
Pregnant for the alpha

Do you know you're pregnant?" She asked without turning to face me and I nodded by saying" yes" "Don't tell my mother about it please" I pleaded with wavering eyes. I don't want my mom to know about my pregnancy especially now that I'm in a complicated situation. "Do you know the child you're carrying has an alpha blood?" She asked again and my emerald eyes pops out of their sockets with a shattering sound of glass on the floor. "An alpha blood" I asked in disbelief. Does it mean the strange man that slept with me is an alpha? All my thoughts became messy and I got up from the bed and rush towards Irene. "Irene what should I do?" I asked shaking her shoulders as tears stream down my face. " I don't really know" she said turning to face me. "Please don't tell my mother about this" I said pleadingly holding her white hand. " Shouldn't you be worried about the child in your womb?" She asked and I drop her hand. "  Why should I be worried about the  child, I can just terminate it" I said and Irene cover my mouth with her palm. " Shhhh! Don't be too fast child, you can't terminate an alpha blood. You will only end up by putting your life in danger." She said still covering my mouth with her palm and the scent of green and dry leaves filled my nose. She knows so much about werewolves, why do I feel like she's not normal. "What do I do now?" I asked looking confused as I ran my hand through my dark hair. "Find the alpha" she said and I felt dizzy. Ariel a half breed of werewolf and human got entangle with Lucas Graco the alpha of the Alusca pack. She was set up in a hotel by Liz who's a white wolf in Escavor pack and someone who has wanted to destroy Ariel relationship with Ethan an Omega and the heir to the Escavor pack. Lix took Ariel nude pics with the strange man in the hotel bed and sent it to Ethan. Things started hitting up when Ariel finds out she was pregnant and not knowing who she was pregnant for between the two wolves because that same day s

Elizabeth isaac · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Chapter 9: someone sets her up

She don't smells like a normal human, she has another smell " Uzo said and I mind link my beta.

" Athonio I have a puzzle that you need to solve for me" I said through the mind link.

" Is it about your mate?" He asked

" Yes Athonio." I replied

" How about her?" He asked

" She's pregnant and the pregnancy is a threat to her life." I said and the word threat left a ting in my heart. I just found her ,I can't to lose her .

" She's pregnant? How?" Athonio asked and I guess I will have to explain everything to him .

" She's pregnant Athonio, what's hard for you to understand there?" I asked pulling of my clothes.

" I'm just curious you know. You just met her and now she's pregnant. Did you impregnate her? " He asked and I toss the shirt on the couch. How am I going to respond to that question. The child has an alpha blood and I'm also an alpha or is her ex boyfriend an alpha too. I'm very curious, I really have a lot of things to ask her when she wakes up.

" Athonio, the thing is, I had a one night stand with her in a hotel sometime ago. But I'm thinking someone sets her up. " I said through the mind link not even knowing where to start from.

" Wait you found her in a hotel and you guys had a one night stand? He asked through the mind link with a surprise tone.

"Yes Athonio" I reply as I lye down on the couch and stare at the sleeping face of my mate.

"gosh she's so beautiful when she's sleeping" Uzo drool over her beauty in my head.

" And you left her and came back to the pack alone after sleeping with her?" He asked curiously and I sigh.

" I was drunk Athonio and she was drunk too. All I could hear in my head was Uzo telling me to mark her but I didn't" I reply.

" So why do you think she was set up?" He asked and I got up to have a glass of water.

" That Faithful night, she was drunk and I was drunk too. I saw her with a girl of about her age or probably older than her in the bar but the thing is I don't remember or Know how we end up in the hotel" I said through the mind link as I gulp the water down gently.

" I don't still get it Lucas, how is that a set up? You were drinking In the hotel where she went to have a drink with a girl who might probably be her friend or her sister. You got drunk and she also got drunk , both of you became lost in each other's eyes and you end up in the hotel bed where you find out she's your mate but fail to mark her and bring along with you to the pack. So I don't see anywhere set up is here" Athonio said and listen to every word he said with rapt attention. He might be right but what about the nude photos she talked about.

You might be right Athonio but she's accusing me of taking our nude photos together and sending it to her boyfriend that I'm the reason she broke up with her boyfriend. She said I'm wicked and heartless for doing that to her. So don't you think someone sets her up? She has a boyfriend so she wouldn't go to a bar alone to get herself drunk." I explained everything to him through the mind link.

" So the girl you saw her with in the club took the nude photos and sent it to her boyfriend?" Athonio asked

" That's what I think Athonio. She must be someone who knows too much about her relationship and had wanted to set them apart and I'm glad she succeeded in setting them apart but putting the blame on me and making me look like the culprit is what's pissing me off" I reply. That's just the truth, that girl must have taken those photos and send it to her ex boyfriend. The jealous street girls. I'm glad she did by pushing my mate to me in the hotel and by helping her to cut ties with that asshole.

" Okay I agree with you. Let's assume the girl you saw her with at the hotel took the photos but the question is how did she do it?" Athonio asked

" That I don't know. I don't really know how she did it but I'm suspecting her as the culprit" I said through the mind link with a deem gaze.

" So do you know the girl in question?" He asked and I reply with a " No"

" I don't know the girl but I can ask my mate when she wakes up. I know it won't be easy to earn her trust easily but I have to expose that girl so that I can earn her trust" I said and I walked to where the heap of fire is and heat it up.

" It won't be easy to get information from her especially not now she's still accusing you. She will think you abduct her because she was unconscious when you brought her into the pack which will make her more angry with you" Athonio said and I nodded with affirmation. Athonio is right, she never agreed to follow me here in the first place but I will make sure I earn her trust, prove to her that I'm not the person behind those photos. I will prove to her what it feels to an alpha mate and what true love is really is not that puppy love she had with that asshole.