
Pride within the Cullens

A teenage werelion who thinks he is the only supernatural around moved to Forks Washington how quickly will he find out he was wrong? join him on his adventure through high school as something other than human.

ValiCain · Derivados de obras
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Edward's Return

Author's Note

I'm moving back towards the canon of the Twilight series. Again read and review leave me suggestions for ways for me to improve/introduce to my writing.

As always I do not own Twilight or any related elements.

Line Break

Monday, January 24th, 2005

It's been a week since I've stayed at the Cullen's house. My relationship with Alice has only grown in that time. I have continued to sit with Alice during lunch. Bella would look at our table every day to see if Edward had come back.

I awoke In my own room to the smell of breakfast being made. I walked over to the window and saw heavy snow pouring down. It was early in the morning I quickly went over to my closet so I can get dressed. My closet was filled with already separated outfits that Alice had chosen. I grabbed a pair of black jeans, a white collared shirt, and a gray-fitted Ralph Lauren pullover.

I made my way downstairs to find mom already sitting at the dining room table eating her breakfast. "Started without me?" I gave her a bemused look. She just shrugged at me while she continued eating. I took my seat to see she had made me a couple of breakfast sandwiches.

I immediately devoured them before she looked back to talk to me. "After work, I'll be late coming home. I am going to go hang out with my friend Charlie that I told you about." I just looked at my mom intrigued.

"Got yourself a date huh?" I joked with her, she blushed at my insinuation.

"Umm, No it's not like that he is just my friend." She responded still blushing. I only chuckled before hearing the sign of Alice's arrival. "besides it seems that your date has arrived to pick you up." She stood up and walked to the front door before opening it for Alice to come in.

"Well kitten your clothing options in recent times have improved dramatically," Alice said as she came over to hug me. "My lost brother arrived home early this morning."

I only shrugged I haven't really had any interactions with him. He came across as a very distanced person. Everyone in her family has been really welcoming of me except Rosalie. But even then it was really a dislike toward me as much as it was a lack of trust.

I quickly finished my breakfast before standing up and embracing Alice. "Ready for school Pixie?" I looked at her.

She gave me a quick kiss "Now I'm ready kitten." we said our goodbyes to mom and made our way to Alice's car. It was a snowy day so Alice didn't drive as fast as she typically would.

Arrival at Forks High

We pulled in between Edward's Volvo and Emmett's Jeep. As has been the case since Alice started taking me to school everyone stopped and stared at us. Edward's face scrunched up as he look towards the crowd. But as soon as an old rustic truck pulled into the parking lot that's where his attention snapped to.

Alice and I just hung out with the other coupled Cullens. While Rosalie didn't particularly like me but she couldn't stand Bella. I think the fact that Edward was infatuated with her, a human probably didn't help Bella's case in the slightest.

We all went our separate way to our classes and the day went along pretty much the same way it always goes. Most people avoid me due to the fact I give off an intimidating aura.

Time skip: Lunchtime

Alice and I made our way to our usual table to find that the rest of the Cullens are already there. Anna and Jasper were sitting together talking to each other same with Emmett and Rosalie. Edward was just staring at Bella absently.

As Alice and I sat down at the table still arm in arm I spoke to Edward, "Got to say man the staring is just kinda creepy. You should go and talk to her." At that Jasper and Emmett instantly busted out laughing.

Looking at his brother's annoyed he responds, "I share my next class with her I will talk to her then." He just gives me a scathing look before returning his attention back to Bella.

I just gave him a shrug as a scarfed down my food and grabbed Alice's plate to eat it. Anna looked toward me with disgust on her face, "You eat like a pig."

"Well, I'd rather eat this food than just have you guys throw it away, after all, I have a very large appetite." I responded and she only shrugged before a question piped into my head. "you know I'm curious if humans smell like a delicious snack what do I smell like?"

"Well you aren't repulsive like the mutts, you smell like an arid desert," Anna responded.

