

Our MC is reincarnated into the Marvel Universe with a select group of abilities and a golden finger. He'll travel the multiverse getting rebirth after every lifetime and go to a new world, exploring the multiverse in all its glory

Adramelech · Cómic
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14 Chs

New Research, More Planning

After a week, I had the military's reply. They quickly delivered the samples and the research materials for the super soldier serum that made Abomination to my lab as well as gave me a very generous donation to further my different research endeavors. Once they left, I quickly went over the researcher materials and studied them thoroughly to make sure I didn't miss a thin.

After I was done, I quickly check the samples and man was there a lot of samples. I guess they figured that I would need to experiment a lot and would waste a lot of samples. With my previous studies, experiments and improvements of the Goblin serum, I had a lot of experience with these kind of serums and knew exactly how to deconstruct and reconstruct the military's serum and quickly perform many experiments to improve its positive qualities while minimizing the side effects.

The Goblin serum improves the muscles but deteriorates the mind, while the Military serum improves the bones but atrophies the muscle. The extremist virus provides advanced healing abilities and heat manipulation, but due to it's instability, when taken in too large quantity, it causes the host to explode in a flash of hot plasma. Each of these items can potentially make a super soldier, but all of them are too flawed to be considered a proper method of achieving this and all the negatives quickly make the subjects unfit to be called super soldiers.

With all this in mind, I think about the possibilities and try to think of ways to improve upon all my knowledge to improve these serums. I mostly figured out the path for the Goblin serum, the military serum is still new and the extremist virus is too volatile and most likely needs a strong enough body to contain its energy.

For the next couple weeks, I experiment with these subjects and every new finding for one serum helps boost my findings and solutions for the others. This leads to rapid improvement in the Goblin serum and the military serum, but only a slight amount for the extremist virus, which is better than I could hope for.

While this was going on, I had also developed a new blueprint and had Thoth use the robotic workers to make the product. The were drones and sample retrieval units. These drones were built with enhanced stealth and shielding surpassing the shields supplied to the military and made to be able to stealthily retrieve dna samples from different people, mainly mutants and animals. This will come in handy later.

But now, I have come to a plateau in my research. I have provided upgraded models of the Barrier Belts to the military and with my studies in the super soldier serums, I was able to make a new Stem Shot that would give the soldiers a temporary boost in there abilities. This increase will make them like super soldiers for 10 minutes for now, but I'm still improving it. I already patented it and started selling it to the military which even if the were disappointed with the time limit, they still appreciated the boost and with the only side effect being the strain it puts on the body after it wears off, these Enhancement Stem Shots pretty much flew of the shelves and the money kept rolling in.

I decided it was time to go look for another scientists research to further my own. I picked the High Evolutionary. Just like Banner, he has a tendency to leave his labs with tons of data once he deems it unnecessary due to him retaining that information. Right now, he's probably in space trying to create Counter Earth or just rule it. That means his lab in on Wundagore Mountain in Transia is unmanned, but it will probably be protected by security and possibly left over experiment subjects.

Thankfully, this is where tech comes in handy. While there was a boost in strength during the first awakening of my X-gene it wasn't enough to guarantee that I would be able to win or fight in this world. So the first thing I do is start building an advanced form of Goblin Glider and armor that has a link to the glider and a whole bunch of useful gadgets.

During the time this is happening, I have sent out the drones to hunt down all the animals and bugs on this planet and to take dna samples to be brought back for my experiments. I even sent some to collect dna from all the mutants that have a healing factor, bone manipulation, animal traits and adaptation. As well as one to Stark industries to scan the Ark reactor and Howard Stark's diorama.

This process takes about a week to finish, as the drones are small and super stealthy. After enough samples were received, I quickly stop the drones from targeting mutants and have them target regular humans. I have them make sure to get multiple dna samples from every race. I then have all the dna samples stored and cataloged. While these samples were a lot, there was only a small amount of samples from the mutants. Lucky for me, I'm never idle. While this was taking place, I had made a replicator. This replicator can take a small sample and multiply it exponentially. Kinda like what Mr. Blue does with Banner's blood.

Then, with the scans of the Ark reactor and the diorama, I begin making preparations to build them. The diorama is the easiest part as well as the discovery of the new element as it was quite detailly shown in the movie and with Thoth's help, we were able to order the necessary parts and produce the new element. And with minimal damage to my lab, as I knew how much damage it caused to Tony's.

With the element in hand, we started building the Ark reactor while making vast improvements on it thanks to the new element and some major tech upgrades. It took a couple months to finish, as we were trying to improve it and make it vastly superior to the old model, which we succeeded in doing. After it was built, I quickly had my entire building taken off of the city's power grid and began supplying the building with the energy from the Ark reactor. This in turn made my factory more eco friendly and cut the costs of electricity from my expenditures.

After that, we began to build the glider and suit necessary for my future endeavors. At least until I get some major upgrades to my own abilities. At that point, I'll repurpose these experiences to upgrade Thoth.

The suit, glider and gadgets now were powered by small Ark reactors and came with some new features. The glider was improved to run off the new Ark reactor, which allowed it to fly farther, faster and with other upgrades it didn't require jet propulsion to lift or fly, so it was silent and with the stealth upgrades, it was practically invisible to others unless close up. The weapons on it, were energy blasters and an array on tools that could be deployed for my use. There was the pumpkin bombs that now had been changed to look like black skulls and was energy based instead of fire, there were also a couple different variations that contained knockout gas, concussion and flash bangs, an electric discharge and one that releases a strong net that's capable of holding people with super strength, up to a certain extant. Then there was the razor bats which didn't need much improvement, just a slight color change.

The suit was the one with the most improvement to its armor and abilities. We of course gave it an overhaul that made it look more like the Ironman outfit, but not exactly and instead of a goblin vibe, it looked more like an ogre with short horns. The horns served two functions. One was to connect me with the antenna array I made for the police in case I wanted to start crime fighting early and connected me to Thoth, like with Tony and JARVIS. The second function was that it acted as a kind of sensory device. It could detect anything in my surroundings and help me locate something and even send me a warning if someone was about to get the jump on me. It worked like a tech version of Spider-man's spider sense.

Then, we gave it a powerful shock ability in the hands that could be used up close or even fired as a ray or beam. This was useful to knock someone out or to continue to fight even if I ran out of gadgets. They could also absorb energy and feed it into the reactor in it's chest to store it. This was just in case I ran into Thor, Electro, or Zzzax. It was also useful as a way to recharge in case I used up too much energy, cause the chest reactor was able to fire a uni-beam and I had included the thin red lasers that Tony uses to cut through metal. These abilities used up way too much energy.

I also included an improved design of the Barrier Belt onto the suit and with it being powered by the small reactor, its abilities were able to be dramatically increased. Heck it could probably take a couple hits from the Hulk before running low and needing a recharge. Besides that, the suit just improved my base physical abilities and contained a strong shielding against different kinds of radiation.

With all this done, I quickly stock up on everything. Now we're ready to go to Transia.