
Pregnant After Rejected By Alpha

When I woke up, I was and lying on a soft bed that wasn't mine, being held by a stranger whom I absolutely didn't recognize. At the same time, there was an intense pain between my legs, I nearly screamed out loud. Did I give my virginity to an unknown man?! ****************I am the youngest daughter of Silver Moon Pack's Alpha Aiden, and I have a twin sister. We look alike, but our destinies are completely different. She is a female warrior and is known as the next Alpha, while I am an Omega who cannot shift into a wolf, which is considered shameful by the Pack and my father. For 18 years, I have been guarding my virginity and waiting for my mate to appear and take me away until Blood Moon Pack Alpha's birthday, I had a one-night stand with the infamous Alpha Nicklaus, my father's enemy. When I found out he was my mate, I was rejected. I finally decided to hide it all, I got pregnant.

Nina_GoGo · Fantasía
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13 Chs

10. Wander

Gabriella's POV

I sat down, waiting for the fourth bus heading South among strangers. It feels good to be among strangers; I can breathe freely, and no one will ridicule me or call me worthless. I know my absence won't be felt by my father, and he probably won't even inform my sister. I hope she enjoys her marriage.

"Why are you running away, Gabriella? You should have at least told Alpha Nicklaus that you are pregnant with his child," Leah said to me.

"Leah, I'm glad to hear your voice. But there's no point in telling someone who rejected me. I don't see the need."

"Do you know anyone who lives in the South?" I remained calm for a moment. I really don't have anyone, and my fate lies with the moon goddess; I believe she will protect me.

"I don't need to know someone there, Leah. I have some funds with me, and I'll be able to get an apartment and feed myself," I explained to my wolf.

"What if you run out of money? What will you do then? How will you take care of the unborn child?" Leah cares for me deeply, and I wish we could fully connect by shifting, but everything is fate.

"Have some faith, Leah. I'll be able to work extremely hard and earn enough money to raise my child."

Leah fell silent, and I was left alone with my thoughts again. Why is the bus taking so long to arrive? I stood up and approached the woman wearing a black skirt and a white blouse to inquire, "Hi, miss, when will the bus arrive here?"

"In about twenty minutes, I'm sorry for the delay. Please have a little patience."

"Okay, no problem. Thanks for letting me know." I returned to my seat.

I noticed the woman sitting across from me was crying her eyes out. What could be happening to her? Should I go and console her? No, I think it's best if I mind my own business.

Exactly five minutes later, a taxi pulled up, and a guy rushed out with flowers in his hands. He looked to be around 29 or 30 years old.

"Natasha, I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me. I didn't mean anything I said to you last night."

"What are you doing here?" Natasha, the crying lady, asked. It seemed the guy was her lover, and they must have had a disagreement. He came to beg her not to leave, and it was touching to witness such devotion. I wished Alpha Nicklaus would do the same, but that's just a fantasy; it can never happen.

"You're my world, Natasha. I can't live without you. I take back what I said yesterday. Please don't leave me alone; I'll be so lonely. I love you deeply." He remained on his knees, and she forgave him, helping him stand. They embraced and kissed, and all of us clapped and celebrated with them. Some even took pictures. Then, finally, the bus arrived.

She left with him, happiness on their faces. I smiled as I took my seat on the bus, settling next to a middle-aged woman. I took out my headset to listen to music; it was going to be a long journey.

Observing the beautiful scenery, I felt a sense of relief and took some pictures. I was grateful for my window seat. The older lady didn't mind; she was engrossed in her book.

I started feeling dizzy and tried my best not to fall asleep, but it was a losing battle. Eventually, I succumbed to sleep.

When I woke up, we had reached Nollevile. I had finally arrived in the South with ease. I couldn't wait for the driver to stop at the Lane 12 bus stop, so I could grab a taxi to a nearby motel. From there, I'd figure out my next steps.

As soon as the bus stopped, I disembarked and rolled my luggage to the stand. I took a seat on the bench, waiting for a taxi.

I noticed the weather had changed; rain was imminent. I needed to get a taxi and leave before I got cold again.

Unfortunately, it was too late—the rain had already begun. I had no choice but to wait for it to stop. Then, I'd find my way around if I couldn't get a taxi here. Perhaps I hadn't researched thoroughly enough.

Finally, the rain ceased, and I spotted a taxi. "Taxi, Taxi!" I tried to hail it, but I ended up falling to the ground. The driver didn't stop for me. Maybe if I were lucky, another taxi would come by. And indeed, another one stopped. The driver helped me by stowing my luggage in the trunk.

"Ma'am, where are we headed?"

"Take me to a good motel nearby. I'm new here." I smiled at him.

"Sure thing, ma'am. Welcome again. Did you enjoy your trip here?"

"Yes, I did." With that, we got into the taxi and drove off.

I still can't believe we've been driving for hours, and we haven't reached our destination yet. This town is a bit complicated, I must say. Anyway, I know the people from the South are friendly and good, so I shouldn't be scared of anything at all.

Finally, I spotted Motel Da Bright - what a funny name. I paid the taxi driver and went in to make payment for my room, but I was told the rooms were all filled up. I begged if I could sleep in their storage room, but they politely refused and asked me to leave. I guess today is just not my day. I rolled my luggage down the street, hoping to find another motel. I already felt quite dizzy, and I'm in desperate need of a shower, food, and sleep - it's already late.

While I was walking, my phone rang; it was a call from Jane. I really can't take her calls right now, so I turned off my phone immediately. From where I was standing, I noticed a bright sign - it looked like a hotel. I was lucky. I hurried over there; the hotel seemed a bit small, but it was also quite charming. I spoke with the receptionist and made my payment, and I was given room 208.

I took off my clothes and had a refreshing shower. Feeling more like myself, I wrapped a towel around my chest. Just as I was settling in, there was a knock on my door. I opened it, and it was the food I had ordered. The staff here really know how to be punctual. I thanked her and rushed inside. Instead of sitting in a chair, I decided to sit on the floor for more comfort. I spread my legs, placed the food between them, and ate as if I were about to be chased by a lion.

Once my stomach was full, I made a strange sound and dozed off right on the spot. That's when I had a dream - a warm, comforting dream. In the dream, my father, mother, and sister showed me love. I was no longer sad or in need of wandering.

Please note that I've made some corrections for clarity, grammar, and flow. Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions!