leader of the bandit group...!

"Haha, come on, show us an exciting show.."

"Right, we want a strong show.."

"Let's have fun...!"

The drunken men screamed and their laughter echoed loudly in the cave...!

The expressions of the two children changed and they both looked at the silver dagger..!

"Brother Yokadai, you…!" The boy with a huge body was surprised when he saw Yokkai holding the dagger...!

"Shing, we both don't need to die! I'm really sorry...!" The Snow-haired Child's voice echoed throughout…!

"Brother Yu, stop, what are you doing…!" The big-formed kid's eyes widened upon seeing Yokadai wanting to kill himself...!

"Please don't stop me...!" A sad expression appeared on Yokadai's face!

"Stop! Maybe there will be a way for the two of us to survive...!" The boy with a huge body came up to Yokadai and calmed him down...!

"You are…!!"

Suddenly the group of bandits fell silent at this scene...!

"Why…!!" Blood gushed from the neck of the boy with a huge body because the dagger pierced his throat..! His eyes widened in shock and he leaned back

"No, there is no way...! One of us must die, didn't you hear them say that...!!" Yokadai looked at him and said slowly...!

The child's body was huge and it was not easy to kill him in a fight! Yokadai's build was too weak in comparison..! But his intelligence was..on another level

"Well done… well done… haha." The bearded bandit leader applauded and said

"You little traitor...!" Attack the bandits and said emphatically

"But aren't we all traitors haha?" Suddenly their expressions turned mad and they laughed loudly while drinking wine…!

Yokadai looked at them silently from inside the cage

Which group of bandits is on the right track?? Are they not a group of killers? Betrayal is like drinking water by them...!

"Come drink with us...!" His bandits opened the cage doors and filled him with a huge glass of wine…!

Yokadai turned and looked at the corpse of the child from his village, but he did not feel anything when looking at him! It was not like he imagined feeling guilty!!

"From today you have become a member of our family." The bearded leader grabbed a large glass of wine with his big hand and said

Yokadai held the huge wine glass in his hand and without hesitation began to drink the wine..! This was his first time to taste this burning drink..!

A scorching heat flowed into the little boy's throat and he could not finish it!

"Come on, drink it all...!" The huge man in front of him laughed and said in a loud voice...!

Baby Yokadai pressed himself and continued drinking the huge cup! To finish it...!

"Well done! Haha." Yokadai stood there, looking at this group of bandits with their ugly faces! Suddenly the earth began to move around him

He felt that the sound of their laughter had become too far away...!

His eyes became blurry. And he fell unconscious...!


Baby Yokadai showed great skill among the bandits..!

The group leader liked him and decided to save such a smart kid...!

He trained him rigorously to become like a sharp dagger in the end..!

Yokadai succeeded in completing the espionage missions entrusted to him by the bandits on the small villages..!

There were two kinds of bandits! One is made up of mortals looking for easy goals and the other has apprentices in their ranks..!

Some cultivators fleeing from their clans or wanted from different families…!

The child Yokadai participated in several looting and theft operations..! With this gang of bandits...!

A year later today, the child Yokadai has reached the age of eight, and his black look has become darker. This look did not belong to a small child, but to an old man who lived through the vicissitudes of life for several decades...!

He looked with his black eyes from above his horse at the flames devouring the village

It was a sad sight, especially with snow falling from the dark sky..!

Snow covered the ground like a white cover! Only some trees and huts were still visible in this space...!

It was a fateful night for this village! A misfortune befell them when bandits attacked them in the middle of the night, burning and killing without stopping...!

"Haha, great victory…!" The cries of dozens of bandits resounded from everywhere within this mournful village…!

Although this village treated Yokadai kindly and offered him warm food and a place to sleep for the past week, he felt no guilt after seeing the bodies and blood of the villagers...!

Get off his horse! He was wearing a black cloak that covered his entire body

She was bigger than his body, in turn, to warm his body from the cold snow..!

His footsteps into the village! His gaze came to the house of the old village chief! He treated him very kindly but Yokadai deceived and betrayed him...!

Soon the bandits rush loaded with the things they looted! Women and children were not satisfied...!

They were neither cultivators nor had spatial rings due to their lack of a method to operate it which is the prerequisite that they must have a primordial essence to operate it…! It is not found with the mortals...!

They collected their loot in bags! From valuables to types of food, dry grains and rice! Of course, the food was the main thing..!

Tongues of flame shone in the middle of the dark night and lit up the little village

Covered with a layer of snow-white...!

"Let's go...!" The big-bodied, big-bearded captain rode his horse and gave his orders in a loud voice…!



"Go, go...!" The men's voices erupted loudly, causing a noise with horses' hooves and carts hitting the ground...!

Child Yokadai rode his huge horse! He had a muscular body with a black color...! He also had a long black tail...!

With the neighing of a horse, it shot like a black arrow over the white floor

In the rules of bandits, running away after looting is the basic rule..! Everything would be negotiable if you were alive...! Who knows if there are trainees near the place and the cause of their death..?


Inside a huge cave hidden in the middle of a mountain..! It was the base and home of this bandit group! Firewood is popping out to light a fire to warm and light up the place…!

Children of all ages were imprisoned in a large wooden cage! The girls and women were not astonished, they were in another cage! Their screams echoed loudly...!

