
Pride within the Cullens

A teenage werelion who thinks he is the only supernatural around moved to Forks Washington how quickly will he find out he was wrong? join him on his adventure through high school as something other than human.

ValiCain · Derivados de obras
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: The New Kid

Authors Note

So I've recently been on a Twilight kick and decided to do my own take on it. Lions are my favorite animals so I've decided to do something a bit different do forgive me my writing is kind of bad but I hope to improve as I go on.

I don't own any elements belonging to Twilight.

Line Break

Im Scott Davis im 17 years old and I have lived anything but a normal life. I don't mean that in a joking way either after all I am a shape shiftier and have been since birth. I know sounds crazy right? Well the first time I shifted was when I was 6 years old should have seen moms reaction. Anyway im just over 6 foot with a muscular build im blond with streaks of black, I have Amber eyes and can turn into a Lion. Told you sounds Crazy.

Im in the beginning of junior year of High school and we are moving mom got a new job at a hospital in some place in Washington. Most of our stuff has already been sent over there the last of our things are in a couple suit cases.

"Come on Scott hurry up and put your cases in the car!" my mom yelled for me. We are finally leaving the home I've lived in for years. "Hurry up or we will miss our flight!"

"Alright! Alright!" I said from our front porch looking back at our old home. "You know other than the memories we have here im not really gonna miss this place." as I was loading the rest of our luggage into the back of an uber.

Mom looked at me "you know will make new memories where we are going to. Plus I have a friend who lives there and he is the chief of the police so I will know anytime you get into trouble." She said with a chuckle at the end.

The ride to the airport was pretty quite as was the flight to Washington. "Man at least there is a ton of forests there for me to run free in." I thought to myself as we traveled. When we finally landed at the airport mom went to go get a taxi while I searched for all our luggage moms car is already at the new house.

When we arrived at our new house it was a 3 bedroom ranch style home. When we walked in all our furniture was wrapped in plastic with a wall of boxes with our other things. Mom looked at me with a tired expression "Make it quick, I'm tired."

I looked at her with a smirk "got it," as I ran around the house unpacking everything. All she could see was a blur of me as everything got to place. It took me around 30 minutes to get everything unpacked she collapsed on the couch with a sigh.

"at least I don't have to start work till the end of the week, Though I still have to go in tomorrow for orientation." she spoke while looking at the ceiling. Then she looked at me "to bad you start school tomorrow." I chuckled a little bit.

I don't really care for school honestly it made me kind of lonely to think that I am the only one that is supernatural. Id like to think that I have come to terms with it though. It still makes it hard to make many friends though I give off an aura of aggression to regular humans. The only one to ever seem immune to it is mom.

"Well im going to go ahead and go to bed, I'm also exhausted." I said to mom while walking away.

Line Break

When I woke up I looked out the window and it was cloudy, guess that's going to be a common sight here. I got dressed and went to the kitchen "Hey mom you gonna drop me off at school?" she just made a plate of eggs and bacon.

She handed me the plate "Of Course cant miss my baby's first day at a new school now can I?"

I chuckled as I sat down in the dinning room to eat my breakfast. "will leave as soon as you finish your Breakfast. Though I wont be able to pick you up."

I finished my breakfast and she drove me to Forks High. As I was getting out of the car she yelled "Love you Baby!" I sighed and waved at her. "I really need to buy a car for myself." I thought to myself as I was making my way towards the offices to get my classes.

When I go my schedule I walked around till I could find my class. When I did I knocked on the door while waiting outside. A man came to the door "Oh you must be the new student my name is Mr.Varner I will be your calculus teacher. come on in and introduce yourself to the class."

I walked in front of the class "hello everyone my name is Scott pleased to meet you all" I took a seat at a desk in the middle of the class room. I could hear whispers all around the classroom I sighed "looks like things will be no different." I thought to myself. Well at least I came in late today that means next period is lunch and trust me as a lion I'm ALWAYS hungry.

Class flew by as I wasn't really paying attention soon enough the class had ended and everyone walked to the cafeteria. After grabbing my lunch I saw a girl sitting by her self at a lunch table and figured id sit with her. "Hey my names Scott I'm new here mind if I sit here?"

