

Our MC is reincarnated into the Marvel Universe with a select group of abilities and a golden finger. He'll travel the multiverse getting rebirth after every lifetime and go to a new world, exploring the multiverse in all its glory

Adramelech · Cómic
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14 Chs

The Hunting Grounds

Once in the Hunting Grounds, I take in my surroundings. The surrounding landscape consists of a swamp just like in my dream. Thanks to the further progression of my mutation, I could traverse this terrain more easily. As I waded through the murky water and muddy bottom, I kept watch of my surroundings in case I ended up like Lu Ze and died as soon as I enter here.

So far there were no creature in sight. As I continued to travel through the waters, I tried to be as quiet as possible and listened and waited for a clue on where the creatures were at. My patience were rewarded as I was able to figure out that most creatures were under the surface of the murky waters.

With the progression of my mutation, my nails grew into sharper and larger claws. Strong scales covered my body like armor and I could breath under water and my teeth turned into sharp fanngs similar to a crocodile's but stronger. Even my eyes changed into a glowing yellow with slits in the middle, like Orochimaru, except for the large amount of green flowing through the eyes, closer to the pupils. These eyes allowed my to see underwater. I even gained a massive increase in strength and speed, more so when I'm in water and my sense were heighten to frightening degrees. These changes took me weeks to gain control of and I had to take a suppressant in order to keep my mutations a secret from everyone for now.

I quickly dive underwater and began to swim around. While underwater, I saw medium size fish and snakes, but as I went further into the deeper waters of the swamp, the creatures became bigger and bigger. I guess I was in the spawning area of the swamp. Seeing them I rushed forward and began to catch as many fish and snakes as possible and kill them. When they die their bodies are stored into a separate space in my mind, like how Lu Ze had. With that knowledge, I wasn't worried about how I was going to eat them later.

I spent hours underwater, catching fish and snakes alike. Once I thought I had enough, I stopped and searched for land. I couldn't see far pass the dense trees and the large network of roots, so it took awhile to find clues of land. When I did find land though, there were a large group of crocodiles sun bathing on the area right next to the water. One of them spotted me and entered the water. This lead a few others to noticed and they also headed in my direction.

I quickly got surrounded and had to fight them off, but as I did, I kept receiving more and more injuries. Luckily for me, my healing factor would kick in and heal me. While the crocodiles were attacking me, I also attacked them. Their scales were harder than their Earthen counterparts so I had to attack them from their underside in order to deal any damage. I would claw at and bite at the throats and bellies and they would latch onto anything they could and do a death roll. It tore pieces off of me, but with my crazy healing ability working overtime, I could ignore the wound I received and continue to deal massive damage to them.

They were dying off one by one, but the noise and blood attracted more and more crocodiles, which I had to continue killing. As I killed them, their bodies were disappearing, denying other crocodiles from a free lunch and making space for more crocodiles to attack.

The fight continued for hours until the were all dead. I was relieved and tired. I wanted to take a break, but I was caught off guard by a giant crocodile bursting from underneath the muddy bottom and launching itself at me. As it swam forward, it opened its gaping maw and closed them around me. I then woke up in bed with a familiar pain going through my body.

Once I recovered from the pain, I noticed that my suppressant wore off and my animalistic features had returned. I quickly went to lock my room door and check the separate space in my mind. Since I was in this form now, I could use it in order to eat my winning.

I thought about bringing one of the fish out and it appeared in my hand. I then grab it and start tearing into it with my fangs. I started with the fishes as they were easier to eat raw. I just had to imagine that I was eating sushi. After I got through the first one, I started to retrieve the rest of the fish and ate them in a frenzy. I don't know if it was due to my mutations or due to where these animals came from and the energy trapped within their bodies, but this was the most delicious food I've ever had.

'Gotta make sure Mom doesn't find out that I thought that.'

I began to summon out the snakes and the massive crocodiles and spent all night feasting on their carcasses. If anyone had stood outside my door, they would've heard the sounds of a beast tearing at flesh, munching on bones and slurping up any blood and marrow that covered the insides of the meat and bones. This continues throughout the night and as I ate, I could feel the energy fill up my body and start working its magic.

The best part was the brains. Whenever I ate one of the creatures brains, I would feel this gentle energy make its way to my head and then it would feel like my head had so much space in it and my thought process would speed up greatly. This improvement allowed me to think about all my projects and research and have breakthroughs in it. It even helped me figure out how to improve everything to an even grander level and succeed where others have failed.

I managed to perfect the Green Goblin serum and the military's Super Soldier serum. I was able to increase their positive traits greatly and completely get rid of their negatives. I even thought of a way to stabilize the Extremist virus and found a way to fuse the animal genes together to make an Alpha species. This finding also applied to all the mutant and human dna I had collected. I was even able to cure the patients now or perfect what had been done to them and turn them into mutants that could control their change and the change would be a complete and perfect form of their animal and human sides merged together. The Hunting Grounds were a gold mine.

When I finished eating the remains of my captured prey, I administered another suppressant and checked my body. As expected, my body release quite a bit of the impurities I heard so much about, So I hurried to the bathroom and proceeded to take a shower and wash away all the filth. It took me 2 hours to get completely clean and remove the smell from my skin.

When the others awoke, we said our morning greetings and had breakfast together. While we ate, I opened up a conversation with Elizabeth and Annabeth about the fact that I could cure them in a little while. The were ecstatic and my mother was so happy that she got out of her seat and ran over to the girls in order to give them a hug while cheering along. My dad just sat in his seat and hid his face behind the morning paper, but I could see the slight grin on his face and the slight lift of his eyes that told me that he was extremely happy, he was trying to play the stronger father figure in front of the girls.

I said my goodbyes to them and headed to my lab to start working on everything that popped into my head earlier that morning. When got to the lab, I quickly explain everything to Thoth and we began experimenting right away.

We first started with the Alpha species project and waited until we perfected that. Then we did the same things with the human dna and then the mutants. Then we worked on the military's Super Soldier serum and the Green Goblin serum. When we were done with the serums, the military's turned into a emerald green color and the Green Goblin's turned into a bright red serum. I named the military's new and improved serum, the Gashadokuro serum, due to the fact that it targets and strengthens the bones. I named the new and improved Green Goblin serum as the Ogre serum as an ogre is way strong than a goblin and it does target all the muscles, nerves and tendons of the body and improves the functions of the organs. With all these improvements, the Ogre serum could make anyone's flesh into a fortress or a weapon of mass destruction.

We then worked on the Extremist virus and made and stable. Now it could heal people no matter how bad the injury, unless they died from getting their heart or head shot, stabbed or destroyed. It also granted the user a heat manipulation ability with overheating and exploding and still gives a boost to the users strength and reflexes.