"That's the second time one of you has mentioned mutts what are you talking about," I questioned. It was nice to know I wasn't repulsive at least. But I was still curious as to what mutt they were talking about.

Alice was the one that spoke up next, "They are shape-shifters like your self but instead of being a lion they turn into wolves."

"Huh, and this world just keeps getting bigger," I was shocked. I looked over to Edward to see he is still staring at Bella's table. "So Edward what's up with your obsession with her?"

Alice gave a light hit to my arm before replying for him, "He can't help it she is his singer and his mate."

"Singer?" I looked at her as that was the first time I've heard that term.

"Her blood calls to him, a cruel fate really for her to be his singer as she is his mate," Alice answered me. Edward just gave her an irritated look as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Alice stood up and grabbed my hand as she led me away from the cafeteria she did a little twirl while holding my hand.

As we were walking away I heard Jessica whisper to Mike in the distance, "Look I told you she was a weirdo." I couldn't help the growl that came out of me.

Alice hearing this grabbed my arm and turned to me pulling me down and getting on her tiptoes she kissed me. "I told you before I don't care what they think." My focus was solely on her as she said this. She turned and led me to our next class.

After School

The rest of the school day went past in a breeze. I met up with Alice as we were walking our way outside. I noticed that it was still snowing outside, I was wondering what mom was up to with this Charlie guy. Maybe I should meet him, mom has never really taken in interest in a guy he must be something special.

We walked over toward the car with Edward following behind us. Everyone else was already waiting for us leaning on their cars. As we reached her Porsche we stood around for a bit before leaving.

Alice dropped me off at my house, "I'll be by later tonight." She gave me a quick kiss before getting back in her car and driving off. I finally entered the house after her car couldn't be seen. When I went inside mom was still gone so I guess she is already out with her friend.

I made myself dinner which was pretty simple. Consisting of Chicken, and broccoli. After I ate I went up to my room feeling the need for a nap I jumped on my bed and passed out.

Tuesday, January 25th

I woke up holding something cold with the smell of pine. I opened my eyes to see Alice in my bed in my arms. "Good morning gorgeous," I told her as I kissed her on her lips. She brought her hands to the back of my head pulling me deeper into it.

After feeling me start to run out of breath she pushed away from me. "Good morning to you too kitten." She responded while running a hand through my hair.

"Now that's what I call a wonderful way to wake up, I could get used to this." I gave her a cheeky smile. "Is it still snowing outside?" I asked her. To which she just snuggled into me deeper while nodding her head.

I just let out a sigh getting up needing to get ready for school. She just got up before jumping back out the window she said, "We are riding with Jasper today I'm not risking my baby driving on ice." I only chuckled getting dressed in the outfit she already had laid out for me on the nightstand.

I walked downstairs to find a note on the counter. "Hey, Scott had to go to work early this morning you are on your own for breakfast, Love Mom." I only let out a sigh before just grabbing some cereal from the counter and making myself a bowl.

After I finished my quick bowl I heard the honking of a horn outside and knew my ride was here. Making my way outside I saw Emmett and Jasper in the front seat. I made my way to the back seat and saw Alice sitting in the back. She was wearing a black heavy coat with a navy sweater underneath and a blue scarf around her neck.

As soon as I hopped in my seat I reached over and gave her a kiss. "Ahem, please not in my jeep please," Emmett complained as he backed out of the driveway. Jasper only chuckled as he was happy for Alice finally finding her mate.

I don't know if it was to spite Emmett but she only pulled me further into her deepening the kiss before backing away. "Wow," I said as if I was some lovesick puppy. She only smiled at me before we settled in our seats.

Emmett just looked at me through the rearview mirror, "Do I need to start giving you the riot big brother act?" Jasper asked annoyed. Jasper started to laugh as Alice glared at him. The rest of the ride to school was uneventful.

Forks High Parking Lot

We pulled in and parked next to Edwards Volvo and Rosalie's Mercedes. Edward was leaning on his car looking towards the parking lot. Anna and Rosalie were talking to each other and as soon as we dismounted from Emmett's jeep they ran up to and kissed their mates.