She looked at me for a second then shrugged "My names Bella I'm also new here." as I nodded as I sat down 4 people immediately came over 2 girls and 2 boy's. From the looks of it they were only here to talk to Bella.

"Hey Bella so what do you think of Forks so far?" one of the guys asked as they all took a seat.

"Hey Mike so far so good I guess." she responded while looking totally uninterested in the conversation he was trying to start. They all talked for a while I mostly ignored them while eating my food until 6 people entered the cafeteria and it went silent

"Who are they?" Bella asked when I was about to. I looked at them all but only one really stuck out to me and my heart was absolutely racing. She was pale with golden eyes she was the shortest of the group.

"Oh those are the Cullens, They are doctor and Mrs culluens kid they moved from Alaska." Jessica started

"Yea they are really interested in them selfs" Angela continued.

"Yea because they are like together together its weird. That is Jasper and Anna Cullen they are like a thing. That is Rosalie and the big one is Emmett they are also totally like a couple." Jessica ranted "the last two are Alice and Edward, hes like super hot and shes like super weird but both are single."

I looked at Jessica and let out a low growl unconsciously when she called Alice weird. I don't think any one heard it though except when I looked back at the Cullens table she was smiling at me. I smiled back at her "I really like her but to bad I cant date anyone since part of the supernatural." I thought to my self sadly. Though as I thought this that Edward guy started staring at me if I was some kind of puzzle.

He looked at Alice before saying something and then they all looked at me. The rest of my table noticed and started looking at me in confusion. "Why are like all the Cullens looking at you?" Jessica asked me.

I shrugged, "I don't know I think im going to go ask them." as I stood up from my table and took a seat at the cullens table next in between Alice and Edward. Edward was glaring at me, "so whats up did I do something to you guys? Your all staring."

"Who are you?" Edward asked quietly while still glaring at me. The big guy next to him Emmett punched him in the shoulder while smiling at me. I looked to my right and Alice was beaming up to me with the brightest smile. I smiled back and my heart started pounding in my chest.

"My name is Scott nice to meet you all." I responded while still looking at Alice.

"Hi I'm Alice and we are going to be the greatest friends I just know it." she said while looking at me when she said this the rest of the table looked at her. "what class do you have next?" she asked me.

"Spanish you?" I asked back I couldn't keep my eyes off her. "I really want to ask her out, but I cant get close to anyone or they will learn my secret." I thought to myself. Immediately Edwards attention snapped back to me.

"Oh I also have Spanish want to walk to class together Ill show you the way," She answered. I nodded to her before finally looking to the rest of the table and everyone Introduced themselves to me. Alice's face went blank for a moment Edward turned his attention towards her before looking back to me with a new interest and less hostility.

Edwards attention went back to Bella's table as she was looking back at him. Lunch came to an end and Alice Immediately grabbed my hand "Lets go, cant be late to class." while smiling up at me. As she led me to class she asked me questions about myself. "So where did you move from?"

"I lived in Kentucky for most of my life we just moved here yesterday. You have any hobbies?" I asked her back as we walked down the crowded hallway. She was still holding my hand her hand was cold that our mine was hot as a Lion I'm always warm.

She looked at me and I got lost in her eyes, "My family go camping and hunting all the time." she said with a smile. I chuckled only if she knew how I went hunting, "whats so funny?" she looked at me while still have that million watt smile.

"I also go hunting all the time though I always hunt alone," I replied. She gave me a smirk as if she knew something I didn't. "what do you guys hunt?"

"Big game but mostly deer." she replied. "looks like we are here" she said letting go of my hand and doing a twirl towards the door. I chuckled and couldn't help the big smile that came to my face.

As we walked into class there was only one open seat in the classroom and It was next to Alice I smiled and happily sat next to her. When I sat down a guy cam up to our table "Hey Alice I was wondering who you were going to prom with?" he asked her nervously. I couldn't help the low growl that came from my throat as a stared at him.

