
Pregnant with the Enemy Alpha's Baby

In the midst of heartbreak, I sought solace at a local bar, desperate to heal my wounds after discovering my boyfriend was cheating on me. Little did I know, that night would introduce me to a handsome stranger who would change my life forever. What began as an incredible night together, seemingly just a fling, quickly evolved into something far more extraordinary. You see, this captivating stranger wasn't just an ordinary person – he was a werewolf, and the strongest one that everyone talked about. And now, I found myself carrying his child. From being an ordinary girl to embarking on an unexpected and thrilling journey, the adventure that unfolded before me took me completely by surprise. With the arrival of our baby, a dangerous yet exhilarating path lay ahead...

cassie7777777 · Fantasía
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100 Chs

Chapter 86 You Changed!

Alex's POV


The next morning arrived, laden with the lingering weight of unease in my thoughts. The previous night had been one of restlessness, where contemplation and internal conflicts denied me any solace. Downing the coffee, its bitterness flooded my senses, making me acutely aware of the fatigue that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Sleep had eluded me, and I understood that facing the day ahead demanded a sharper mind than the one currently shrouded in exhaustion.


Entering my office, I futilely rubbed my temples, hoping to alleviate the tension that had taken residence there. My gaze drifted to the window, lost in thought as I pondered the day's meeting agenda. With a sigh, I tidied my attire and finished the remaining dregs of my coffee before proceeding to the meeting room. Today's encounter would involve the representatives from the Eclipse pack, and I needed to be on top of my game.