
Primogenitor in the Multiverse(SI)

I am by no means a writer, I have zero talent for sentence structuring and grammar. This fanfic is also heavy wish fulfillment and should not be read you have been warned ---------- Mikhail is an average guy in the modern day capitalist world. On this day making his way to his favorite grocery store he would unknowingly step on a truly special path. I do not own anything about any of the worlds or characters used in this fic besides my own OC

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5 Chs

Ch. 4 Adoption plan and timeskip Small R18 at the end

As I woke up I slowly remembered what I had planned for the day and immediately jumped into action 'Cortana how do I summon Grayfia and can I summon her at a location away from myself?' I asked with a small trace of urgency I may not need blood for my primary combat familiars but my support familiars all require blood and I would rather not get shredded by space itself trying to teleport through my familiar since I haven't fully unlocked it yet

'Host only needs to ask and Cortana with summon her here with all necessary knowlege and submission locked at max, and to answer your other question yes she can' replied Cortana

'perfect well then please summon her somewhere nearby but not within the orphanage and make plans for her to adopt me right away' I said after all With shares of a top 500 company and grayfia to manage them in my absence while I am growing up We can easily set up a very comfortable lifestyle and I have confidence grayfia will be able to make my profits grow

'confirmed' replied cortana


~15 minutes later

A stunning beauty walks into the nursary wearing a maid outfit that should be called erotic but somehow seems more formal than a normal one. She has a very strict looking expression on her beautiful face and a very large set of assets, on her head is a beautiful set of silver hair and when she first looks at me I feel like I see her face melt into a mixture of doting, love of cute things and..... lust? anyway as she looks at me she states that I am the one to the head nun as she turns around as says "Hello Young Mistress~~" sensually in my ear

After some paperwork while grayfia refused to put me down during the whole time we finally left the orphanage and after getting a magic I.D. card from the box for grayfia we bought the nice apartment on the opposite side of the akatsuki family from where himeragi would eventually live.... Who am I kidding we bought the entire complex out and moved their neighbor to another complex elsewhere in the building with a bit of magic.

After we got settled in I communicated telepathically with grayfia and told her when I reach two years old I would like her to start training me in magic.

One thing I think I forgot to mention was that apparently I am Female I feel that I should be male but I don't know because of my wish, I only just now realized I forgot to specify in that notes file my preferred gender.


Timeskip 6 years


It has been six years since my initial adoption and a lot has changed in that time for the first two years I spent Mastering the soul meditation manual and not much else after i reached two years of age Grayfia started to train me and as it turns out the energy control manual allows me to use magic like devils from the dxd world also my stats have grown monstrously due to a mixture of how Vampires grow in this world and my wish it would be better to show you


Name: Luciel Transmodifon Tartarik I

Gender: Female

race: 5'th Primogenitor Vampire

age: 2 months

level: 0


strength: 6000/0/512

endurance: 6000/0/467

agility: 6000/0/678

intelligence: 6000/0/1324

wisdom: 6000/0/1256

luck: 60/0/5

(average adult men have 10 in all stats but luck on average while luck ranges from 1-5)

points: 0


Yea... my stats have grown monstrously if the normal primogenitor vampire grows in strength of 1 man per year I grow by 100 men per year due to my wish and with the way that ties in with my system and potential it becomes even more monstrous.

I guess i should explain how my stats calculate in my system now the first set of numbers is innate stats or "natural growth" this means these stats decide how strong I am without any training and also decide the limits of how high my stats can grow through training, the second set of stats is for stat points gained by the system these are seperated more for my sake than anything these stats function almost the same as the first except that they also affect my appearance like building muscles, lean physique, etc, and the final set of stats are those that grow through training and are "aquired stats"

anyways other than growth I have started primary school with Kojou and Yaze, I have become quite chummy with the two of them I am debating if I want to try and pursue any of the girls from this world and I am pretty Confidant in saying there is only two that I want to pursue a relationship with those be La Folia and the famous Natsuki-don't-call-me-chan for both her legal loli and onee-san forms but I am aware that I will need other sources of blood for my familiars while I may only end up bonding with one or two in the end they will still be bonded to me.

Also a bit of a strange thing I discovered within these last few years when I realized that I am 100% lesbian is that although I didn't specify my gender in the description of my desire for having peak Body and Mind potential as well as a perfect Body and Mind I specified having at least a certain size erect p*n*s which looking back on makes me ashamed of the former self I know nothing about.... but it means that I am able to grow and retract a very large d*ck so theres that. anyways its time for me to go down and have breakfast

As I head down I see many beautiful maids cleaning the mansion I now reside in during summer breaks. When I reach the bottom of the stairs Grayfia is standing there ready to follow me in case theres anything I need. As I pass by her I say to her "Grayfia follow me to the dining room I wish for your 'company' for my meal this morning" at that grayfia blushes with some heavy breathing and responds "Right away young mistress~"

As I sit down at the beautiful table with many ornate and expensive decorations My focus is entirely on my maid instead as she slowly and sensually strips down until she is nude as she gets down on her hands and knees she crawls under the table and carefully takes off my shoes before I shove them into her face forcing her to breathe in their scent

"breathe It all in slowly Grayfia, Its your Mistress' scent and you must savour it slowly!" I say and in response I hear a moan of delight and ecstasy along with long, deep breaths from below

After making sure Grayfia had intenalized both the pleasure of breathing In my scent and the pleasure of being beneath me and stepped on I allowed her to lick my feet and worship them by simply saying "worship" after that like a dog jumping on leftovers she immediately started to like every nook and cranny of me feet and praise their beauty and delicate scent that is better than any flower. after a few minutes of enjoying this I lifted my skirt up and pulled my panties to the side(black if you were wondering) and pointed at my p*ssy before saying "good girl you look like you should be getting thirsty if you make me feel good you can drink my personally made tea today" and again like a drug addict rushing for a hit she gave her utmost at cunnilingus trying to make me satisfied "AHHN AAAAH FUAAAH AMN AH AH HAAAAAHH IM AHN CUMMING!!!!" I screamed as I came after settling down again I said "good girl you did a fantastic job get ready for my personally made 'tea'" after which She knelt in front of me with her mouth open with hearts in her eyes with how excited she was before a golden stream poured out from my crotch into her mouth and onto her face.

With that done and grayfia laying on the floor like a dog I finished my meal and moved on with my day.