We sat outside for a while just talking to each other as we pulled up rather early. After a while, I heard the sound of squeaking tiers and looked to the source to see a van losing control. I felt the wind burst past me as Edward ran to save Bella from being seriously injured. He stopped the car with his hand extended.

All the Cullens and I watch this happen with a measure of shock. Emmett broke the silence "Get in the car we have to go see Carlisle." We all loaded back into our cars and drove off towards the hospital.

While we were driving I felt the need to drop a joke to ease the building tension, "Well that was a 'quick' morning huh." I was the only one that chuckled at my dry humor.

Everyone else was too focused on the fact that Edward had used his powers in front of humans specifically Bella. The rest of the drive was silent until Alice had a vision. "there will be a few nomads coming to town here soon."

Jasper's eyes widened "How many?" He asked with a serious voice.

"From the looks of it three, one girl to guys," Alice responded.

Emmett just chuckled as always he was always accepting of a challenge. "Three of them? No need to worry we can take care of that with ease." he said before looking to me through the rearview mirror, "and if we couldn't we are friends with someone who could rip them apart as well."

After that revelation, the trip was pretty quick and we were there in no time.

Forks Hospital

When we arrived Rosalie and I where the only ones to go into the hospital. I went in to see my mother and Rosalie needed to take her temper off on Edward. When we walked in we saw that Edward was already explaining to Carlisle what had happened at school. "I'm telling you Carlisle I had no other choice she could have died."

"What's done is done Edward now if you excuse me I have to go treat my patient," Carlisle spoke back before going to check up on Bella. I saw my mom in the distance follow him into the exam room. I shook my hand and decided to wait in the waiting room for my mom to see if Bella was okay.

After about 30 minutes of waiting Carlisle left the room and nodded toward me. He walked over to Rosalie and Edward to have a quiet conversation with them. Soon after Carlisle left the office so did my mother with Bella and her father.

Mom led them over to me "Hey Scott this is Charlie, the guy I mentioned before." Mom waved her hand over to Charlie "Charlie this is my son Scott." Charlie walked up to me and offered his hand I took it and gave him a firm handshake.

"My name is Charlie nice to meet you, I see you have already met my daughter Bella," he said as he pointed to his daughter. But she was paying no attention as she saw Edward in the hallway. I just nodded my head to him.

"I'll be right back ill catch up with you guys in a minute," Bella said as she walked over to the hallway requesting to speak to Edward.

Charlie just shook his head as he gave a sorrowful smile. "So you are the lucky man who garnered my mother's attention huh." I asked him with a smirk

I quickly received a slap to the back of the head, "SCOTT!" mom yelled at me. I only chuckled as Charlie gave me a kind smile.

Quickly changing the subject Charlie spoke up, "I'm having my friend Billy come over with his son this weekend you both should come over." My mom looked like she was giving it some thought I just shrugged. I then walked away toward the hallway where Edward just left Bella.

She quickly gave me a sharp look, "You were over there with the others when it happened." I just gave her a nod and she continued, "How did he get to me so quickly? how did he push that car with his hand?"

I only shook my head to her, "Some secrets just aren't mine to tell Bella, I wouldn't be so worried about it if I were you. You will find out eventually either way."

She then changed the subject realizing that she wasn't getting anywhere, "What is my dad and your mom doing together?"

I only gave her a chuckle looking back toward our parents. "She's taken a liking to him which makes me happy, to be honest, she has been alone for a long time," I told her while smiling at my mother.

"Charlie has been alone a long time too, he has recently been drinking a lot less." She told me with a smile toward her father.

Deciding to break the tension I decided to crack a joke, "Guess I will be calling you sister if all goes well with those two." She laughed at that one, "Guess we should get to know one another better just in case it does happen." I told her

She only nodded at me as we walked back to our parents. "Then it settled you guys are coming over this weekend to meet my good friend Billy," Charlie said. I looked at Bella and only laughed.