In a large yard with a majestic chair belonging to the group leader! The leader stood with his huge body wearing a cloak that protected his body from the coldness of snow

"Well done guys! Today's operation was very successful..!"

"Yes…!" The cries of dozens of crazy men resounded!

"Of course, the credit goes to our lucky star, Yokadae.." The captain said in a loud voice

"Right! Yeah...!" Their cries resounded again...

"It's been a year since he joined us and he brought us great luck with him.."

"Today he has turned eight! We must celebrate for him in the morning." The captain held the huge wine glass in his hand and said in a loud voice…!

"Yeah...! Until morning...!" The sound of their crazy laughter and screams echoed, causing the cave to shake...!

"To you! Happy New Year...!" The captain raised his wine glass towards Yokadai who is standing next to him and said...!

"To you! Merry Christmas...!" Men raise their cups at one time! This party was so noisy...!

"thank you…!" Yokkadai held the wine glass in his hand too and said in a loud voice...!

"To you…!" Dozens of men completed their wine glass in one sip!

Yokkadai was not disappointed! He finished it all without losing consciousness! After all these nauseous guys have taken good care of him for the past year..! They were having fun when they made him drink wine and he lost consciousness, they made him wake up, he lost consciousness again...!

He suffered for a year at the hands of these drunken men...! But they did not mistreat them! They considered him part of their family...!

The sound of their laughter! After all, they were very happy with today's success without losing any members! Or serious injuries...!

Usually with every operation they lose some members, which is why Yokadai was called "Lucky Star"...!

Happy from the booty! The thing that made them most happy was the number of women they imprisoned...! These women were like lamb in this freezing cold...!

They swallowed their saliva when they thought of that delicious feast...! Uh

"All lose...!" The captain's scream suddenly resounded...!

"Yukadae I consider you like my disciple! Today I will give you a gift that is very precious to me…!" The commander turned towards Yokadai..! And he said

"When I was young I once helped an old man! And the man gave me this demonic ring as a gift…!" remove the man's ring

In the form of a black demonic skull with a terrible design from his hand..!

"Leader of such garbage is a treasure..? Look at the rings in my hand."

Screams resounded upon hearing the leader's official words...!

"Loose, you fools...! You don't know how dear she is to my heart!"

The commander's black beard swayed in anger and shouted...!

"Haha…!" The drunken men laughed one by one at this lousy drama between teacher and student...!

"Anyway, take it! Throw it away if you don't like it...!" The leader's face turned red from embarrassment and he sighed sadly...! He was not used to these stupid emotions..! Was he enjoying killing and looting or love? Is this a meal of some kind...??

"Thank you very much…!" Yokadai bowed slightly and kissed the demonic black ring with both hands...!

"Look at this morality between the teacher and the student….ha-ha-ha." Some men fell to the ground, holding their stomachs, laughing.

Yokadae's eyes sparkled when looking at this demonic ring!

It was black in color with a terrible design and many small inscriptions and symbols on it! The shape of her skull was so frightening, as if it belonged to a demon..!

Yokadae did not know its value or what its usefulness! But still happy to have a gift! This was the first time anyone gave him a gift in his entire life...! He felt very complicated feelings..!

It was too big for his little fingers! And he put it on his middle finger to fit him! But his eyes widened in surprise.

The demonic ring has shrunk to a size that fits his little finger..!! Yookadai was astonished and wanted to remove it! He pulled it, but to his amazement, she didn't want to get out of his finger! As if it stuck there...!!

Yokadae tried hard until his finger hurt, but to no avail..!! Suddenly a loud noise echoed in his ears and he stopped trying to remove it...!!

"The food has also been prepared...!" Some men served with different types of food in their hands..! There was a grilled deer too..!

Although they are men, circumstances forced them to learn to cook better than some women...!

The men attacked the feast and everyone filled their plates with various kinds of food...!

"Very delicious...!"

"Yeah delicious..!"

"Brother Meng cooks better than my wife haha…!"

The men tasted the warm food and said

Eat and laugh...

"You all too...!" The commander grabbed a large piece of grilled venison and presented it to Yokkadai..!

"Thank you..!" Yokadai grabbed it and looked a little at the leader..! He didn't know why, but this meat was so delicious...!

The men drank wine and ate all kinds of food while gossiping and laughing loudly...!

The imprisoned children shivered when these sounds of laughter rang in their ears..! They were so sad about the loss of their families and loved ones...! This sound of laughter seemed to belong to a group of demons in their ears...!

Time flowed and everyone continued to have a great time…!

"Everyone shut up...!" The leader stood up from his chair and said in a loud voice...!

Everyone was silent looking at him....!

"Since this is a party! Can a party be complete without women…!" The leader stared and checked the rest of the men with his eyes, he said in a solemn voice…!

"No...! Of course not...!" The men's eyes widened and perverted looks appeared. Ah that was the fun part they were waiting for...!

Their younger brother woke up from this happy news...! They screamed like raging beasts...!

"Yokadae, would there be a party without women?" The commander turned to the child Yokadai and said...!

"No sir..!" Yokadai stood up from his chair and said,

"Well, this is the required spirit…!" The captain laughed loudly and drank from the huge wine glass in his hand…!

"What are you looking at..? Go get them…!" A frightening glare appeared in his eyes

"Yes Yes…!" The men screamed, their eyes showing how excited they were..!

Yokkadai stood silently looking at them..! He's getting used to their perverted nature..! Throughout the year he spent with them, this group of women was not empty! Whether they are prostitutes or prisoners...!

He has become aware of such perverted things despite his young age! It was the environment in which the child grew up that determined his destiny..! What did yokadae grow up to? Murder and looting! Theft and rape..! How do you expect him to be a normal person...?

He began to understand that the center of this world is strength! Strength determines the way you live! From the place you sleep to the food you eat...

The weak have no right to even scream! The weak have no place in this world...! The weak should disappear from this world! These were the thoughts running through his mind whenever he saw the corpses of the villagers…!


"Leave me...!"

"Get away from me…!"

"You bastard, leave me...!"

"No..! I'll kill you, you bastard..!"

Suddenly loud and sad sounds echoed from the depths of the cave...! Depressing voices, some angry...!

But the laughter of the crazy men overshadowed them...!

"Oh yeah..!" Men cried when looking at their friends leading dozens of women towards them with hands tied with a rope...! They screamed like ferocious beasts...!

This was the feast they were waiting for..! The long awaited feast!

"Shut up everyone! Or I'll kill you...!" The leader looked at the group of women harshly and announced in a harsh voice...!

"Sir, she's here.." Suddenly one of the men came to pull a girl by her blond hair! She was young, not more than ten years old, but she was very beautiful, especially with her simple white dress! If given the opportunity, it will bloom from just a bud into a beautiful rose like a snow lotus...!

"Well done.. you idiot, don't be hard on her!!" The captain cried after looking closely and said angrily...!

"I'm sorry sir..!" The man quickly apologized! And he started pulling it gently! But this did not change anything for the girl! She was crying! And her tears fell nonstop! She was very frightened upon seeing these group of killers..!

They killed her entire family! Her grandfather and grandmother who made up her family were not spared...! They were killed in front of her eyes! She was very sad and frightened upon seeing these bandits…!

"Yukadae! This will be your share of this plunder!! Do whatever you want with her! Whether you kill her or... leave her...!" The commander looked at Yokkadai and announced...! His complexion turned shy and he stopped talking

"Or play with it!! Yokadai you're a man! A real man! Show us that!!! Haha!!!" The men laughed crazily upon seeing the captain's embarrassed expression!

Lose, you idiots! The captain shouted angrily in their faces..! After all, this was not appropriate for him to say to his only student..!!

Yokkadai was surprised to hear about this gift..! He looked at the little girl with his black eyes...! His little cheeks flushed!

"Haha, look at his expression…!" One of the men fell to the ground from laughter...!

"But this is difficult for him...!" One of the men stopped laughing when he thought about this strange situation...!

"Right..!" The men fell silent and stopped laughing...!

Solve strange silence inside the dynamic and noisy cave! The men looked at each other...

"Sir, can I start first...? I can't stand it anymore...!" After seeing this strange atmosphere, one of the men smiled and said...!

"Well, you have my permission..!" The commander waved in a gesture of his hand as if declaring the beginning of a war like a mighty general commanding thousands of soldiers…!

"Thank you" when he finished his thank you, his clothes were gone..! Leaving a scene that provokes jealousy..!

"Please...my eyes...!" One of the men who was standing near the man caught his eyes when I fell on that rickety soldier...! As if he was struck by the plague! His facial expressions changed!!

"damn you..!" A clamor erupted among the bandits...!

"Wait for me! Don't take the introduction to yourself...!" Soon the clothes left the men's bodies one by one...!

"Me too..!"

"And I...!"

Everyone was aware of the rules! The first takes the best of things...! Of course after the leader...! Everyone missed Yokadai and they all got naked...!!

"Come on, my dear disciple, this test is for you! A test to reveal your manliness and your strength...!" The captain patted Yokadai on the back and said awkwardly..!

"Yes sir...!" Yokadai rolled his eyes very quickly after seeing the leader standing naked next to him!!

He had seen such scenes last year but still finds it disgusting...!


"Don't leave me...!"

"Stay away from me"

The screams of the women echoed, but they were weaker than the resistance of these barbaric men..!

After continuing to live through plunder and robbery in the mountains and rugged places, this band of bandits acquired the powerful bodies of mortals..!

Every man catch a woman..! He entered with her in a fight to stay alive...! Women's cries of sadness and anger! And impotence...!

The law of the jungle was the main rule in this world! Small fish eat smaller ones...!

And the bandits were not satisfied after all that effort in killing the villagers It's time to relish this sweet reward...!

The women's clothes were torn and they couldn't even resist with their hands bound!

These bandits were well versed in these matters and quickly covered the women's mouths with these pieces of clothing..!

"You damned...!" The man screamed when the blonde-haired girl escaped from his grasp due to his distraction! He didn't expect that because of this secondary assignment, he would miss the opportunity to choose a beautiful woman..! Oh damn you...!

"Yokadai you bastard! Follow her or leave her! It's your problem, not mine...!" The man shouted angrily and quickly took off his lion's robe and went to participate in the feast...!

"Yes..!" Yokadai looked at the man strangely..!

