
Chapter 272: Life lesson well received

Cassie's POV.

(Few hours earlier)

I watched Waylen walk away from me after banning me from his quarters.

Then it hit me…people aren't born evil.

They are not born wicked or murderous either.

I think there is good even in the most horrible of people, there is kindness in the bloodied and battered.

There is a ray of sunshine around every forgotten corner. I think there is good even in the most filth of hearts.

People are not born villains! They are not born to go out of their way to inflict pain!

They are born pretty and innocent and naive.

They are born little girls who grew up believing in fairy dust and fairy godmothers.

Little girls who believe that yes there is evil and there are wicked monsters…but yes! There is a hero to stand up to them.

They believe in prince charming and in the inherent certainty that love and good is destined to win…always!