
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasía
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118 Chs

Adopting 7 Children

Eight thousand years ago, a man wandered around the world. He traversed seas, fought beasts, killed bandits, and pillaged villages. He had no moral compass. He just did what he wanted. He finally reached a continent that was dark red and seemed dreary. The air was thick with bloodlust, but he did not mind.

He moved around the continent, unhindered by anyone or any group. One day, he came across a community, or a race. They were brawling among themselves and killing each other in an arena. He became excited, joining the arena deathmatch and ultimately winning it.

He was showered and carried away, only to be crowned as their ruler. He was surprised, but the treatment was good, so he did not mind being their ruler for a while.

A few months passed, and he was walking around his clan, which was being upgraded on a massive scale. He came across seven children who were rummaging through trash. This was normal in the society so he did not really pay it any attention, but what intrigued him was how these seven children aggressively stood their ground against a bunch of older people that wanted to steal their trash food.

The kids obviously lost, but the man was still shocked to see they did not cry or sulk. They picked themselves up and chased after the grownups, who beat them down again and again and again till they were at death's door.

The king decided he was going to teach these children how to defend themselves properly. He killed the grown-up bullies and carried the seven children to his abode. He healed them and saved them from death's door. After a day passed, they woke up and stared at the king, ready to attack if he tried anything.

He laughed and asked, "What are your names?"

They all looked at each other, and one of them, a boy, puffed out his chest and said, "You need to introduce yourself first before we tell you ours."

"I am your king. Now what are your names?" He asked once again with a cold smile.

The boy gulped in fear and said, "Sanel."

"Churke." A boy a bit bigger than the others also spoke.

"Othro." A boy who looked like a girl said:

"I am Ashet." One of the girls spoke. She had a cunning look.

"Inca," An adorable little girl said

"Eath." A fat boy said. The king found this one to be amusing because if you are struggling and clearly poor, then why are you so chubby, like you eat every hour of the day?

The last boy said with a yawn, "My name is Andes."

After the seven introduced themselves, the king ordered his servants to serve them food and change their clothing. From that moment on, the king began the training of what would terrorize the entire continent: The Seven Deadly Sins.

The children slowly grew up and began showcasing crazy abilities under the tutelage of the king. Sanel was a natural-born leader, and he also had the crazy ability of petrification. As long as he deemed you unfit, you would be turned to stone. He did not need to stare at you or touch you. His power used will; the only thing was that he could not use it against enemies that were several levels stronger than him.

Churke could enlarge his body parts, giving him immense physical strength. Othro had the ability to alter thoughts. He could cause an entire kingdom to invade a different one by just thinking about it with his victim in sight.

Ashet's ether ability was a weird one. She could steal abstract materials. Assuming she was facing an opponent, she could rob the opponent of his will to fight or live; she could rob the opponent of their sight or courage.

Inca could create clones of herself, and those clones could possess the bodies of whoever she wished, controlling them like puppets. Eath just ate. That was literally his ability; his mouth was like a black hole; be it armor or weapons, he could eat them and digest them properly. And finally, Andes, who, according to the king, had the strongest ability of all, he had several abilities. One was traversing dreams; he could create entire worlds within a dream and trap a person within them, and in his dream world, he reigned supreme. If Andes managed to find a way to get the king into his world, then the king would lose ten out of ten times. Another weird thing about Andes ability was that he could retain all the powers he had in his dream for the same amount of time that he was asleep, which meant that if he slept for 4 hours, when he woke up, every ability he had in the dream would be accessible to him until the 4 hours were over. Of course, if he tried to use that power, it would exhaust his life force. He could not dream of being immortal, but he could sleep to slow his aging. (Author's note: You really did not expect me to leave such an OP power there without any repercussions, did you?)

The king also trained them in melee combat and ranged combat, so they were actually masters in the art of combat and strategies too. After undergoing all this training from the king, he made them generals in his army and gave each of them a title.

Sanel "The Vain"

Churke "The Fury"

Othro "The Spite"

Ashet "The Covetous"

Inca "The Crowd"

Eath "The Pit"

Andes "The Dream"

These titles slowly changed over time from what they were to what people chose to call them. The king also liked the sound of the nicknames, so he chose to make those nicknames their permanent names. Sanel became Pride, Churke became Wrath, Othro became Envy, Ashet became Greed, Inca became Lust, Eath, as expected, became gluttony, and finally Andes was named Sloth, which fit him to the tee.

They spearheaded the demon race to a whole new level. These names became stories of fear, and the one who led them, the demon king, became a name people did not carelessly utter. The only race that was a bit safe from the conquerors were the vampires. They were difficult to kill, and they fed on the blood of their enemies, which gave them nourishment and strength during battle. The seven deadly sins planned to face the vampires last after they were done dominating all the races on the continent.

One day, their king called them up. They saw their king as their father, but what he told them next shocked them.

"I have gotten bored, so it seems it's time I leave."

They pleaded with him to stay or take them along, but he refused.

"I have spent centuries developing us to where we are right now. I can't take you all and just watch it collapse. I need you to watch over for me. I will be back, my children." He said that and walked out, leaving the seven heartbroken, but they understood they must keep their "father's" legacy going, so they took on the mantle as the leaders of the demon clan. They closed themselves off from the rest of the world, waiting for their king to return.

They waited for three thousand years, but they were not tired. They were very patient until one day they looked into the sky and witnessed a battle that was breathtaking. They recognized one of the characters in the sky; the white, silver hair was unmistakable. It was their king; he was back. They wanted to get involved in the battle, but they knew the shockwave from a battle of such proportions would destroy them, so they just watched on. In the end, the giant being sent their king and a woman they knew to be the vampire queen flying in separate directions. They had a feeling that their king had lost, so they commenced a search for his body, but they could not find it. Later, they heard rumors saying the vampire queen had gone into hibernation, so they figured the same would happen to their king. Once again, they waited and waited. They slowly got tired of only waiting, so they started doing other things, and as they did, they started to age faster and faster. The first to die was Sanel; it was a sad day for the remaining six.

Sanel, on his death bed, said, "I know father would awaken. Please tell him we all waited and never doubted his return." And like a domino falling, the others started to die from old age and exhaustion.

Othro, Churke, Ashet, Inca and finally Eath all died, leaving their brother alone. Andes was saddened that he was the last one, so he chose to go into a deep sleep. He only awoke when the demon clan was disturbed, and with the power he had in his dream, exterminating an army of one hundred thousand was as easy as blowing wind.

Andes ought to have been immortal, but that was the downside of his abilities. He could spend millions of years in his dream world and not age, but once he used the ability in the real world, he would age drastically. The attack that caused the deaths of one hundred thousand soldiers reduced his lifespan drastically. He held on to life dearly to make sure he relayed the feelings of his brothers and sisters to Licht, and now that was done, he was finally free. Andes, the dream, would finally rest forever in an eternal, blissful sleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author's note: Licht went to the mart to get some milk. ;)