
Pregnant with the Enemy Alpha's Baby

In the midst of heartbreak, I sought solace at a local bar, desperate to heal my wounds after discovering my boyfriend was cheating on me. Little did I know, that night would introduce me to a handsome stranger who would change my life forever. What began as an incredible night together, seemingly just a fling, quickly evolved into something far more extraordinary. You see, this captivating stranger wasn't just an ordinary person – he was a werewolf, and the strongest one that everyone talked about. And now, I found myself carrying his child. From being an ordinary girl to embarking on an unexpected and thrilling journey, the adventure that unfolded before me took me completely by surprise. With the arrival of our baby, a dangerous yet exhilarating path lay ahead...

cassie7777777 · Fantasía
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100 Chs

Chapter 97 Who Could Save You Now?

Chapter 97


Emma's POV


Days had slipped by since Alex's departure, leaving me longing for his presence. Seeking a moment of solitude, I retreated to a quiet nook within the hospital yard. Though I could have easily made the call from my ward, the watchful eyes of Tyler, stationed outside, made me feel somewhat uneasy, a tad shy even, about conversing with Alex.


The season had shifted to autumn, the crisp air tinged with a cool dryness. Seated on a bench, I embraced the tranquility, the soft rustling of leaves as the wind swept them in its gentle dance soothing my senses. Holding my phone with a hint of anticipation, I dialed Alex's number, my heart aflutter with excitement.


The call connected, and his voice filled my ear with a familiar warmth that caused a delightful shiver to run down my spine. "Hey," he greeted, the simple word carrying a world of emotion.