"Yukadae damn you....! You bastard...!!" Suddenly the man stopped running and cried sadly! His voice was sad, as if Yokadai had killed his family! This was not much different from those feelings when looking at that remaining woman..! She was incredibly ugly...!

ah shit

"Shut up you idiot...!" After looking at someone scolding his only disciple, the leader could not remain silent. He stood up.. and shouted angrily…!

"I'm sorry sir..!" The man closed his eyes upon seeing the seemingly muscular little leader swinging in anger...!!

"I am really sorry…!" Yokadai apologizes and quickly runs away from this monster park and catches up with the blonde-haired girl...!

The frequency of the voice of the women hummed and groaned! With the laughter of amused men...!

"Just cover her head with something and your problem will be solved…!" The captain looked at that pathetic member and said...!

"Hahahaha." The laughter of the crazy men echoed as if they had heard the best joke in this world…!

"Cover your sister with it...!" The man got upset and said in his mind..! But what else could he do?

Soon he covered her ugly face with a piece of cloth...! And felt a little relaxed! He sighed sadly from his damned luck...!


Yuukade shot out like a silver arrow and swung his white hair everywhere..! Like a raging dragon...!

He was so fast compared to the little girl and soon realized...!

"Where are you running to...!" Now when he's away from the group of monsters, those guys reveal his true nature..! He laughed madly and was enjoying chasing her...!

"leave me a lone..!" The girl screamed and kept running...!

"Didn't you hear when he gave me you..? From today you've become mine.." Yokkaichi laughed and said,

"Please stop following me...!" Her sad voice echoed in the hollow cave!

"In your dreams…!" Yokkadai smiled and increased his speed...!

I turned the little girl to check his place! Her warm blood ran through the air and fell on Yokkaichi's face.

Yokkadai touched his face and wiped the warm drop on his cheek with his finger

Suddenly the girl tripped due to a rock on the ground and fell on her stomach!

"Haha..!" Yokadai laughed and in a moment he was standing in front of her..!

"Get away from me…!" The beautiful girl's face turned pale when she saw this child, who looks a little younger than her, standing in front of her! I crawled back unconsciously...!

"Please don't make such expressions...!" Yokadai's steps echoed in this silence, and he headed toward her...!

"When I see such expressions, I get the feeling that I want to kill you.." Yokadai smiled sweetly and his white teeth sparkled with a brilliant light...!

"Please, leave me..!!" The little girl begged in fear and said...!

"Well even if I leave you! Will this group of men leave you...? Don't tell me it's better to play with them than me...?"

"Even though I'm young, I'm still your lineage better than those monsters, don't you think...?" Yokkaichi laughed and said coldly...!

"Please just leave me alone...!" The girl cried sadly and her crystal-like tears flowed nonstop from her beautiful blue eyes...!

"Hmmm, maybe killing you is easier than messing with you...!" Yukadai pulled out a dagger from his black robe and said...!

The girl's body shivered from fear! Especially after her back touched the wall behind her, and there was no longer any space to escape and get away…!

"Okay, I'll give you two options! Die or play with me...!" Yokadae looked at her with his dark black eyes and said...!

The girl knew that this child was not joking from his serious words..! But both options were not suitable for her...!

"There's not much time for you to make up your mind! What's your choice?" Yokadai stared at her with a fatal look and said...!

"No! Just kill me...!" Her tears fell as smoothly as the flow of blue water in a river...!

"It's easy...!" Suddenly, Xian Long stabbed her with the middle of her right hand on the ground! Which she used to crawl back!

"Ah!" the girl cried, her expression changing from pain..! She looked in astonishment at the dagger piercing her hand and the red blood flowing from the wound nonstop…!

"This is just a small wound…! It's still a long time before I kill you and you reach the point of death…!" Yokkai's crazy laughter echoed with the sound of her screaming...!

"why are you doing this to me…!" She grabbed her hand after Yoocorde removed his dagger and said sadly...! Her scene was very sad..!

"Why...? Isn't it because you're weak...?" Yokadai looked at her and said as if this was normal for him..!

"Weak...?" The little girl muttered sadly. This word had an echo in her heart when she heard it this time…! Usually she would have spoken it unconsciously, but now in her current state I understand what the word weak means!

Someone who is helpless and can't do anything..!

A small insect stuck in a spider's web..!

So, weak one, will you continue to be stubborn, or will you accept your fate and obey me? Yokadai smiled upon seeing her surprised expression. He was well aware of her current thoughts...!

"You obey...?" The girl looked at the snow-haired child whose appearance was not worse than her appearance, but even more beautiful than her…! She was the one who took the title of the first beauty in her clan...!

And here is this beautiful young man speaking strange words..!

"Right! I'll leave you by my side..!" Yokadai wiped the blood from the tip of his dagger with his finger and slowly said…

"Are you going to release me and let me go...?" The little girl looked at him with her beautiful blue eyes and said with much hesitation...!

"what's your name..?" Yokadai looked at her and said...!

"Lin Yin!!" She said softly...!

"Yin, if you become mine, I won't mistreat you! Or of course you can go and die, it's your choice after all...!" Yookadai laughed coldly and said...!

"Is this a promise..?" The girls stopped crying and said...!

