
chapter 2

The Magic Knights headquarters, a towering structure of stone and steel, loomed over Hiroshi as he entered the ornate doors alongside his knight escorts. The interior was a labyrinth of polished hallways and imposing chambers, each filled with mages and knights bustling about their duties.

Hiroshi was led to a grand hall where a group of senior Magic Knights awaited, their expressions ranging from curiosity to skepticism. The leader of Hiroshi's escort, a grizzled veteran named Sir Klaus, stepped forward and addressed the assembly.

"Esteemed Magic Knights," Sir Klaus began, his voice booming through the hall, "We have brought before you a young boy who possesses a most unusual power. He claims to have no knowledge of its origin, but we witnessed a display of immense magical energy that rivaled even the most seasoned mages."

The Magic Knights murmured amongst themselves, their eyes fixed on Hiroshi. A woman with flowing silver hair and piercing blue eyes stepped forward, her gaze unwavering. "Child," she spoke, her voice as sharp as a blade, "Tell us your name."

Hiroshi swallowed nervously, "H-Hiroshi."

The woman nodded, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "I am Noelle Silva, a noblewoman of House Silva and a member of the Silver Eagles squad. We are tasked with investigating unusual magical phenomena. Demonstrate your power for us, Hiroshi."

Hiroshi hesitated, unsure how to control the energy surging within him. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, the power diminished, leaving him feeling weak and vulnerable.

Noelle frowned, "It seems your power is not constant. Tell us, Hiroshi, what conditions trigger its activation?"

Hiroshi pondered for a moment, recalling the feeling of warmth that accompanied his power. "The sun," he finally said, "My power seems to grow stronger the higher the sun rises in the sky."

The Magic Knights exchanged surprised glances. A man with a stern face and a thick mustache stepped forward, "Interesting. This is unlike any magic we have encountered before. We shall need to conduct further tests to determine its full potential."

Hiroshi was escorted to a training ground where he was subjected to a battery of tests, each designed to measure his magical power and its limitations. He discovered that his strength, speed, and endurance increased dramatically as the sun climbed higher, reaching a peak at noon.

As the sun set, Hiroshi's power waned, leaving him exhausted and drained. He was given a room within the headquarters, a small but comfortable space where he could rest and recuperate.

As Hiroshi lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, he wondered about his place in this new world. He had been given a second chance at life, a chance to explore a realm filled with magic and adventure. But he also knew that his power came with a burden, a responsibility to use it for good.

With a newfound determination, Hiroshi vowed to master his power and become a force for justice in the Clover Kingdom. He would not squander this opportunity, not after being given a second chance at life.