

Our MC is reincarnated into the Marvel Universe with a select group of abilities and a golden finger. He'll travel the multiverse getting rebirth after every lifetime and go to a new world, exploring the multiverse in all its glory

Adramelech · Cómic
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14 Chs

SHIELD Encountered

3rd POV

When the helicopters finally landed, people started filing out while the propellers slowed to a stop and the loud noise became quiet. Coulson spotted a small armored figure on a flying board that had a monstrous face as a figurehead. He quickly approached the armored figure and began to talk.

"I guessing you're the one that has called us? You're gonna need to come with us. We need to ask you a couple questions about your involvement in the case and talk about your breaching into a government organization's classified files."(Coulson)

"Sorry, that's not gonna happen. I have a promise to keep and work to do. I have some research to do to try and cure these people, so I have to go and I'll contact you later if or when I find a cure."(Vincent)

Vincent's POV

With the conversation finished, I quickly fly away in the opposite direction of my hotel and enter stealth. After a few random turns to make sure I'm not being followed, I turn around and head back to the hotel. When I arrived, I took off my armor and stowed into a compartment on the glider. There wasn't anyone in the room so I went out and walked next door to my parents room. As I opened the door, I saw my dad sitting in a chair facing the door and with Thoth standing next to him. I walked further into the room and saw that my mother was sleeping with the girls on the bed. She's always wanted to do that, but since I was her child she never got the chance. It was definitely a good idea to let them meet.

Due to my mother being out for the count, the one to give me the lecture was my father. Luckily he heard the explanation earlier and understood what was happening. This allowed me to get off lightly and I slunk away quickly with Thoth in tow after.

Due to this becoming more and more complicated, we had to postpone the family bonding until the next day. Once we woke up in the morning, I received another lecture from my mother. Then we headed out to shop for the girls. While we were shopping I began to talk to the girls in order to learn more about them.

Their names were Elizabeth and Annabeth. They were born in in the 70s but in the late eighties, they went on a family trip, much like the one we were on, and while they were here in Transia, they were attacked by some weird guy in armor and kidnapped. Once they were brought to the underground labs and experimented on. At some point they were separated from their parents. Shortly after that, they were taken to the storage room where the containers were held. They were put into the tubes and the bottoms were starting to fill up with the green fluid. They were afraid and couldn't swim, so they struggled to break out of the containers, but as the tubes began to fill, they also had to struggle to stay afloat, but it soon reached the top and they were trapped underwater. When they couldn't hold they breaths anymore, they started to drown and as the green fluid started to fill their lungs, they blacked out. When they woke up again, they saw us.

While hearing the story, my mother started crying and when they finished, she quickly enveloped them in a mother bear hug. I could even see my dad hold the bridge of his nose while trying to hold in his tears. As I watched this scene play out in front of me, I had Thoth start making new identities for the girls and ordering airline tickets so that they could fly back home with us.

The next couple days, we all spent the days together, exploring all sites the country had to offer. We traveled city to city, town to town and took pictures of all the tourist destinations. We even bought plenty of souvenirs and lots of clothes for the girls. We had to even buy more luggage to carry it all. My mother was releasing all her pent up desires on the girls. This made me think that she always hoped that I'd been born a girl.

After all the fun we had was over, we packed up and prepared to take the flight back. I had even received the documents for the girls to my parents. These papers mark these girls as their adopted children and allowed them to travel with us. I even already had their plane tickets with their seat numbers.

When we returned home, we quickly put the girls' stuff into a guest room and had them use it as a temporary room until my mom redecorated a room for them. As for me, I quickly returned to my labs and started to look over all the new study material. The new research I've obtained was vast.

It took a week to go through all that research. During the week, I had to stop studying so I could bond with girls and check up on their bodies' condition. I even was able to take some scan and samples from them to study in order to reverse the changes done to them. Right now they had animal ears, patches of fur and scales enlarged and lengthened limbs and small horn growths. Even their eyes looked unnatural. We were able to get through people's stares and questions by having them wear a hat when able and whenever someone asked about it, we would be able to pass it off as a costume. With all these samples and research, I was able to make a serum that would act as a suppressant for the changes and would allow them to look human. With the research obtained from the other patients' monitors, I was to make some improvements so that it would theoretically work for them.

With that done, I quickly visit the girls and while my parents watched on I injected the serum into them and we all watched as they began to change and take on a normal human appearance. When they saw themselves in a mirror we had prepared beforehand, They started to cry in joy and relief, which lead to my mother to cry and hug them again. She was always so emotional around them. It was understandable, but still.

While they were hugging it out, I left and went to produce more serum and called Coulson.

"Hey, Coulson. I've haven't made a cure yet, but I've a kind of suppressant so that the experiment patients can live a sorta normal life until the cure is complete." (Vincent)

"Alright, but if this is just a suppressant, then what happens when this wears off? How long does it last?"(Coulson)

"Don't worry. The suppressant should last for 3 months, that should give me enough time to at least make a stronger suppressant if not a cure. Now, where should we meet up so that I can hand the suppressants over?"(Vincent)

"We have a secret shelter that house the patients for now, so that they are out of the view of the public. We can meet there so that you can administer the suppressant yourself and check on all the patients. The address is..."(Coulson)

"Alright on my way."(Vincent)

After I hung up I had the glider stocked up and strapped 2 big cases, that hold all the suppressant, to it. I then wore my armor and flew toward my destination. Thoth stayed behind cause I didn't want Shield to spot him. Plus I still need to upgrade all his functions.

When I arrived, I saw him waiting for me. We greet each other and head inside. Once inside, I get welcomed by all the patients. It was great seeing them better than before. They were more energetic and hopeful. When I mentioned about the suppressants, they were ecstatic and rushed forward to be the first one. Coulson had a few agents nearby intervene and help get everyone in order. With that done, I began to administer suppressant and watch their reactions.

As the serum started to work its magic, I saw how much joy and relief they felt. They easily mirror Elizabeth and Annabeth's reactions. When everyone was back to normal, at least temporarily, I had another talk with Coulson. When we began talking, he had a smug grin on his face. It was other that he was happy for the patients or that he figured something out and knowing Shield, I'm assuming that it was the later.

"Well Mr. Howlett, are you ready to talk now?"(Coulson)

Yep. He didn't try to hide that or ease it into the conversation. Talk about dropping a bomb.

"We figured out your identity by some of our agents noticing someone hacking into the governments database again in order to make 2 new identities and buying international tickets with them. After checking the flight manifest and seeing which airport you would be in, we accessed camera video footage and saw the two girls who held the new identities and who they were with. With facial recognition, we were able to find out the identities of your parents and by proxy, figure out yours. As you already have a history with dealing with the military and patenting a few inventions while at a young age, we've known about you for awhile."(Coulson)

"Alright, then what do you want?"(Vincent)

"Simply answer our questions and we could overlook the previous offenses and let the girls stay with your parents. This is done in hopes that you would work with us in the future with your research into the super soldier projects. We would be happy to provide any help necessary and exchange, we would like if you would provide our people with some of your Stem Shots and any future ones you may come up with. With a generous discount of course."(Coulson)

After that, we go into discussions about what happened in detail and trying to cut a deal about my products and what help they were willing to offer.