
Pretending to be Anime Character in Genshin to See Their Reaction!

Ei's Plane of Euthymia? I'll easily counter that by using Gojo's [Domain Expansion: Infinite Void]! Zhongli's Planet Befall? I'll simply become Madara and use [Tengai Shinsei]! The Fatui is plotting something against me? Very well! [Espada], come forth! Abyss Order is aware of me? With [Kyoka Suigetsu], there's nobody who will know my true appearance and personality! Somehow, I woke up in the world of Genshin Impact. I also have the ability to transform into ANY Anime character. -The tale follows a man who has the ability to transform into anime characters. Upon discovering his power, he decides to put his new skill to the test to see how the characters from Genshin Impact would react. This leads to a number of comedic encounters and funny moments. I have decided to put my newfound power to see the reaction of the people of Teyvat! ------------------------------------------------------------- (Author's Note: There's also a similar novel to this, but it seems like it was dropped. I gained inspiration from it and decided to make a Fanfiction of it. If you are the author of it, feel free to contact me by commenting! I will remove this story, if necessary.)

MochiGreenTea · Derivados de juegos
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22 Chs

Swordfish I and Shogun's Arrival - Chapter 9

5 Days Later...

Liyue finds itself encased in utter chaos. The Rite of Descension—a time-revered tradition where Rex Lapis comes down to give his advices to people of Liyue—has unfolded with an unforeseen twist: the "assassination" of the Geo Archon.

What has truly happened to the Geo Archon? Who stands to benefit from such chaos? And can even a mortal kill an Archon? The Traveller, caught in the turmoil, found herself the center of a accusation.

To clear her name, she sought the Adepti, divine beings said to be appointed by Rex Lapis himself, an advice that was given from Tartaglia, the 11th Fatui Harbingers.

A meeting with these entities was not a trifling matter. It would require resolve, reverence, and perhaps a touch of the extraordinary.

The Traveller and her companion Paimon knew the road ahead was one they must walk.

The quest for Gojo was fruitless; it seemed the elusive individual had seemingly "vanished". Yet, the urgency of their mission left them no time to ponder his mysterious absence.

The absence of Gojo's aid was a gap they would bridge with their own determination. The Traveller, after all, is no mere an outsider; she's the travellers of worlds.

With the weight of accusation still heavy upon her, the Traveller understood the stakes—find the Adepti or risk the wrath of the Qixing, the ruling organization of Liyue under the absent protection of Rex Lapis.

With or without Gojo's help, she would face the trials ahead, and Paimon fluttering by her side with words of encouragement.

Unbeknownst to them, Gojo's eyes had seen all of the situation. Gojo, unseen atop his vantage point, observed the Rite of Descension with a knowing gaze. He was invisible this whole time.

The "assassination" that shocked the gathered masses was but a vessel, a clever ruse that was made by Zhongli with the help of La Signora.

Gojo, with his profound insight, understood the truth that escaped many; the Geo Archon's vessel was a mere conduit, a facade.

The Archon's power was not so easily quelled, nor could its will be silenced by the petty machinations of mortals.

When the time is right, Gojo will jump in to lend a hand. He's secretly keeping tabs on things, choosing to wait until the moment they're really in a pinch.

The path is full of twists for the Traveler and Paimon, but they're pushing forward. I am aware of this and I'm planning to make my move at just the right spot.

Even though they can't see him now or guess what's in store, Gojo's in their corner. He'll step onto the stage when the whole Rex Lapis mystery is ready to crack wide open, handing them the key pieces of the puzzle at the perfect moment.


Musashi stood encircled by ten soldiers, each brandishing a steel katana. His hand gripped a wooden katana — not a blade meant to injure, but one to instruct and teach.

This training session was not by chance but was carefully deliberated upon and given the nod by none other than Gorou.

Musashi stood firm, wooden katana in hand, encircled by ten soldiers, each brandishing a steel blade. This was not just a test of skill; it was a lesson – his concept brought to life with Gorou's blessing.