"I guess it is we will see you then Charlie. my son has to go catch up with his friends and I have to get back to work." Mom told him as we said our goodbyes as made our way to the exit. I waved to Bella as I hopped in Emmett's jeep. When she saw whose car I hopping in she gave me another questioning look before she waved back and got in Charlie's cruiser.

When I sat in the back seat and shut the door I told Alice, "Well I guess Bella is going to be my sister one way or another." Everyone in the car laughed at that one, "Let's just see who moves quicker to getting married, Bella or my mother."

At that, we left the Hospital and went to their house. "Kitten you staying over tonight?" Alice looked at me. I honestly wish to spend most nights over there any way it would be a lot easier in the mornings not having to wait for a ride.

After thinking for a minute I nodded to her, "I think ill need to grab some clothing for school tomorrow though."

"No need Kitten I kept a few outfits from our shopping trip in the closet." She told me I just smiled at her. It's like she's already in the process of getting me slowly moved in with her.

"Well guess there is no need to stop at my place then huh," I asked her pulling her close I kissed her.

"Ugh not again, Seriously you need to get your own car Scott I'm only going to put up with this for so long," Emmett complained. "I miss having my Rosie in my jeep and she had to drive her own car because you don't have one."

Jasper this time nodding his head in agreement, "I miss riding with my Anna as well."

"Jasper you are just as bad as those two when Anna is in my car with you." Emmett continued to complain. But I couldn't help but feel as if they had a point. It's high time for me to get my own ride.

I texted mom that I was going to spend the night at Alice's house just to let her know why I wouldn't be home.

Time Skip: Saturday, January 29th 2005

Since the wreck Edward has kept his distance from Bella to not explain how he did what he did. I on the other hand have started to talk to her more often as our parents had started to date. "Scott! Are you ready to go over to Charlie's house?" mom yelled out for me. It was time to go over there house as was arranged the day of the wreck.

I came out of my room wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants and a shirt that I hid from Alice. Mom just looked at my outfit before giving an understanding chuckle. "Yea I'm coming, Bella said Charlie bought her truck from Billie's dealership I'm curious to see if he has any other classics for sale," I told her.

"Well come on I don't want to be late on my first going to his house," Mom told me. I only laughed it was so amusing to see her like this. I'd never seen her act this way about anyone before and it warmed my heart to know she found somebody. The best part was the fact that Charlie seemed like a nice guy when I met him.

We both walked outside and got into her car, "How far does he live from here anyway?" I asked mom. She was still putting his address in her GPS before she responded to me.

"It says he's only 15 minutes away," she told me as we started to back out of our driveway. "Let's talk about the fact you have started staying at Alice's house more often than you have been staying home." I only gave her a sideways glance, I didn't really have a response for that.

"Uhh, well I don't know mom it just kinda happened," I told her while scratching the back of my head.

"Just make sure you're being safe okay I don't need any grandchildren while you're still in high school okay," She responded.

I blushed up a storm, "Mom its not like that we haven't gone that far." I was so not about to have this conversation on the way to see her new boyfriend. "Plus she's a vampire she can't have kids." I thought to myself.

The rest of the drive to Charlie's house was in awkward silence. Thankfully it was a short drive to get to his house.

Charlie's House

When we arrived at Charlie's there were two trucks in the driveway with a cruiser in the yard. We parked on the side of the road next to the house. Seeing our arrival everyone got out of the house to greet us.

"Hey Erin, my name is Billy Charlie here has told me quite a bit about you." Billy introduced himself to my mother but I beat my mother to the response

"All negative I assume," I said with a chuckle offering my hand and he shook it while letting out a laugh.

"You must be her kid sorry but I didn't quite catch your name," Billy said addressing me.

"My name is Scott it's nice to meet you." I introduced myself to him.

"Ahh, well this here is my son Jacob," he gestured to a long-haired fairly fit guy my age. I towered over him as I did with most people at my 6'6 stature. I offered my hand for him to shake and he shook it.

We made our way inside Billy and Charlie were sitting and watching baseball while mom was sitting next to Charlie. I got bored pretty quickly seeing as I don't care for watching sports id rather play them.