Alice looked at me worried before looking back at the guy "Oh sorry Tyler I'm not really interested." he gave a sad look before walking away I watched him go while still having a low growl. Alice looked back to me grabbed my hand and gave me smile. "Are you okay?" she asked me I shook my head before looking at her.

I didn't realize I had been growling the whole time "I'm fine I don't know what came over me."

"Its okay, hey what are you doing after school?" she asked me staring into my amber eyes. What I didn't realize, is that they were glowing the whole time I was growling at that Tyler kid.

"Nothing riding the bus home I guess, I really need to buy myself a car." I said while looking at our class work on our desk. "why have any plans?" looking back up at her.

"Well," she she gave me a nervous look before she gave a small smile. "My brothers and sisters wanted to get know you better and its family game night I thought you might like to come."

I looked at her shocked for a second before I Replied, "I would love to but I don't really have a ride. As I said earlier I don't have a car and my mom works long hours at the hospital." Her smile expanded showing her cute cheek dimple.

"No Problem you can ride with me in Emmett's jeep." she said with excitement as she grabbed my arm. I blushed and had to look away so she couldn't see I just nodded. My heart was pounding everything in my body was telling me to claim her. "Great! Ill see you after school." the bell rang as soon as she said that.

She walked towards the door in front of me before doing a twirl me a kiss and walking to her next class. My heart stopped, all I could think about was her and everything about her pulled me in. It honestly scared me I've never felt this way for someone before. I feared how she would react to my secret. But I was honestly starting to want to tell her more and more.

I made my way to the final class of the day which was American History. I sat in the front row, Edward sat in the back of this class. As class went on I couldn't pay attention the only thing on my mind was the short dark haired Cullen whose eyes I seemed to get lost in. I didn't realize that Edward was staring at me while I was having these thoughts.

As class ended I got up and he was already standing next to me "My sister told me you were riding with us." I looked over at him and nodded "Okay then follow me." he seemed to be a man of few words we walked in silence as we made our way to the parking lot out side.

As soon as we made it outside Alice came up to us smiling up at me "are you ready to get beat? Jasper and Emmett take there games really seriously." Edward just continue walking towards his car.

I shrugged "guess it just depends on what game we are playing." smiling down on her. She grabbed my arm as we made our way towards a white jeep. As we walked up Emmett came over to me smiling wide

"Look what we have here another victim for family game night" as he brought me in for a bro hug. I chuckled while smiling back at him.

"I guess we will have to see about that." I replied while he turned to Rosalie gave her a kiss and told her he'd see her at home. She went and got in her Mercedes with Jasper's girlfriend Anna and drove off. Emmett and Jasper got into the front seat of the jeep while Alice and I hopped into the back.

I sent my mom a quick text to let her know I would be hanging out with some friends after school. "huh Friends, thats new I usually don't let my self get attached to people and look at me on the first day." I thought to myself while looking to Alice she looked back up at me and smiled as she grabbed my hand. It was a pretty quick drive back to the Cullen house but let me tell you I was shell shocked at what I saw when we pulled into the driveway. There house, no mansion was huge "wow this architecture is amazing." I said as I stared appreciative of the design.

"make sure you tell mom that she was very big component of the design." Emmett said from the front seat with a wide smile.

As he parked the car I got out looking in awe. Alice made her way to me grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the house. As we made our way inside Emmett ran and jumped on the couch "Oh Yeah who's going to be the first to get the smack down." Jasper rolled his eyes and sat next to him while grabbing a PlayStation remote.

Alice lead me to a couch and sat next to me. There where two unfamiliar people sitting in the living room with us. "Hey Scott I'm Esme this is my husband Carlisle nice to meet you." the woman said with a bright smile

"I heard you were a doctor, My mom just started there as a Nurse." I said to Carlisle he looked excited at the subject.

"Oh, I heard there was someone new getting orientation today. Sadly I missed today my wife and I took a day to ourselves," He responded to me.

Now everyone was situated on a couch or the floor everyone was looking at me with interest. but Edward was the first to break the silence. "What are you?" I looked at him shocked then a bit worried. Alice gave my hand a comforting squeeze.

"I-I am afraid I don't know what yo-" I stuttered

He interrupted me "you know exactly what I mean, now what are you?"