"Yeah, it's a promise!!" Yokadae said

"Don't worry, I won't go back on my word, my word is the most precious thing I have...!" After seeing her hesitation, Yuukade slowly said...!

"what should I do..?" The little girl looked at him and said,

"Okay, first." Yokadae slowly walked towards her.

Surprised, the girl tried to get away as an instinctive reaction, but decided not to walk away and faced this matter...!

This was the first kiss of the primordial demon world! She was inexperienced!

But Yokadae still continues forward without stopping!

"Hmm" The little girl let out a groan when that little tongue touched her tongue...

It wasn't for long that Yokkadai lifted her white dress, revealing her tiny, thin legs! His skin was pale white, not from disease but from divine beauty...!

Lin Yin was amazed and tried to resist!

"Calm down...!" Yokadae stared at her with his black eyes and said coldly

She looked at him strangely blue eyes! How do you calm down in such a situation! If she calms down in such a situation, this means that she suffers from mental problems

But after seeing that dark look in his eyes, her level of strength eased, only her instinctive reactions remained..!

Yokadae used strength and pulled her white dress from her body! He revealed her naked body, causing her skin to turn red from embarrassment...

She had a body with perfect curves! She missed the immature fruits, but she still stands on the pyramid of beauty for children of her age...!

"not bad…!" Yokadai laughed and said..!

"Don't look.." Lin Yin tried to cover her little body but to no avail…!

Xianlong fell on her body, examining him! This was the first time he saw the body of a child of the same age!

The crumbs blushed and turned his head away from him...!

With his hand, Yeokadai kept checking this masterpiece!

"It will be your honor! You will be my first woman!" Yokadai laughed and undressed, revealing his petite body with smooth white skin..!

"what are you doing…!" Shrink her blue pupils in astonishment! Her neck was not spared from turning pink...!

"Since you have become mine, there is no need for a boundary between us.." Yokadae held her little head in his hands and said

"But this thing." Lin Yin hadn't expected this strange thing to happen to her even in her nightmares, but now she found herself in front of the corpse of a naked child! She had never seen a naked male body. She was amazed at the difference when her beautiful blue eyes fell on little Yokadai..!

"Enough talk..." Yokkadai kissed her tightly and said...!

"Mm." Lin Yin agonized and grabbed his neck tightly!

"It's time for a real test of my manhood haha" Yeokadai laughed, imitating the rest of the perverted man when he had been watching them for the past year…!

"do not stop .. !" Lin Yin was amazed when Yokadai raised her legs, revealing her most important secret...!

"First time it's you!" Little Yokadai advanced forcefully

"No." Lin Yin's sad shriek resounded as she felt that hard part trying to pierce her..!

But Yokadae didn't care about her and kept moving forward with an unstoppable force

The little girl felt sad and tears flowed again from her blue eyes...!

It was so painful that it made her hold onto Yokadai tightly! I hugged his neck tight and cried...!

"It feels so nice." Yokadae felt warmth over him and laughed happily against her

"It is very painful." Lin Yin's expression changed and she said…

"You should get used to it." Yokadai laughed, imitating the group of men from his memories while watching them

Lin Yin raised two legs and netted them behind Yukadai's back, causing the pain to become relatively less…!

"Then this is how it feels to have a wife." Yokadai looked into her blue eyes and said...!

"I don't know…!" Her crystal-like tears streamed down and she said faintly

"From today you will know...!!" Yokkai pressed hard causing her to scream and said

"Why are you tough..!!" Lin Yin looked at him with a sad expression and said

"I am not cruel but you are the weak one…!" Yokkaichi laughed and said...!


Lin Yin continued to stay with Yukadai for a long time within this bandit group! She trained and became as sharp as a dagger as well!

She didn't interact with these savage men much but continued to listen to Yookadai's words and apply them carefully..!

She didn't know how long until she found herself living for Yokkai only

She completed many missions with Yokadai to spy and steal..!

The issue of murder is no longer bothering her too! If only Yookadai was okay, she wouldn't bother killing others..!!

The rest of the group did not treat her harshly! As she became a member of their family! She was like their little brother's wife...!

I shared the floor with Yokadi for several times! So much so that she got used to it...!! She is no longer ashamed of Yuukade as before, but begins to enjoy his company...!

The turn of events was very strange! Lin Yin had never expected him…!

But the happy days did not last when Yokkadai turned nine!

Several villages had requested and complained to a powerful clan to get rid of this bandit group until a large number of gold coins were paid to it…!

Night fell and a group of men with purple combat robes covering their bodies rushed out! They were cultivators of the Sword Clan...!!

The group members tried to resist but could not stand the strong cultivators!

"Yukadae, run...!" The commander shouted in his fight with two people in purple robes and said...!

"but…!!" Yokadai hesitated and stood there with a sad expression...! He didn't expect that this group of stupid men would end like this..! He didn't love them that much but felt that they were his family..!

"Run, you idiot...!" The leader was seriously injured but still screaming loudly...!

Yukadai gritted his teeth together from anger and helplessness, grabbed Lin Yin's hand and delved deeper into the hollow cave..!

"come on quickly ..!" Yukadai turned around and shouted angrily at Lin Yin...!!

"Present…!" Lin Yin felt sad seeing those tears flowing from his black eyes and her heart ached...!!

