
Fair Deal

What Zara told me was rather brief. Or, to be precise, they were mostly about what my status and position is within this academy.

But these files… they were pretty detailed about me, as well as my family. About my elder brothers and sisters as well.

I didn't read everything, as that would garner suspicion, so I just skimmed over the papers one at a time, until I felt like it was enough to show that I was confirming the amount of information.

"So. How is it?" Livia was grinning from ear to ear, as she looked at me and I observed her with a defeated smile before speaking,

"Alright. You win."

This was really a treasure trove for me if I wanted to live peacefully for the time being.

I wanted to ask just how she did it…. But for now, I glossed over it. Let's fulfill my side of the deal first,

"So… pick any of the three fingers," I raised my hand, with three fingers pointing up, towards her.

A bit confused at first, she then picked the middle finger and I nodded before speaking,

"I can help you out in a way that you can have extra mana with you. Emergency storage, if you may say, which you can use twice if fully charged. Interested?"

Her eyes widened as she was about to shout," you are lyin- "but then her eyes noticed the colorless ball in my hand.

"Gulp," she then looked at me again.

"Is there really a way?" She asked again, and I nodded before speaking," but since the deal only includes you. You are the only one I will tell."

That also meant Daphne was out of the question for this one.

"Not fair!" Daphne shouted with a betrayed expression.

"Help me out with my training daily and maybe we can have a deal as well," I laughed at her reaction and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Promise?" She asked with slight anticipation in her eyes and I nodded, before a smile appeared on her face.

"Then. Would you like me to tell you immediately or later? Also… it would be better if you choose a private place. Just saying," I spoke with a serious expression, making her stump for a moment before she answered,

"Let's begin immediately."

She then turned to Daphne," Daphne."

"I understand. I will leave… just be careful, okay?" Daphne made an understanding expression before standing up and taking her leave.

"Now what?!" With high anticipation, Livia smiled at me.

"Well. It would be better if I were to explain the process. We will then move on to the process," I spoke before going into details.

What I was going to do actually was create a mana storing array on her back. It's more like a magic circle that can store mana, act like a reserve, and give it back to the person.

Though I needed to teach her bits about how mana flows in our bodies before I told her how I would form a circle on her back, using my mana.

The hesitation hit her face, but as I went into the depth of the process, she seemed to calm down a lot. The colorless ball plays a major role in her relaxed state right now.

I told her the details and even kept answering most of her questions and doubts. And even though the discussion took an hour, by the end, it didn't seem like she had much problems with it.

"Alright. Since it's like that, let's go to my bedroom. I might need to expose my back to you, right?" She asked with a slightly mischievous smile. I could only chuckle and nod at her.

And thus, much to the guards and butlers dismay, Livia shut them up and took me to her bedroom, where she sat on the bed.

"This is the first time I am letting a guy in my bedroom," she mentioned and I gave a cheeky smile." It's my honor."

"Turn around," she said, and I did so.

For the next few moments, I stood there before her voice came again,

"You can turn now."

Turning around, I saw her sitting topless with her back to me.

"Try anything strange and I will kill you," she spoke in a stern voice and I chuckled as I answered," I wouldn't dare."

And moving towards her, I reached up to the bed, closer to her back as I spoke, "It's going to itch a little, so bear with it."

"Hmm," she answered as she braced herself and I covered my index finger with mana and began finding the mana veins inside her body.

"You have 4 affinities, right? May I ask what they are?" I asked when I started mapping the mana veins and figuring out the best way to create the array.

"Ice. Water. Blood. Darkness," she mumbled, and I nodded before speaking,

"Then I will add an extra layer of mana array. This will let you use two affinities at once without them colliding," I said, as I was pretty excited about creating a mana array after so long.

It was one of my most favorite pastime hobbies back in my old days.

"If you really can do that. I might give you a kiss on the cheeks," she joked a little before getting embarrassed at it. While I laughed a little before speaking,

"Then I better get serious then."

And finally, I began creating an array on her back with all my concentration.

The reason I didn't create an array on my body was because I was first going to unblock all my blockages like I did with the mana one. Or else the mana array and the blockage might hinder each other.

As for Livia, it didn't matter much, as long as she got a little boost in her power. And I highly doubt that anyone could remove her blockage given how messy it has become because of her quadruple affinity.

Anyway… let's focus on the mana array for now.