(Musashi) : He met their gazes, steady and clear. "Come at me with all you have," Musashi commanded, his voice a balance of challenge and instruction.

The soldiers lunged in unison, a dance of steel and intent. Musashi moved with a grace born of countless battles, his wooden weapon parrying and striking with precision.

This was learning in motion — for Musashi taught not just with words but with the push and pull of combat, a dance where each step was a teachable moment. Each strike he parried was a lesson in defense, every counter a lecture in attack.

His movements were a dance of precision, serving as a living lesson for the soldiers encircling him. In their eyes, determination mixed with respect — Musashi was not only their opponent but their guide into the deeper complexities of swordsmanship.

In this exchange of wills and skills, Musashi was both teacher and test, honing the soldiers' abilities as he sharpened his own resolve.

His idea was to forge strength through practice, a concept that Gorou saw as beneficial for the troops' morale and readiness.

It promised to bolster their defenses, preparing them for the challenges that lay ahead on uncertain horizons.

As the dust settled and the echo of wooden sword meeting steel faded, Gorou approached Musashi with an expression of respect.

(Gorou) : With a nod of respect, he says, "Your presence has shifted the tides in our favor. We've had triumph after triumph, and our losses have been but slight. I've said it before and I'll say it again, your contributions are truly invaluable. Truly, we are beyond fortunate to have you with us."

(Musashi) : He returned Gorou's gesture with a nod. "It's nothing, really," he responded, his words dipped in humility yet clear and direct. "I do what I must, as any of us would. We stand together in this, after all."

Gorou's ears suddenly perked to the sound of approaching footsteps, a signature rhythm that he recognized instantly.

He turned, his face lighting up with surprise and delight as Sangonomiya Kokomi, the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island, appeared into view.

(Gorou) : "Your Excellency!" Gorou exclaimed, his excitement breaking through the usual strictures of formality. "What a pleasant surprise! We are honored by your presence here!" His tail wagged slightly, a reflex of his enthusiasm, as he bowed respectfully, a fusion of his disciplined demeanor and genuine pleasure at her arrival.

(Kokomi) : "Hello, Gorou," Kokomi greeted with her characteristic poise, tempered with the curiosity of a leader attuned to her people's whispers. "I've caught wind of a new soldier whose prowess has swung battles in our favor. Who might this be?" Her gaze was both inquisitive and appreciative, a balance of a commander's inquiry and the simple desire to know the person behind the victories.

Gorou straightened up after his bow, his expression a mixture of pride and respect. He glanced towards Musashi, a knowing look in his eyes.

(Gorou) : "Ah, Your Excellency, the tales speak true. We have been graced with a new ally," he gestured toward Musashi with an approving nod, "This is Musashi, whose skill in battle can match even a lightning strike!"

He stepped aside, allowing the divine priestess to see the warrior who had quickly become the talk of their forces.

(Musashi) : He bowed, a gesture both respectful and unassuming, and said, "I am Musashi Miyamoto," he said, straightening up to meet Kokomi's gaze. "Just a blade at the service of Watatsumi Island." His introduction was modest, a humble nod to his feats, wrapped in the simplicity of his commitment to their cause.

(Kokomi) : Kokomi regarded him with a look of profound respect, her sentiments conveyed with the measured grace that defines her. "Your valor on the field has not gone unnoticed," she began, her tone imbued with formal gratitude, "Through your actions, you've shielded our people from harm's way. For this, I hold a deep sense of pride. We owe you a debt of tranquility—it is your prowess that has allowed us to avoid many casualties." Her words, though elegantly composed, were delivered with an underlying warmth, reflecting the simple, heartfelt appreciation of a leader for a soldier's sacrifice.

(Gorou) : Gorou turned back to Musashi, recognizing an opportunity to instill a deeper understanding of their leadership. "If you're not yet acquainted with her," he said, the usual firmness of his voice softened by reverence, "Her Excellency you see here is Sangonomiya Kokomi. She's more than our general—she's the keystone of Watatsumi Island. Without her insight and guidance, what we cherish would've long faded." His explanation struck a balance between formal acknowledgment of Kokomi's rank.