"Hey, Billy do you have any classics for sale over at your dealership?" I asked him as I was in need of a car.

Jacob was the one that answered for me, "I'm the one who really runs that side of things, but yeah we have a few things but they need work."

"I'm all for working on things what do you guys have?" I asked. I was happy to do anything than watch this slow-paced game between the Nationals and the Red Socks. Jacob seemed happy on the subject of cars.

Bella looking to get out of watching the game stood up, "I have my truck we can drive over to the rez if you would like to show him your selection." Jacob looked to Billy for permission and he just nodded his head.

We walked outside and hopped into her old truck. "Thank god I don't think I could stand another minute watching baseball of all sports," Bella complained. Jacob and I both laughed as we started to drive our way to Jacob's shop.

Reservation Restoration and Sales

We pulled up to a 3-bay garage with some cars sitting outside. "Welcome to my paradise," Jacob joked. I looked through the cars that were outside and nothing really caught my eye. "Let's head inside we have got something pretty special in there," He told me.

When we walked in there were three muscle cars all having extremely faded paint but no rust. The first one I saw was a 1970 Chevy Chevelle the second was a 1968 Dodge Dart. The third car in the back had a car cover on it.

I was shell-shocked because even though these cars had extremely faded paint there was not a lick of rust. Getting curious I go over to the third car and peel off the cover and immediately fell in love with what I saw. A 1969 Ford Torino Cobra and unlike the other two cars this one had a fresh coat of flat black primer.

All I saw was potential with all three of these cars but my choice was clear, "How much for the Torino?" I asked not even looking at him my gaze was solely on the car as I circled it. The interior could use some work I also spotted the manual 4-speed transmission.

"Well considering the only thing that baby needs is some cosmetic work id say around $7,000," Jacob told me. I could feel the smirk he was giving behind me he already knew I was sold.

"I'll take it, do you take checks? I don't exactly have the cash on me." I asked Jacob and he just nodded still holding an infuriating smirk on his face. "well let's get this paperwork done I'm ready to take this baby home."

It took about an hour or so to get everything finalized but when it was oh boy was I excited. It needed some paint and interior work but I didn't care I could fix that with time. When I started her up she screamed to life with the deep growl of a classic V8. We decided to head back to Charlie's house and I couldn't wait to take off in this thing.

Instead of going back to Charlie's, I decided to go see Alice, and boy did I enjoy the drive.

Cullen's House

When I Pulled up Alice was already waiting outside for me as she hear me in the distance. As soon as I got out I went to hug her. I was so excited about this car. Rosalie in a blink of an eye was outside with her eyes shining as well.

"It seems you have good taste when it comes to cars," Rosalie complimented me which honestly just felt weird. "Now you have to let me do all your maintenance and I will fix up your pain and interior," She demanded.

Alice came up to me and whispered in my ear, "We all have our hobbies and hers is working on cars." Rosalie obviously heard her but didn't comment. She had stars in her eyes that matched my own excitement for finally having my own car.

Just to add to her excitement I tossed her the keys, "Done so long as you teach me what I need to know to be able to do it on my own in the future." She only smiled even more before pulling my car into the garage probably getting to work.

Alice smiled up at me, "Thanks for trying to get along with her I know she can seem a bit defensive at times, but she is my sister." I didn't respond just bent down to give her a kiss. We went into the house and just relaxed for the rest of the day with her family. They were slowly becoming my family the more time I spent with them the more her siblings became like my own.

By the time evening came I went up to our room. "Huh 'our' room I like the sound of that." I thought to myself. Alice followed me up and we cuddled for a while before I passed out exhausted from all the excitement from today's events.

Authors Note

Yes I know I just really wanted to get him a car and what better way the a fixer upper. Though to be fair the car choice was all on me the 1969 Ford Torino has a place in my heart as my dad has one. It was the first car I ever learned how to drive a manual on.

But as always please leave a review and tell me how I can improve as a writer.