"Stop." One of the two men wanted to rush out and catch up with the two children…!

"Where are you going I'm still here...!!" The commander's laughter echoed and his blood-red robe was stained…!

"You bastard…!" The two men were amazed at how hard this man was...! They wondered if he was a trainee, how strong would he be then...!

"Uh!" Suddenly, the screams of the person who came forward was pierced by a dagger hidden in the hands of the bandits..!

"Are you well..?" The other person was astonished, and quickly formed an ice spear and struck the bandit leader…!

"I'm fine." The person revealed his face and revealed himself. He was a young man, no more than twenty years old...

He quickly took out a small green bottle from his spatial ring and drank the content inside…!

His body glowed with green light and he healed his fatal wound and reduced the damage to his body…

That liquid was an elixir of life that belonged to the field of chemistry! He knew how expensive it was, but the apprentices didn't feel bad about paying money to buy some coins...! Because he can save them from fatal injuries in time of need...!


"Run faster...!" Yokadai shouted and said...

They came out of a small emergency gate behind the cave

They stood by the mountain and quickly descended across the rugged terrain!

Yokadae kept screaming nonstop! This girl was all he had at the moment...! At least I wanted to save her..!

"Stop!" Suddenly, a loud shriek came from behind them.

Lin Yin's expression turned pale upon seeing that cultivator catching up to them

"Just leave me and run...!" Li Yin looked at Yokadae and said,

"Shut up and keep running...!" Yokadae shouted angrily

The good thing is that they were in a mountain with cliffs, which facilitated the process of their descent very quickly..! But how can a mere husband of mortal children escape from a strong apprentice..?

"Stop, or I'll kill you!" The apprentice shouted loudly..!

Suddenly, Yukadai felt Lin Yin's hand slip out of his fist, turned his head and looked at her standing there...!

Lin Yin withdrew her hands and let go of Yukadai's hand...!

"Don't worry about me, just run away...!!" Lin Yin cried out and said in a loud voice..!

"You idiot!" Yokadai shouted angrily. But suddenly his foot stumbled against a rock and caused him to fall down a cliff! Yokkadai kept rolling and blood gushed out from his body! He sustained many injuries...!

Lin Yin covered her small mouth with her hands and stood there looking at him silently with a strange expression on her face...!

"Be careful…!!" I screamed when Yokadai reached the edge of the cliff!

Yokadai looked in front of him and his eyes widened, there was no floor! That is the end of the mountain and below it is a deep abyss! With a narrow river flowing below and many huge stones filling the place…

"Ahhh!" Yokadai fell off the edge of the abyss and his screams echoed throughout the place....!!

"no…!" Lin Yin cried sadly and tears streamed from her blue eyes....!

Lin Yin tried to catch up with him. Suddenly the apprentice grabbed her from behind..!!

She screamed and fought with all her might, but to no avail.

"Stop, you stupid girl...!" The man screamed and hit her in the neck that knocked her unconscious...!

The world turned dark around Lin Yin but her beautiful blue eyes were still shedding tears nonstop…! It rained down like dew drops on beautiful flowers, and it came down from her cheeks, and slowly fell to the ground..!

"Looks like he won't survive this height…!!" The man went to inspect Yokadai! But he was surprised the edge of the cliff was very deep with a small river at the bottom filled with boulders and huge stones....!!

The man caught the little girl and returned to his companions...!!

The bandits have been exterminated! All of its members were killed, including the black-bearded and strong-bodied leader...!!

These were the rules of the jungle! Centered on strength!

These bandits could have crushed and killed the rest of the villagers and now the same law has been applied to them by other people…!

The weak have no right to even scream..! He must suffer in silence..! Because his screaming would only disturb the person stronger than him and would not save him from his miserable fate…!

The men did not kill the little girl and decided to take her with them!!

Yokadai passed out due to the impact and was carried away by the river.

Elsewhere, far from this mountain, a commercial caravan passed! With a large number of members..! Their chariots were pulled by some primal beasts with different and powerful bodies..!!

Primordial beasts were the best at mobility because of their stamina!!

This convoy was led by an old man! His convoy belonged to cultivators, not mortals!

He had many mortal workers working like his slaves!! He was accompanied by dozens of trainees of different levels! For protection and control...!!

In this world if you have primordial stones you can get whatever you want and hiring strong cultivators is no big deal…!!

His convoy carried various products and tools!! From medicinal herbs to many treasures..!! He had different divisions from junior primordial beasts to their own eggs...!!

From human children to strong men and beautiful women as slaves..!!

His convoy continued heading north of the Black Dragon City...! And selling their goods to various rich clans and families...!!

"Sir, look it's an unconscious child over there…?" One of the slaves looked toward the forest and pointed his finger at him and said...!!

"Go get him...!!" A trainee responsible for protecting the convoy looked at the mortal human order..!! His voice was uncontroversial...!!

Although the mortal was an old man, their position was not equal at all, he was not respected at all…!

"He's just a little kid...!!" The mortal old man was astonished and quickly headed towards him...!!

Mortal mortals were not as cruel as cultivators! They were helping each other and supporting each other to continue living in this cruel world...!!

"Oh, are you okay..!" The old man shook the silver-haired child and said...!

