
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasía
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118 Chs


The group wondered where Ana had disappeared, but Tenebrea assured them that Ana was just running an errand, so they did not worry any longer. They continued with their training, and Ana came back after a few hours.

She and Tenebrea walked away, and Ana reported what she saw

"There are two hundred and seventy two intermediate creatures of the intermediate green rank, a hundred and three of the advanced green rank, and forty six at the peak of the green rank in a two thousand kilometer range. What are your orders?"

"That's a bit much. Ana, do you think they'll be able to handle it?" Tenebrea asked her loyal aide.

"My liege, I think, as they were taught by you, they will be able to face such easy creatures." Tenebrea laughed as she heard what Ana said.

"Okay then. Leave a clone here so we can at least move forward. To rally the creatures in our direction, how many days would you need?"

"About a day. I should be able to complete the task in a day." She said it with conviction.

"Okay, do it. Let's cause a monster horde." Tenebrea smiled evilly.

No one noticed that Anastasia had once again left. She left a blood clone that looked exactly like her but was a bit weaker, with only 50% of her actual strength. They continued riding and wanted to train, but Tenebrea told them to rest as they had been training for a long time and it would cause damage to their bodies if they didn't rest.

Everyone felt the truth in Tenebrea's word, so they chose to rest. Meanwhile, within the forest, Ana was causing the beasts that felt like kings of their castle to move away in fear. She intimidated them with her aura and even beat some of them up who tried to challenge her.

In less than a day, there were several beasts of different ranks running in one direction, away from the demon lady that came to their abode to disturb them. They brought down trees, and anything in their path was brought down without a care.

Their one objective was to run as far away from the devil woman as possible, no matter the obstruction.

In the carriage, they were all resting when Tenebrea perked up and smiled. They all noticed her movement, so they stared at her. She looked at the group and said

"Finally, your first test is here."

They were confused, but then the floor started to tremble.

Scarlet looked out the window and shivered. "Ummm, master, when you say test, do you mean the beast horde heading towards us, or do you mean you'd ask questions and we'd answer?"

"Beast horde, of course. Oral tests are always so boring. Well, you guys should try to survive together. Go all out, or else it might become dire for you."

Tenebrea kicked all of them out of the carriage, which started floating and then flew away.

"Scarlet, how many beasts are there? I can feel their vibrations, but I can't give a certain number, but they feel like a lot. Julius said as he touched the floor. He was using vibration to know the number of creatures, but he could not get an actual figure."

"I am not really sure, but I saw over three hundred, maybe even four hundred, but the scary part is not the number; I did not see a single creature below intermediate green rank." Solemnly, Scarlet said

"Wait, aren't you both peak blue rank? Master wouldn't try to harm us, would she?" Davina was wondering what kind of nutjob her elders had left her with.

"No, she wouldn't try to hurt us. Julius and I have no problem fighting intermediate green rankers."

"Well, since Master thinks we can handle this, then let's get ready." He took his hammer from Maverick's side. (Author's note: I am changing Julius's weapon to a hammer instead of a mace due to functionality.)

"You ready, buddy?" Maverick huffed as his fur hardened and reddened. Julius chuckled as he readied his hammer. The vibration of the beasts was getting closer.

Scarlet brought her bow out and nocked five flaming arrows. Davina looked around and realized she was the only one who looked like she wasn't ready, so she jumped to hide in a tree. Her training with Tenebrea was to be a silent assassin type mage.

Finally, the first beast was seen, and after the first one, The second one was in view, and then the third, the fourth, and so on. Before Scarlet could fire her bow, five of the beasts in front fell down, dead.

The beasts behind were confused but did not mind; they continued onward, trying to avoid the fallen. That attack came from Davina, who was in the trees. She had used a curse spell called [Heart attack]." It was a spell that made the heart become like a mini bomb within the body.

Scarlet did not mind what happened, as she already figured it was Davina. Scarlet was a ranged attacker, so she had to make sure she stayed far away. She fired her arrows, which caused environmental damage. Even if it was just a tiny flame that touched the body, it would ignite until it covered the entire body.

Julius and Maverick ran forward. Julius raised his hammer and struck down; a big shockwave was created, blowing the beasts around into chunks while Maverick ran around, charging and ramming into everything in its path. The speed of the horde decreased, but it was still pronounced.

Ana had already returned to the carriage that was hovering above the group fighting.

"They are quite impressive, aren't they, Ana?" Tenebrea said as she drank a glass of blood.

"Yes, my queen. You have trained them well."

"The best is yet to come. Let's just watch, just in case they can't hold on any longer."

They watched the battle going down below, but at this point, this was not a battle but a butchering. Beast carcasses were all around, but they were all intermediate green ranks. The advanced and peak green ranks all stayed behind and slowed down their pace as they felt the people in front of them were clearly dangerous, but not as dangerous as the demon lady that came to drive them out of their homes.

Ahead, Julius was seen jumping great heights; every swing of his hammer caused bodies to look like pancakes; a boulder mammoth rampaged at him. The boulder mammoth was a peak green ranked beast. It was the first to break the line and also the first creature that wasn't squashed by Julius's hammer.

He was pushed back, but there was no fear in his eyes. He was a barbarian, which means he loved to battle; it was ingrained in his very being, and now he had met a creature that did not die under one swing.

"Maverick, take out the surrounding beasts. I will deal with this big boy." Maverick charged forward and jumped a bit in the air. He curled and looked like a ball with spikes; if Maverick were blue, he'd look like everyone's favorite hedgehog.