(Musashi) : He listened intently, absorbing the weight of Gorou's words. "I see," he acknowledged. "Your Excellency, consider my blade an extension of your will. I am at your service, anytime." His declaration, simple and straightforward, was a pledge of unwavering loyalty to her command and the cause of Watatsumi Island.

Kokomi, unaccustomed to such direct and solemn oaths from a new acquaintance, momentarily faltered in her usually composed demeanor.

(Kokomi) : She quickly sought to dispel the weighty formality, her voice tinged with a gentle urgency. "B-be at ease!" She stammered slightly, gently urging. "There's no need for such tension!" Her hands perhaps gestured subtly, a physical echo of her words, inviting a more relaxed atmosphere.

(Musashi) : He responded instinctively, his training and natural disposition dictating his posture and tone. "Yes, Your Excellency," he affirmed with a firmness that spoke of long-held habit, the words slipping out before he could soften them. A moment later, awareness dawned, and a brief "Ah—" escaped him as he realized his continued formality.

He then made a conscious effort to relax, perhaps a slight easing of shoulders, an attempt to align his behavior with Kokomi's request for a less rigid interaction.

(Kokomi) : Kokomi, recognizing Musashi's effort to adapt, quickly moved on to put him at ease with a change of subject, dismissing the formalities. "No need to worry about small things," she reassured him. Her curiosity piqued, she delved into tales of his prowess she had heard whispered among her reporters. "Anyway, I have heard that you deflected lightning from the Raiden Shogun. Is that true?"

(Gorou) : Before Musashi could muster a response, an eager interjection cut through the tension. Gorou, barely containing his excitement, confirmed enthusiastically. "Yes, it's true!" Seizing the moment to praise Musashi's daring feat, he eagerly chimed in with the confirmation, sparing no detail as he recounted the event.

Kokomi's admiration was apparent as she absorbed Gorou's animated account of the encounter.

The idea that anyone could even contend with the invincible might of the Raiden Shogun – known far and wide for her Musou no Hitotachi, a technique of unparalleled power that cleaves through all like lightning – was itself almost unfathomable.

That Musashi hadn't merely survived but actively deflected one of her strikes was nothing short of astounding.

(Kokomi) : "Although it was 'just' a lightning bolt, it's still so impressive!" she remarked, her voice tinged with genuine respect and a hint of wonder. The feat itself was a clear testament to Musashi's skill, and it would no doubt contribute to his grow.

Musashi's humble reply was gracefully received, his modesty serving to enhance the respect he'd garnered through his actions.

(Musashi) : "I'm simply a human with a Vision," he began, hinting at the crystallized powers many wield in this world, yet suggesting a certain ordinariness to his being. "The Raiden Shogun's swordsmanship is at the pinnacle of skill. I am still learning."

Such humility, particularly in light of such a rare triumph, resonated with Kokomi's own philosophy of leadership and growth.

Acknowledging one's continual path to improvement was a sign of wisdom and strength, not weakness.

It was clear that Musashi was not taking his encounter with the Raiden Shogun's lightning lightly, nor was he boasting about his ability in a manner unbecoming of a warrior.

Kokomi nodded in understanding, the gesture showing a mixture of admiration and acknowledgment that the journey of mastery is eternal, a never-ending path where each challenge is a lesson.

She knew that Musashi, with his rare combination of humility and talent, would inspire and elevate those under his command.

(Kokomi) : "Musashi," Kokomi announced with a firm yet gracious tone, "I hereby entrust you with the leadership of the Watatsumi Island Special Operations Unit: Swordfish I."

Gorou was taken aback by Kokomi's proclamation. To be named captain of the Swordfish I – the specialized operations unit of Watatsumi Island known for its elite warriors who could turn the tide of battle – was an honor that few could aspire to, let alone achieve.