But no response! He quickly picked him up and headed to the trainee in charge of his squad...!!

"Sir! He is unconscious…!!" The man looked at the trainee and said..!!

"Huh, he's a beautiful child..! Let's go and take him to a doctor to examine him!! Maybe he will bring us about 70 gold coins..!!" The man laughed contentedly upon seeing this child's face!!

Who is arrogant over a blessing that he finds lying on the side of the road? Some gold coins are better than nothing..!!

Yes, the price of human children was not more than one primitive stone..!!

But this apprentice had some high expectations for Yokkai! If he has good health with his beautiful face, his price will reach even primitive stones and not just gold coins...!!

Children were sold to various brothels, clans and powerful families!! Human children were so wanted! It was a sold commodity

They were equipped from a young age to become the servants of rich families...!!


"He's fine! Maybe he fell into the river and lost consciousness...!!" The trade caravan doctor examined Yokadai's body and did not find any problems..!!

"this is good..!!" The old man sighed and said...! He could have sympathized with the fate of this miserable child...!!

Whoever loses consciousness until he finds himself being sold in the slave market..?? Just what kind of fate was this...!

One of the men in charge of child slaves took off Yokadai's robe and was surprised to find a sharp dagger there..! Get it off soon..!

The demonic ring from Yokadai's middle finger caught his attention..!! She had a unique design where her appearance was like a demonic skull…

He wanted to pull it off, but he was surprised when she didn't want to get out of his finger..!!

"Oh, you idiot! Don't hurt him...!!" His companion looked at him and said with a frightened expression..!!

"I just want this ring." The man tried again hard, but he couldn't take it off...!!

"Stop! What are we going to tell them if you hurt him..!!" The man shouted and quickly pulled his friend's hand away from Yokadai...!!

"the curse…!!" The man shouted angrily but surrendered so as not to harm Yokadai and suffer severe punishment...!

Yokadai was imprisoned with hundreds of children…! When he regained consciousness, he found himself there, looking around with his black eyes in silence...!!

His memories of those purple-robed men attacking his group returned and his gaze turned fierce…!! Tears of sadness and anger flowed from his dark eyes...!!

"Where are we...?" Yokadai looked at one of the children next to him and said..!!

"We have become slaves!!" Tears flowed from the child's eyes and cried sadly..!

"Slaves..??" Yokkai looked at him in silence! And looking around, these children were in a sad and pathetic state..!! Remember the day he was taken with Luo Ling by that group of bandits…!!

He looked at hundreds of child slaves in the past two years that his group had caught and kidnapped from their homes, they were sold in the slave market! But he did not expect to return to this state again! As a slave...!!

He sat there with a deep black look in his eyes. Remember the leader and that ugly group! Remember Lin Yin!! His tears flowed silently

The separation was painful! Even if he didn't love them that much, he considered them like his family!! They have treated him well for the past two years!!

Their loud laughter echoed when they got drunk in his head!!

Remember the only man who took care of him! The man who was like his father!

Remember the little girl! The girl who vowed to be his king for life

But now everything is gone..!! He found himself alone again...!!

Everyone left him again...!!

"Get out." He stood up and found the men wearing a black cloak that covered his entire body! Even his gender was not visible...!! His voice was so icy...

Dozens of men stood beside him very solemnly...!!

Children shivered from this scene! Their faces turned pale in fear...!!

In the past months, large groups of children as young as ten years old have been bought by people in black robes!!

They paid handsomely! They did not reveal their identities in the purchases!!

But the leader of the convoy smiled happily! That bag of primeval stones is all he cares about...!!

The men chose groups of children who seemed to be of the right age and had strong bodies!! Among them was Yokadai..!! But this kid was without a record! He did not give any details of his origin or where he came from...!!

But upon seeing his face and solid build, he was bought without thinking again...!! He had the strongest body among the entire group of kids! Sold for a very good price...!

"Wear this..!!" In the underground hall was the introduction of Yokadai group! And give them clean white shirts and pants!!

The children did not know what they would face! They advanced in a large queue and entered the huge underground hall!!

And they were amazed! Look with open eyes!! There were young children everywhere..!! Hundreds of them...!!

There are children as far as their eyesight! Some are sitting and some are standing...!!


One day they were given silver-coloured daggers..!! A dagger for every child...!

Yokadae stood there silently!! He had a deep and dark look in his black eyes...!!

Suddenly there were slight sounds in the place. But from the severity of this deadly silence that was hanging over the place, it was clearly audible..!!

The sound of simple steps and knocks is like the sound of knocking sticks with the ground...!!

Suddenly an old man appeared, but a huge build! He was standing straight like a sword...!! He wore a black mantle with a ring of black feathers on his neck, which made him even more luxurious..!!

Dozens of men with black cloaks walked respectfully behind him, indicating his status...!!

The children looked at him and swallowed their saliva as his cruel golden look fell on their bodies!! They felt that they were naked in front of his examination...!!

"welcome Sir..!" Dozens of men simultaneously bowed and said in a loud voice…

"Let's start the test.." The old man with his golden eyes looked at them with a resolute look and said

"Yes sir!" The voices of hundreds of black-robed people echoed together in the huge hall…!

The golden-eyed old man stood on the wooden platform looking at the children in this huge underground hall…! He leaned back a little and sat in the driver's seat on the podium...!

