
Pregnant for the alpha

Do you know you're pregnant?" She asked without turning to face me and I nodded by saying" yes" "Don't tell my mother about it please" I pleaded with wavering eyes. I don't want my mom to know about my pregnancy especially now that I'm in a complicated situation. "Do you know the child you're carrying has an alpha blood?" She asked again and my emerald eyes pops out of their sockets with a shattering sound of glass on the floor. "An alpha blood" I asked in disbelief. Does it mean the strange man that slept with me is an alpha? All my thoughts became messy and I got up from the bed and rush towards Irene. "Irene what should I do?" I asked shaking her shoulders as tears stream down my face. " I don't really know" she said turning to face me. "Please don't tell my mother about this" I said pleadingly holding her white hand. " Shouldn't you be worried about the child in your womb?" She asked and I drop her hand. "  Why should I be worried about the  child, I can just terminate it" I said and Irene cover my mouth with her palm. " Shhhh! Don't be too fast child, you can't terminate an alpha blood. You will only end up by putting your life in danger." She said still covering my mouth with her palm and the scent of green and dry leaves filled my nose. She knows so much about werewolves, why do I feel like she's not normal. "What do I do now?" I asked looking confused as I ran my hand through my dark hair. "Find the alpha" she said and I felt dizzy. Ariel a half breed of werewolf and human got entangle with Lucas Graco the alpha of the Alusca pack. She was set up in a hotel by Liz who's a white wolf in Escavor pack and someone who has wanted to destroy Ariel relationship with Ethan an Omega and the heir to the Escavor pack. Lix took Ariel nude pics with the strange man in the hotel bed and sent it to Ethan. Things started hitting up when Ariel finds out she was pregnant and not knowing who she was pregnant for between the two wolves because that same day s

Elizabeth isaac · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Chapter : find the alpha

' she's carrying an alpha blood in her womb?' I ask myself in disbelief as I close my eyes.

'Ethan is an Omega, so she should be carrying an Omega in her womb or did she mate with another wolf?' I thought deeply and I got up to grab a glass of water from the kitchen. She woke up immediately I entered the room after fifteen minutes.

Ariel's POV

I woke up to the day of sun shining on face through the window. I turned around and met the dark eyes of Irene standing with a glass of hot milk in her hand.

"Have this" she said handling the milk to me and I accept it with gratitude.

" Thank you" I whisper and took a sip of the milk.

She walked towards the window and stare at the sun.

"Do you know you're pregnant?" She asked without turning to face me and I nodded by saying" yes"

"Don't tell my mother about it please" I pleaded with wavering eyes.

I don't want my mom to know about my pregnancy especially now that I'm in a complicated situation.

"Why?" She asked with her hands fold behind her back and I remain mute. Sometimes I feel like this woman is not just an ordinary maid.

"Do you know the child you're carrying has an alpha blood?" She asked and my emerald eyes pops out of their sockets with a shattering sound of glass on the floor.

"An alpha blood" I asked in disbelief. Does it mean the strange man that slept with me is an alpha?

All my thoughts became messy and I got up from the bed and rush towards Irene.

"Irene what should I do?" I asked shaking her shoulders as tears stream down my face.

" I don't really know" she said turning to face me.

"Please don't tell my mother about this" I said pleadingly holding her white hand.

" Shouldn't you be worried about the child in your womb?" She asked and I drop her hand.

" Why should I be worried about the child, I can just terminate it" I said and Irene cover my mouth with her palm.

" Shhhh! Don't be too fast child, you can't terminate an alpha blood. You will only end up by putting your life in danger." She said still covering my mouth with her palm and the scent of green and dry leaves filled my nose. She knows so much about werewolves, why do I feel like she's not normal.

"What do you mean by I will end up by putting my life in danger?" I asked after she uncover my mouth with her palm.

" An alpha blood is different from a normal human blood" she said walking towards the reading table in my room. But I'm not in the mood to hear any explanation right now. I just need a solution for this mess.

"What do I do now?" I asked running my hands through my dark hair.

"Find the alpha" Irene said and I fell into a daze.

" how do I find him ?" I asked slumping on the bed and irene let out a sigh. Why is she sighing, I really need to find this so called crazy alpha before my mom gets to know about my pregnancy.

" That I don't know" Irene reply and I felt numb. How do I find him when I don't have any clue about him. I don't even know which pack he belongs to, I don't know his eye color or the color of his eyes. This will be so difficult.

"But I can help you with one thing" Irene said and jump to my feet and ran towards her.

" What's it, tell me please" I pleaded

" The color of his eyes" Irene said.

"The color of his eyes? " I asked and she nodded " oh yes"

" How about it? What's the color of his eyes? Do you know it? Can you please tell me?" I asked in a rush not knowing the exact question to ask. If I can get to know the color of his eyes, it will help a little in my search for him.

"The color of his eyes are Icy blue" Irene said.

"Icy blue" I asked and she nodded.

"How did you know the color of his eyes? Have you met him before?" I asked. Wait how did Irene know the color of his eyes, did she see the photos in my drawer? Even if she did, the photos have a black and white effects so there's no way she can predict the color of his eyes. This woman is acting strange.

" There was a gentle blue glow from your belly button when i was examining you earlier. I think that's his eye color." Irene said and I wear a confused look.

" Why do I feel like you're not an ordinary human?" I asked and she suddenly look away with a deem gaze.

" Stop messing around. You just have to find the alpha. " She said and immediately exit the room.

" How am I going to do that?" I asked but there was no reply.

I sat on the bed and rub my right hand on my stomach.

"Why do you have to come now. Can't you just wait a little longer? " I asked the fetus in my belly with a frustrated tone.

I lye down on the bed and think of how to look for that crazy alpha that impregnate me and disappear. I'm going to strangle him to death when I found him and if I don't find him, I will go ahead and have an abortion. I picked the photos in the drawer out and take a proper look at them.

Let's assume he has a long hair, long red hair, a mark on his neck and icy blue eyes. I just have to look for this man with long red hair and icy blue eyes then if I don't find anyone like that, I will have to look for a man with short red hair and icy blue eyes. I'm sure I will be able to find him. I just have to meet an artist and get his portrait. With that I can show his portrait around and maybe someone might recognize him especially around the hotel. He must be a regular customer there. Someone might recognize him. With that conclusion in mind I lay down

On my bed and slept off.