
If we can redevelop

Dim lighting, noisy ambient sounds.

But at this moment, my heart is incredibly calm, as if a mute button has been pressed, separating me from this chaotic world —

Sitting beside me is an absolute beauty. With light brown waist-length hair, a black long-sleeved shirt, and a burgundy plaid suspender dress, she looks particularly alluring under the warm red light of the bar. Her high nose bridge, light-colored eyebrows, and orange-red eyes easily evoke the term "mixed-race beauty."

This scene is like a fairy descending to the mortal world.

It would be great if all this had nothing to do with me, I thought to myself. I would definitely appreciate this rare sight, silently amazed by the existence of such a stunning beauty in the world, and then quietly take a picture, so I would have another perfect reference for a painting.

But how did things evolve to this point?

She was staring at me intently, like a lioness who had spotted her prey, eager to devour it in one gulp.

Her eyes seemed to hold the vastness of the stars and the ocean, like a colorful abyss, enticing me to be drawn deeper into them.

Gentle, yet dangerous.

How come I can't move my gaze away, just standing there in a daze.

She was slowly moving closer to me, and the proximity between us felt intimate... She reached out her right hand, grabbed my shoulder, a warm breath came over me, her alluring lips were just inches away.

It's strange, I remember I didn't ask her to dress up so beautifully. On the contrary, I told her to dress more plainly, not to attract too much attention. But now we have become the center of attention in the whole room.

Oh, right, I think I know her, what's her name again? Why are we here? What's happening now? A series of questions flood my mind, but my brain is blank, like a robot that has short-circuited.

It's so hot, I thought to myself. Even though the bar is air-conditioned, I feel like I'm melting... I plead in my mind, "Don't come any closer," but my body doesn't respond.

She approaches with her exquisite face, getting closer step by step. She tilts slightly, her lips about to overlap with mine.

The surroundings suddenly quieted down. As I glance around with my peripheral vision, it's really strange, all the customers around me, they're all women.

I subconsciously took a step back, and my hand on the bar accidentally touched the glass. The sound of the ice cubes hitting, the cold touch, brought me back to reality... This can't go on like this.

I attempted to push her shoulder away, but as soon as I reached out, she grabbed my wrist with her other hand.

I'm doomed, I thought to myself. Watching her bewitching gaze and the blush on her face, I closed my eyes tightly, giving up the last hint of resistance.

I know what's going to happen next, but I dare not face it. In the last few moments, I recall the origin of everything...