
Ling Xi - Tang Wu

Ling Yun nodded to Ling Xi. "The Chaos Dragon told me everything, so it can't be wrong. However, I won't give you the partner mark for now, especially since your cultivation is too far above mine, so I'll give it to the two of them first."

"No problem." Ling Xi replied with a sweet smile. Even though she wanted the partner mark to accompany Ling Yun in the dark dome, she preferred to prioritize his other women, who were far weaker than her; only then could they all become stronger quickly. "So which of them will you give the partner mark next?"

"Hmm? I'll give it to my mother." Ling Yun decided without hesitation, for Yi Mingxia was the most important person in his heart. "Besides her, I will also give it to my grandmother."