Alice wrapped herself around my arm while glaring at Edward. I looked down at her before nervously replying "Umm I'm a shape-shifter, I'm a lion to be exact. I've been this way since I was born" everyone looked at me shocked, except Alice she just looked to me and smiled.

Emmett looked absolutely thrilled after his shock wore down "Awesome dude! So glad your not one of those Mutt's man. Seriously those Wolves stink."

Confidence slowly filled me "So now that you know, what are you guys?"

"We are Vampires and this is my coven," Carlisle told me with a smile. I sat shocked while looking at him. I turned to look down at Alice and she only smiled at me and nodded. My heart started pounding through my chest as I looked to her eyes.

Jasper grunted as I felt a calm suddenly sweep over me. "Seriously you two have been like this all day, Stop it." he said annoyed.

I looked at him confused and Alice spoke up "some of us have powers Jasper there is an empath he can feel and slightly manipulate peoples emotions. Edward can read minds so there are like no secrets within this house." I turned to look at her "And I have an ability to see glimpses of the future, but its subjective and can change."

Since she was giving a rundown on everyone's abilities I felt only fair that I share mine. "well as a shape-shifter I have 3 forms,"I began "My human form, my half shifted form, and my fully shifted form." I scratched my head before I continued "I cant fully control myself in my full shift just yet but I'm working on it."

Emmett looked at me excited "lets go out side I wanna spar and see who wins." I shrugged and everyone went to the backyard he took his shirt off. "I want to see your full form don't hold back on me."

I looked at him nervously "I told you I cant fully control myself in that form." He continued to smile as he shrugged.

"I don't care think of it as practice then." he said as we walked into the grass. I gave one last look towards Alice and she just nodded at me. So I looked back to Emmett took my shirt off and started my shift. I started to grow and grow until I was a massive lion that stood over him and I let out a Roar. He just looked even more excited "Lets go man strongest man wins."

I looked at him with my glowing amber eyes and growled as I pounced toward him. He ran towards me confident in his own strength. But he was no match for me in terms of raw strength. I tackled him to the ground and he slid out from underneath me and punched me in my side it stung but it didn't truly hurt.

roared again and turned towards him angered he only smiled. I tackled him again this time opening my maw around his throat before he could slip away again. I Immediately felt someone petting my head as I looked up to see Alice staring into my eyes. "You won kitten" with a bright smile on her face. I tilted my head so she could continue petting my head it felt so good.

Emmett got up and started laughing, "haha she called you a kitten." I turned my head and let out a loud growl he lifted his hands in a surrendering fashion. "anyway it was a fun match but I will get you next time."

As I was looking at him Alice jumped on my back hugging my neck. "You are so fluffy." My heart started to race.

Both Anna and Rosalie slowly walked up to me and looked at me intrigued "So this is the big bad Lion huh." Anna spoke up I turned to look at her only able to nod my head. "You don't look so tuff,"

She said with a small smile. I showed my teeth in a way I hoped didn't look menacing. Alice hopped off of my back and I started to shift back.

"Ive heard rumors about your kind but ive never met someone like you." Carlisle spoke up with a smile, "They say your kind stop aging at the age of 18." I looked at him and shrugged

"Honestly I thought I was the only supernatural creature out there. So I don't really know anything about my kind." I spoke as an excited smile came across my face, "Im just excited that im not alone anymore and I don't have to hide my self in front of someone anymore."

"Well its starting to get late I'll have Alice drive you home if that is okay." Carlisle said as everyone started walking back inside the house. I said my goodbyes and Alice started leading down to the garage where she opened the door to a bright yellow Porsche GT3.

"Come on hop in." she looked at me I walked to the other side and sat shocked at such a beautiful car. "Finally, its not like I bite." she joked and I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips.

"I have a question since you are a vampire do you sleep?" I looked at her as she pulled out of the garage.

"No I don't, but I bet a big kitten like you can sleep all day huh." she looked at me with a mischievous smile. I blushed she just smiled even more "you know I can hear your heart racing. So, when are you going to ask me for my number?" she looked back to the road and we were racing down the highway.

