
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
118 Chs

Dead men tell no tales

Midas was walking down the other forked path where his summons were, along the way he kept on receiving souls of the fallen bandits but he did not mind. Behind him walked Wrath carrying Daren. They were all walking in silence, after walking in silence for a minute or two, they arrived at a different hall but this hall reeked of blood and was filled with corpses. Such a sight was very eerie while Midas was used to such a sight and Wrath was relatively undisturbed by it, Daren was still new to such a scene so he leaned over Wrath as he hurled his guts out. After a couple of seconds, he was done but it seemed he was still really disgusted at the state of this place. Above all the corpses stood all of Midas's soul summons, they all had gunk and pieces of flesh, entrails, and some blood on their bodies.

Midas saw this scene and felt like a proud father. He sucked them back into his soul space, leaving only Wrath to guard him. He started to absorb the souls of the newly killed bandits and his aura was steadily increasing till he felt like he was about to breakthrough, he pushed intensively till he finally broke through to the intermediate blue rank stage.

He got up, he looked in the direction of where Licht was, he felt shock waves from there when he was in the place he found Daren but now it was silent so he knew the battle was over.


The wall crumbled down and Licht walked out, his clothes were covered in dust, evidence of the battle he just had, he was now sporting his signature smile.

"Master, it looks like you actually enjoyed your warm up" Midas chuckled as he saw Licht walk in

"And it looked like you have two new companion" Licht chuckled back as he stared at Wrath and Daren.

Since Wrath has an improved level of intelligence, she instantly knew that Licht was someone that far exceeded her and her master in terms of strength. She dropped Daren down as she said "Greeting to the master's master", Daren understood too and said the same thing.

Licht looked at the soul summon and was honestly surprised "In his journal, he never mentioned that his soul summons were capable of gaining proper intelligence and actually speak. I look forward to the miracles Midas can pull in the future." Licht pondered then said "That is honestly too wordy, just call me Sir Licht like everyone seems to do"

Both Wrath and Daren nodded. Licht walked toward Midas and said "Congratulations on breaking through to the intermediate blue rank"

Midas bowed to Licht "Thank you master. So what do we do now?"

"Take everything of use then destroy this place" Licht shrugged

Midas nodded then summoned all the bandits souls and got them to loot the entire place. Everything was taken from coins, to herbs, to weapons, spell books and techniques, even the ores from the mines were excavated.

It took about two hours to be done then they were all recalled back to Midas's soul space. Licht, Midas, Wrath and Daren all came out of the mines and then Licht chanted " AVALANCHE"

A loud sound was heard from the mine and it started to collapse inward. The interior of the cave was rapidly being filled with boulders and other rocks, the entrance of the cave was now covered with different sizes of rocks. From now on, the dead men bandits were officially like their name, dead.

Licht looked upwards and saw the sun was nowhere to be found but it had been replaced by a shining moon. "Let us make camp here. We would move in the morning" He said as he walked toward the dracohorses.

He waved his hands and the trees around shook off their branches and then the branches were used to make fire.

Licht sat in a makeshift tent that he made by using wood from the forest while Mias sat at the opposite end of the fire with Wrath and Daren. It was quite shocking for Wrath to still be out as she constantly used Midas's soul ether energy to stay out but that testified to how much soul ether energy Midas had in reserve, it was replenishing more than she could use in a minute. Midas stared at Daren and decided to check what his attribute was as he could not stay weak and move with him and his master.

He explained to Daren exactly what Licht explained to him when he wanted to find out his own attribute too. As Midas explained, he felt nostalgic remembering how hungry and weak he was before Licht found him, he looked at Licht with gratitude in his eyes. Licht noticed his gaze and smiled back.

Midas smiled back and then looked at Daren who seemed to be invested in finding out his attribute, even Wrath was looking a bit hopeful, although she lost a major amount of her emotions, she still cared for Daren and hoped the best for him.

A few minutes had passed and then Daren opened his eyes, the excitement was clear in his eyes which meant that he had an attribute.

"Master, I saw two colors, one was black with white highlights while the other was purple". Daren said

Midas thought for a moment and said "It seems luck is on your side. You are a dual ether user of both the shadow attribute and the poison attribute. It seems like the path of an assassin has been laid bare in front of you. The question is do you accept it?" Midas asked. Midas had been around Licht for a while so he was already sounding and talking like his master.

"I shall be your shadow and your dagger, Master" Daren said without a single waver in his voice.

Wrath was pleased, Midas was impressed and even Licht had approval in his eyes.

Midas retrieved two books from his soul space on how to cultivate both attributes and gave Daren a block the size of a volleyball.

"Cultivate but we leave in the morning," Midas said as he sat down in front of the fire and recalled Wrath, now it was only three men in front of a fire in the middle of the night.