
Chapter 27: The truth about Wally

Chapter 27: The truth about Wally

When I was eleven years old, I found out the hard way that one can bleed without being injured.

It was physical education and Alpha Noah was being the pain in the ass he usually was by forcing us to run a couple of miles. I was half way down to the school field when Owen pointed at my pants and yelled blood as loud as he could.

I stopped in my tracks immediately. My mother wasn't hiding me under a rock I knew what a period was but Owen had been clueless. It was the first time I saw fear in his eyes as he picked me up and started running towards the Alpha while I hid my face because Chastity and the other white oak mean girls were laughing so hard that I had wished the ground would swallow me.

I begged Owen to put me down but he wouldn't bulge. The dark points he called eyes that somehow were narrower, the sweat trickling down his face and neck, the way his lips occasionally pressed together on intervals as he raced with me to the Alpha, they all told a story of a frightened boy.

Alpha Noah had taken one look at his frightened son and an embarrassed me and there had been some awkward conversation between us about how Owen and I couldn't have sleepovers anymore or sleep in the same bed, then he called me a woman, which to an embarrassed eleven year old bleeding out of her hoochie wasn't exactly a compliment.

It was the first time I saw Alpha Noah show any semblance of human emotion then I was handed over to Luna who handed me over to Uncle Phil who made me walk home because he couldn't risk me staining his beloved car seat.

My point was the fear my ex best friend felt that day was nothing compared to what the Queen consort of Zolcovia was feeling right this second.

Her lips pressed so tightly it almost glued together and her eyes darted to the door on occasion like she was going to make a run for it any moment from now.

There was nothing pleasant about the whole thing yet for some reason I found comfort in the fact that Waylen was just as screwed up as I was. Maybe it was a human thing to feel or maybe, I simply suck at being a decent human being but one thing was for sure - I was definitely entertained.

"Wally?!" It was the fourth time the Queen called him that but the crown prince of Zolcovia didn't look bothered that what he just admitted to me was borderline sacrilegious.

"It wasn't like that…I swear to God it wasn't like" The Queen consort looked at me as she talked and it was when I realized I was supposed to bow or curtsy like some medieval blockhead.

Did people still bow to royalty in the twenty-first century?

I had no freaking idea, it didn't stop me from standing up to curtsy.

"What are you doing?" Waylen asked me.

"Eating fish (I told him sarcastically) I am curtsying before the Queen"

"You are royalty too, Emily Williamson. A simple handshake or cheek kiss will suffice for stepmother dearest"

(You couldn't tell me this five seconds ago?) I asked via the mind link.

I sat my ass down on the chair to continue watching the two of them.

"Waylen Xavier Cole!" The Queen consort yelled at her step son.

Waylen smiled like he was intrigued "sounds like I am in trouble with mommy"

"You can't keep telling people we banged!" She told him.

"Why not, it's the truth. I fucked you Cassie, I don't think I am so forgettable that you have no recollection of it but if you need me to rehearse every single detail of it, I will" Waylen said when we heard a sound by the eastern corner and everyone turned around.


The man was an older version of Waylen but with blond hair. I needed no introduction to know I was in the presence of the king of Zolcovia.

"Have you suddenly gone mad, boy?!" His voice thundered from across the room.

Waylen tapped his head with his finger "You tell me, Dad…have I gone mad? Maybe but it's probably the head trauma"

"You will not speak to my Queen in that tone or I will have your tongue!" The king pointed at him as he talked.

Waylen relaxed into his chair. He had an annoying little smirk on his face. "Shutting up, your majesty"

I stood up immediately as the door opened and my family walked inside.

"You must be Emily. I must apologize for my son's behavior, he is usually sane my dear" the king tried to smile but I reckoned it was because of my family that walked inside.

"Emily Amara Sanders Williamson, princess Supreme of Castaway and it is nice to make your acquaintance, your majesty" I bowed slightly to the king before I realized I was supposed to do something entirely different.

The king tried to take my hand to kiss it but Waylen took it and clasped his own hands over it.

"We should eat before people start taking what doesn't belong to them, Dad"