

Our MC is reincarnated into the Marvel Universe with a select group of abilities and a golden finger. He'll travel the multiverse getting rebirth after every lifetime and go to a new world, exploring the multiverse in all its glory

Adramelech · Cómic
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14 Chs


After preparations were complete, I had to ask for permission from my parents to go to Europe. 1 of the many drawbacks of being a child still. When they asked for the reason, I told them it was to search for some late scientists research in order to increase my knowledge and to further my own research. My parents was of course skeptical and worried about the fact that I didn't really get to experience a proper childhood because of all my scientific endeavors, so they agreed to the trip, but as a family trip and as soon as I obtained the research I was looking for, I had to stop all of my experiments and spend a week with them as a family enjoying a trip.

I quickly agreed to it as I found it understandable from their point of view. While they were immensely proud of me and were supportive of everything they did, my intelligence did get in the way sometimes when it came to family bonding. They were glad that I wasn't a hassle, but sometimes my mother just wanted to do mother things and a lot of them she couldn't cause I was already a mature person that could essentially care for myself and that saddened her a bit. So, for her, I decided that for a week I would be a regular kid of a family trip for them.

My mother was ecstatic and quickly booked us a flight to Transia. OF course going by flight there were a lot of things I couldn't bring through security or customs, so I had planned to have Thoth bring everything with him on the glider. With all the stealth features, it could slip past the borders and air traffic control undetected.

When the time came we quickly packed our stuff and got in the car to head to the airport, but I had them stop by my lab before we went to the airport. Once there, I quickly went inside and checked Thoth's status with the glider, armor, and gadgets. After checking everything I loaded up a couple Stem Shots into the glider in case of emergency and sent Thoth on his way. I was then back on the road with my parents.

Once we got to the airport, it was a slow and boring process to get through the security and to get to our gate. Then, it took us a half hour before they were ready to board. Once, on the flight and up in the air it took us 12 hours to get to our destination. For the first couple hours, I spent some time just talking with my parents. My dad fell asleep within 20 minutes, but my mom was wide awake and full of energy. She would talk about everything that she experienced as my mother and all the questions she would get from others, including the parents that wanted to match their daughters with me. Then, she would ask me about all the work and research I've been doing and while my mother was not a scientist, she was smart, so with a little extra information every now and then, she understood everything I was talking about. She did have questions about why I was doing so of the genetic experiments and gathering the dna of animals and bugs. I didn't tell her about the illegal act of getting dna samples from people without their consent.

I quickly explained that by gathering all these dna samples, I could find a key component that links them together and potentially combined similar species dna together and enhance them to create an alpha species that would exhibit all of their positive traits and none of the negative. I could even potentially bring back extinct species and even domesticate them. With this there could be a boom in animal populations, and if controlled, could lead to the positive reconstructing of natural ecosystems. When explaining all this, I even had an epiphany that I should also build some climate and environment devices to rebuild the forest and ice caps in hopes of rebuilding these animals homes. I even had a thought to build a new nature preserve to facilitate these ideas. I quickly use the watch on my wrist, another invention of mine, that can contact Thoth. It made a 3D projection screen that allowed me to design the machines for these ideas and send them to Thoth so he could get the lab robots to start manufacturing them. Then, I sent a new order to my drones to have them collect and store dna samples from fossils and the remains of extinct extinct species.

Afterwards, I felt a sudden chill down my spine and a fierce gaze from my side that belong to none other than my mother. I quickly shut down my watch and apologize to her. She chastised me a little, but knowing my personality, she forgave my and we continued to talk until we were tired and fell asleep.

Once we arrived in Europe, we had to deplane and then take another flight from our current country to Transia. It only took 3 hours this time. Upon arrival we quickly headed to our hotel and while my parents slept do to jetlag, I sent out a signal to Thoth to meet up at my location.

When Thoth arrived, I gave my parents a watch to contact me and told them I was heading out with Thoth to secure the research as quickly as possible while they were resting. That way when they are fully rest we could spend all our time in Transia together and I could get this done while they slept. They were worried and wanted to stop me at first, but after hearing that I would be with Thoth and knowing that he was quite capable as a bodyguard, they conceded and told me to be safe. I then went to my hotel room next door and started to wear the Ogre armor. That's the name for the armor for now.

After suiting up, I hop onto the glider and we head for Wundagore Mountain. Once we arrive, we had to scan the entire mountain for the High Evolutionary's old secret base, but it's not called a 'secret' base for nothing. It took us a couple hours and circling the mountain a few times before we found a couple possible locations, but with the interference of the uranium deposits underground give off interference, it was hard to tell which one was the base. Because of this, we had to traverse the mountain and examine each possible location to find the right area.

There weren't too many and with Thoth and my suit's scanning functions, we were able to tell which areas were duds and which one was our intended destination. It took at most an hour to find the base, but once there, we had to find a way to get in.

The High Evolutionary's secret base was underneath an abandoned cottage, but we couldn't figure how to get in. We scanned the entire building. Inside, outside, over and in the dirt, but even though we have scan that go quite a bit underground to show some of the tunnel leading to the structure, we don't see any kind of switch or key to open it. We then figured out that, if there's no physical object that opens the path, then maybe it opens with a signal from some device that the High Evolutionary probably still has.

Once we figure this out, Thoth begins to send out his own signal pulse to try and detect the receiver connected to the tunnel. When he located it, he then proceeded to analyze the feedback and tried to pinpoint the right frequency and code to activate it. This is where his experience and programming for hacking comes in handy. He quickly finds the right set of frequency and codes to open the tunnel and open sesame, there it is. Behind a bookcase no less.

When we look down the tunnel we see an old shaft lift and we quickly board it. The glider is currently just hovering by me instead of my riding and Thoth doesn't bother to use his boosters to float. Thoth takes a second to check everything and it's surprisingly in good condition. Rusted in some areas but not enough to affect the lift to much.

We quickly turn the lift on and start heading down the dark shaft. Sadly by coincidence or the interference of fate, we failed to see a small red light blinking as we descended. That light seemed to belong to a camera that seemed way newer than the rest of the shaft and looked really out of place in comparison. How we didn't see it is up for debate, but it too late to turn back now and we can't reverse time, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see what or who is on the other side of the camera.