(Musashi) :"I am deeply honored, Your Excellency," Musashi said with a bow, displaying the deference befitting the gravity of the appointment. "I vow to lead Swordfish I with loyalty and bravery, mirroring the unwavering resolve of Watatsumi Island itself."

Kokomi watched with satisfaction. Under his leadership, Swordfish I would undoubtedly flourish and contribute to the peace and security of their realm.

(Kokomi) : "As captain, you will command respect not only through your skills but also through your wisdom and your fair judgment," Kokomi advised, her tone imbued with confidence and expectation. "Lead not only with orders but with example, and may your actions reflect the honor of the position you've been granted."

With this sacred charge entrusted to him, Musashi would rise to become more than a warrior; he'd evolve into a leader, a beacon for his comrades in the face of challenging times ahead.

The atmosphere subtly shifted as an unknown figure approaching the camp became identifiable—Kujou Sara, with her dignified stance and the distinctive attire of the Tenryou Commission.

Loyal to her clan and the Shogun, her presence often signified a direct extension of the will of the Raiden Shogun herself.

In this moment, Gorou's tail might have stiffened subtly, a natural reaction for any resistance member at the sight of a known adversary.

Meanwhile, Kokomi's eyes would likely display a careful calmness, her mind already weaving through potential diplomatic engagements.

Could this meeting be a prelude to conflict, or perhaps a surprising overture of dialogue?

Regardless, both Gorou and Kokomi understood the importance of composure and the need to ready themselves for whatever message Kujou Sara was set to deliver.

(Sara) : "Surrender or face the wrath of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder." Kujou Sara's declaration cut through the camp's tension like a blade. This left little room for negotiation.

Her tone was likely firm, her expression unyielding, as befit the messenger of the Raiden Shogun's imperious decree.

Gorou's ears might have flattened against his head, a sign of defiance or concern, as he sized up the warrior before him.

Meanwhile, Kokomi would be quickly assessing their options. Direct confrontation with a force as formidable as the Shogunate's was unfavourable. Surrender, however, might not guarantee their safety or align with their values and objectives.

This call for surrender was a pivotal moment that could alter the course of their resistance. As a tactician, Kokomi might seek to buy time, negotiate terms, or discern Sara's personal stance.

Diplomacy might still hold a sliver of hope, despite the gravity of Sara's strong words. For Kokomi, every conversation was a chessboard, and every piece played held the weight of futures balancing on the edge of a knife.

The response required careful consideration, for it would reverberate through the hearts of her allies.

(Musashi) : Musashi steps forward, "Inform your Excellency that I propose a duel to the death. Should she decline, relay that I am know some details about Makoto."

Though the name 'Makoto' carries no immediate significance to Kujou Sara, the mention visibly unsettles her.

A moment of hesitation flickers across her face. Who could Makoto be, and what ties might this person have to the Almighty Shogun?

The possibility that an undisclosed factor could ripple beneath the surface of her understanding was enough to give Sara pause.

She knows well that Musashi's challenge, if accepted, could stir great unrest - the idea of the Shogun engaging in such a reckless gamble seems inconceivable.

Yet, the invoked name suggests a hidden depth of insight. It implies leverage, a piece of knowledge that might hold sway over the Shogun herself.

Her duty commands her to dismiss the challenge outright, to maintain the decorum befitting her station. But now, Sara must consider the weight of Musashi's words.

As an instrument of the Shogun's will, she cannot allow personal doubts to cloud her judgment.

Sara also knows the gravity of taking Musashi's words back to the Shogun. To involve her Excellency in matters beneath her divine attention would be to question her judgment.

Still, this 'Makoto' — could this reference bear enough meaning to risk the ire of the divine?

A decision must be made. Does Kujou Sara assume the role of the faithful messenger, or does she engage with this Musashi on her terms?

The notion that someone so confidently brandishes a name unknown to her suggests either a bluff of the highest order or a secret with untold implications.

With the tides of fate churning around them, Sara must choose her next words with the utmost care.

Suddenly, the air crackles with electricity as a brilliant flash illuminates the meeting place. A figure, wreathed in the raw power of a storm, emerges—the Raiden Shogun herself. Her presence is commanding.

Musashi's poised stance does not waver as the Shogun's gaze falls upon him. Sara, momentarily taken aback, swiftly regains her composure and bows deeply, respect for her leader evident even amidst the surprise.

(Raiden Shogun) : "You seek to test your courage against the sovereignity of Inazuma? This is no trifling matter," the Shogun declares, the weight of ages carried in her tone. Her hand rests upon the hilt of her blade, not yet drawn—a testament to the restraint that comes with her immense power.

Musashi exhales slowly, prepared yet aware of the monumental challenge. He is aware that what begins with words may end with the clash of steel and the rending of allegiance.

(Musashi) : Musashi repeats his challenge to the Shogun's face, his tone respectful yet unwavering. "I request a duel to the death. For reasons mine own, I seek the measure of your conviction, blade against blade, soul against eternity."

A flicker of intrigue crosses the Shogun's features. The Shogun, while unmoved outwardly, contemplates the situation.

Musashi's audacity to invoke Makoto's name signals a knowledge worth her attention.

A strategic mind, she understands the importance of perception and the potential implications for her rule.

(Raiden Shogun) : With a voice that resonates like thunder yet carries an inscrutable calm, she speaks, "And yet, before swords cross and fates are sealed, how is it," she inquires, with a voice like the calm before the storm, "that you speak of Makoto? Such knowledge is not idly known or spoken of without my knowledge."

(Musashi) : Musashi's stance is unwavering as he lays forth his conditions: "Before I answer your questions, you will let my companions go unharmed. And decree two weeks of peace—no wars to stain this land. That's good enough for me."

The Shogun's eyes, unreadable as ever, seem to consider the world itself in their depths. A silence falls, the kind that tugs at the edges of eternity, where the beat of a heart feels like the toll of a great bell.

(Raiden Shogun) : Then, she nods, her motion no more than the barest inclination of her head, betraying no emotion. "Your terms are accepted," she speaks, and at her command, his friends are released, faint tremors of disbelief etched onto their faces as they are ushered away to safety.

(Raiden Shogun) : As for the week of peace, her voice resounds, a pronouncement falling over the gathered crowd like a sacred vow, "I decree a halt to all conflict for seven days, starting with the rise of tomorrow's sun."

Musashi now senses a shift, the prelude to the fulfillment of his own promise. He stands ready to tell her about Makoto.

(Musashi) : "Makoto was a friend of mine. Makoto believed in a vision of peace for Inazuma," Musashi continues, his gaze unwavering. "But Makoto fell, a victim to the wars she wished you to avoid in order to save Inazuma. Her last words were a plea for the tranquility she'd never live to see and to see you change."

The air crackles with tension as the Raiden Shogun, embodiment of Ei, the Electro Archon, summons her spear, Engulfing Lightning.

The artifact hums with the raw power of the heavens, a display of her authority and might. With a swift motion as graceful as it is lethal, she points the spear at Musashi, her intent clear.

(Raiden Shogun) : "Very well, Musashi," the Shogun's voice resounds with a calm that belies the storm within. "Your terms have been honored. Now, we shall let our blades speak for us. Here, under the gaze of eternity, our duel to the death shall commence."

Musashi stands resolute, aware that this moment could alter the destiny of Inazuma forever. He draws his sword, the blade whispering as it meets the open air—a sound of impending fate.

With the world around them fading into the background, the two warriors lock eyes, acknowledging the gravity of the battle ahead.

The duel that follows will be told and retold through ages, a testament to the convictions for which they stand: the unyielding force of the Raiden Shogun and the enduring spirit of Musashi.

Don't worry, I only skipped some little details.

By the way, gimme some support via commenting. Need some cheers, you know?

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