I looked at her heart thumping wildly "I'll do you one better, will you go out with me." she looked back at me smiling before looking back at the road.

"Of course Kitten, and yes ill give you my number," she responded. Time flew as did we towards moms house. When we arrived moms her black Audi A8 was sitting in the driveway. Alice grabbed my phone and saved her own contact info. "Well are we gonna go inside?" I smiled got out of the car walked around and opened her door.

"Just so you know she knows what I am. Your secret would be safe with her." I told her she looked at me and shook her head negative.

"It's not about the secret being safe it about her being safe after she knows." Alice replied I inhaled deeply smelling steak in the house.

I grabbed her hand and led her into the house. Mom was still in the kitchen searing a steak on a flat top "Hey mom I'm home, I've brought a friend." she turned around to look at me when she Alice she got excited.

"Oh honey you've never brought a friend home much less a girl." Mom walked up to Alice seeing are hands inter wind and her smile got even brighter. "Well Scott are you going to introduce us?" looking at me expectantly.

"Mom this is Alice, Alice this is my mom Erin." Alice let go of my hand and with a big smile hugged my mother.

"It's so good to meet you Erin, this kitten has told a lot about you." Alice spoke as she embraced her. Mom's eyes widened in surprise as her head shot to me.

"You told her?" mom asked me as Alice let go. Alice grabbed my left hand and she smiled wide. "you have never told anyone before. This is your first day of school here and you have already told someone and brought them home?" she was shocked to say the least.

I gave her a nervous smile, "well I've never felt this way about someone before." I looked down towards Alice, "and I figured if this was ever going to work I had to be honest." If possible smiled even brighter.

Mom stood dumbfounded looking at us, "My baby is finally growing up." she said as she started to tear up. I looked at her weirded out shes never reacted this way. "I thought you would never tell anyone what you are and stay alone forever." she started to cry. I dropped Alice's hand and surged forward to comfort my mom.

"Have to say mom this is not how I pictured this going." I didn't know how to react to this I've never seen my mom cry like this before.

"I'm just so happy right now" mom spoke up before standing up and pointing at Alice "you are staying for dinner young lady." Alice shrugged and took a seat in the dinning room. "and you young man are going to go sit with her and keep her company, while I finish dinner." I nodded letting go of my hug and walking towards the dining room table and took a seat next to Alice.

"So tomorrows Saturday want to go hunting?" I looked at her with an excited smile.

She smirked back at me "depends do you think you could keep up." I nodded to her "Well before we do that we need to fix your wardrobe how about we go shopping tomorrow morning and hunt in the afternoon?"

"Ugh, is that really necessary I like my baggy sweatshirt and pants." I looked at her smile fading from my face, "plus the money I have saved up is to buy a car."

"Of course its necessary silly, your tall and absolutely ripped you need to show off these goods." she said while gripping my bicep. "I want everyone to see these big arms when you hug me." I looked away with and embarrassed smile.

Mom eventually walked into the dining room with dinner. She gave Alice a small plate while mine might as well have been a mountain. Alice looked at her plate with veiled disgust, I chuckled and reached over to grab her plate before I began mine. "mom she already ate before she got here so ill have double portions."

Mom looked at me with disgust "you eat like and animal." everyone laughed. Dinner eventually came to an end Alice said her goodbyes and drove off. It was time for bed so mom and I went to our rooms when I finally laid down and let out an exasperated sigh.

I heard my window open "So this is what your bedroom looks like." as soon as I heard the voice I let out a chuckle. I sat up and saw Alice snooping around my room I shook my head

"I forgot that you said you don't sleep." I looked at her with interest. "So what do you do to fill the time?"

"I design clothing when I'm bored or go shopping" she said as she sat on my bed.

"Well this Kitten is tired and he plans to sleep," as I laid down under the covers. She was still sat on the bed looking at me. "So are you staying or going? If your staying come here I'd rather have you wrapped up here the standing and staring."

She smiled at me stood up closed my window and got in my bed facing me. I smiled and pulled her towards me. I gave her a kiss while I embraced her and fell soundly asleep.