
Pregnant At Seventeen Of Triplets

Amelia was the kind of daughter who is innocent and practiced abstinence until one day she found out that she's pregnant. For seventeen years old who always stays away from mingling found herself preg. This event changes her life and the lives of those around her. Unsure of the father to her unborn child she wonders whether she is cut out for parenthood... but the real test maybe when the father is revealed.

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Chapter 44: Who was it

I started to fuss around the room cleaning. "You only clean when something is wrong. What happened?" he asked sternly, coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

He felt warm and I could feel his muscles through his shirt. I leaned back into the warmth. "I just bumped into someone that I had not seen in a while.

It was difficult" I mumbled distractedly "Who was it?" I sighed and put down the toys I had been cleaning up. "It was the triplets‟ dad" I saw Justin stiffen and I knew that I shouldn't have bought it up, I had told him the story and he had been furious.

"Did he hurt you?" "No!" I said quickly, "not physically at least. It was hard to see him that‟s all."

Justin sat down next to me so that our thighs were touching. I leaned over on to his shoulder, resting my head. "Well, I hope I never meet him because I fell like smashing his head in" he sighed bitterly "He has a hard head sweetie, you will probably break your hand," I said in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

"You don't think that I could deal with him?" he asked angrily. "No, no babe, that's not it." I said hastily, "I just… ah hell lets go to bed it is too early or too late I guess to talk about this. Can we talk about it in the morning?"

I saw him hesitate, then, "Yeah ok" We both cuddled up in bed and all I could think about is that I saw John tonight. And he still looked hot as hell. But I was going to be strong. I couldn't take it if she left again. I just couldn't. When I woke up the next morning I had a huge headache or hangover was probably the better term.

Then it hit me. I was nineteen now and this was my first hangover. I had never been a big drinker at parties, maybe just a drink or two. Last night however I had more than a few.


For a moment I thought about celebrating, but as I went to get up I realized that maybe celebrating wasn't high on my list of things to do… I got out of bed, careful not to wake Justin, but I knew from experience that it was near impossible to do that, he was a very heavy sleeper.

When I walked out into the kitchen I saw that Sophia was already up and was sitting at the table with her head in her hands. "How is your head?" I asked evilly. I can just imagine what hers felt like compared to mine. "Shut up bitch" she mumbled and I laughed I looked over at the clock and saw that it was eleven am. "Are the kids up?"

I asked half curious half worriedly. They usually were up by eight at the latest. "Yeah, I heard them at about eight, but nothing after that" she mumbled. I could tell that she wasn't going to be much use today. I smiled at her and walked into the triplets‟ room. When I walked in I saw all four kids, mine and Sophia‟s daughter, playing with some toys. "Good morning guys," I said from the doorway.

"Hi, mom" they mumbled and went back to playing, without as much as looking up at me. Wow, way to feel unimportant. I walked back into the kitchen and saw the funniest thing, Justin and Sophia were fighting over the coffee pot. I leaned against the wall to watch. It was like watching my kids fight over the toys.

"I want it!" yelled Justin "You son of a bitch, give it to me!" Sophia screamed, obviously making her headache worse "I just got up! And don‟t go insulting my mom, you don‟t even know her!"

he yelled trying to pull the coffee bottle towards him. Thank Lord there was a lid on it. "I am hungover! I deserve it more"

"Well whose fault is it that you drank too much, it does not belong to me!"

As funny as this was I realized that they would go on forever. And they were using child-friendly language. I put my fingers in my mouth and blew. They both stop mid pull and looked at me.

I raised my eyebrows and they both let go of the coffee pot, trying to look innocent. The pot fell to the ground, with glass shattering and hot liquid spilling over the floor.