The shape of the black chair was majestic especially when the old man and his luxurious robe sat on it! As if it was created just for him...

The children looked with lifeless eyes at this newcomer who seemed to be the leader! The person responsible for kidnapping them and forcibly buying them from their families…!

Even if he was not the one who kidnapped them, except because of the people who buy children, others kidnap them..!! Meaning that he is the main reason for their suffering!!

If children don't just buy who will bother kidnapping them..??


You mortals! Oh you ants..! Today is the day you will decide your fate in your own hands…!" Suddenly a black-robed person stepped to the edge of the stage and said in a solemn and solemn voice…

"Some may think that it is unfair to take you by force from your families..! Some of you may think that this is a barbaric or cruel matter.."

"But let me make it clear to you that you are wrong..! The weak do not have the right to live a free life! A happy life! The weak must suffer..!"

"They shall bear an eternal curse of despair and grief..! Today we, the Black Dragon Clan, will give you a chance to rise to the top…!"

"If you want to change your destiny, you must work hard and work hard!

Nothing is free in this cruel world...!"

"We will give you a chance to enter the cultivation world! Perhaps one day stand at the top…!"

"But there is a condition that you must repay your debt with your life..! You must pledge your absolute loyalty to the Black Dragon Clan…!"

"Our clan once ruled the entire Senya Realm…! It was above the pyramid of other clans..! But after thousands of years unfortunately our clan has descended…! But this situation isn't that bad for you…!"

"This opportunity is your blessing in this life...! An opportunity that would not be available to you even in your dreams in normal times...!"

"Now 300 children can enter for free, without restrictions or conditions, to our clan…! The legendary Black Dragon clan…!"

The man shouted and said very loudly! He used his primordial energy belonging to the Sound Realm and said in a solemn voice…!

"300 kids? What's he saying...!" The children looked at each other in astonishment

"At least there are several hundred here, how can only 300?"

"It's true that's too little...!

"It's crazy..! This is really crazy!"

The children muttered one by one in annoyance…

"Sir, how do we participate in the test?" One of the children looked at the black-robed man at the front of the stage and said in a loud voice…!

"Hmmm, what is the entrance test?" The black-robed man smiled very frightfully under his black robe..! If the children looked at him, they would shiver from fear of this devilish smile...!

"What is in your hands?" The black-robed man looked at them and said

Hundreds of children no more than ten years old looked at their hands simultaneously...! But their facial expressions changed... They had an incredibly ominous feeling...!

"Sir, what do you mean...!" The children screamed one by one but you can sense the fear in their little voice…!

"You clever kids..! Your guess is correct. This is a life-or-death test." The black-robed man laughed and said.

Pale the face of thousands of children at once...! super synchronous

Even if they trained for dozens of years, they wouldn't be able to display such a level of teamwork...! Such synchronization with one idea.!

"But that's not…" The children tried to speak but no child managed to get their words out when the golden-eyed old man banged his black wand against the stone ground… and shot his primordial aura out of his body!

The children fell to the ground as if there was a huge and heavy barrier pushing them all down…! It was sharp as a sword..!

The old man looked at them with his divine sense and sensed them all...!

He wanted to check them and their will...!

Children fell like sea waves that descend down the sea...! They couldn't resist...! They all fell...!


"Inside the Hetan Sacred Realm! Murder is not a sin! Death is a sin...there is no good or evil in this world! The strong bully is not the evil one! The weak is the true evil! He is the root of all evil! The weak are impure, they stick in this world...!"

"You have a deadline for the whole night..! If you don't kill the others, you will be killed!"

"If the children don't kill you, our men will kill you."

"Failure is not allowed...! Success is all you have to have"

"To live and have a chance to rise in such a cursed world.! Or die and have nothing…!"

"Now I announce the beginning of the test for joining the Black Dragon Clan…." The black-robed man spoke from the sound field extremely solemnly..!

All the kids got a dagger that was about half their arms long and now their frightening idea came true... before their eyes their fears were embodied...!

Yokadai stood there looking at the rest of the children in silence!

"Now start the test...!" The black-robed man cried out in a loud voice that shook the entire hall…!

It didn't take long for miserable cries to begin spreading in the huge hall…! Kids started killing each other! And the first killer was the snow-haired Yokadai!


In Xianlong's past life, he was as cold as a sharp dagger! He killed all the children he saw!!

He got used to the murder scenes with that bandit group!! He had a graceful and strong body...!

Advance like a sharp blade forward...!

Grow up alone! And trained alone with the children of the metal field!! His life was not wonderful or exceptional! He had an average talent in cultivation and training!!

Learn martial arts with the children of the Black Dragon clan!

He did not have any friends until he was 15 years old! Where fate brought together Yukadai and the red-haired Li Ming!!

Where the spirit of darkness awakens and reveals the true brilliance of Yokadae!

Dark spirit or bodyless...!

Shaped like a little black fur ball with two demon red eyes in the middle! She was very nice!

Or the form of a demonic-looking sword! Or the infernal black room! Or the hands of the Demon King...!

He did not have a specific shape! He could change his appearance by concentrating the Primordial Energy! It was a strange creature belonging to the darkness...!

It was Yokkai's trump card in those years...!