

Our MC is reincarnated into the Marvel Universe with a select group of abilities and a golden finger. He'll travel the multiverse getting rebirth after every lifetime and go to a new world, exploring the multiverse in all its glory

Adramelech · Cómic
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14 Chs

New Ideas

Upon seeing the changes on my arm, I rush to the bathroom in order to see myself in the mirror. When I saw my reflection, I noticed that the grey skin tone wasn't a strong grey and looks more like I got paler. The scales looked more like a rash or bad skin condition for now, but I know that the mutations will get much worse and I don't even know if their will be any more positive or negative effects later on. Luckily my face didn't change. I could cover up or hide the rest until later, but I'll need to hurry up my experiments before I won't be able to show myself.

So far, I have obtained all the research and notes of Oscorp, but I'll have to stay here for awhile and work to use it as a springboard to make a connection with the military. Based off of Peter Parker's birthday, I have a couple years until the year when the military will cancel the contract it has with Oscorp. During this time period, I'd have to make or improve something that will prove useful for the military, thus gaining their notice. Once I obtain their notice, I could try talking to them about restarting their super soldier program and trying to improve the serum they have in storage. Once I gain access to it, I could gain a sample and find out how to make it myself, then improve it.

The next day, I show up at Oscorp and start working to work on a device that could be useful for the military. I decided to make a device that could replace the engines of military planes with a system that manipulates the gravity around the vehicle, so that it could fly higher and faster. I also started to make a energy based weapon system that'll allow it to deal more damage and pierce through tougher materials with ease, while also reducing the need for live ammunition saving the military on cost. Then I made a cloaking device that could hide the plane from radars and vision and made it so it could detect other planes through their cloaking. The last bit was kinda necessary, otherwise the pilots could end up crashing against each other.

With all the systems and improvements I was making, I decided I might as well just make a whole new plane. After I made that decision, I had to then create an energy system that could power all of the new innovations. I ended up running into problems at this step as I then had to find a way to control the energy storage and expenditure rate. Then, I had to find a way to make sure that the other systems worked at optimal functioning while only using a necessary amount of energy and without overheating. Then, I had to make emergency functions in case something went wrong and deal with all the malfunctions that showed up every time I did something new. I also had to work on the wiring and programming to try and make it easier to pilot. Then, I worked on wind resistance and speed, which lead to new complications or ideas that made me have to start over. After all that, I then had to choose the material that would best fit the design, which caused me took have to look around for it and then make a composite or alloy based off of the requirements of what my design needed.

I had to do all this work while still doing my regular work of helping the other lead scientists. This caused me to spend long nights with no rest and caused my progress in my designs to be slow. Most of the time, I was only able to sleep a couple of hours every couple days. During this time, I didn't have anymore dreams about the creature I got eaten by and became and my mutation didn't seem to be progressing.

After a couple months of working on my designs, I managed to finish while also helping others make progress in the company's research assignment. The completion of my designs came just in time too. There would be a group of military personnel, lead by a general that was in charge of overseeing the cooperation between the military and Oscorp, coming in a week's time. During this time I went and got my designs and research patented, cause knowing how corrupted Oscorp was, I would never submit my work through them. That's how they would steal my ideas and call it their own and I wouldn't have any recognition and wouldn't receive a single penny of the money the design would generate. After I got the patent, I then sent a copy of it to the military so they could check my work and see if they'd want to apply it to military use. If they did, they'd have no choice, but to get in contact with me.

(AN: Btw it is currently the year 2006 in this story with the character being 12. Iron Man takes place in the year 2010, so there won't be any progress in the different Avengers storylines, but I will be adding little things here and there. Also, I read that Peter Parker was born August 10, 2001 and he got bit at the age of 15, thus any events with him won't appear till year 2015-2016. In 2016, Spider-man: Homecoming and Captain America: Civil war takes place, and in order to make since of this plot gap between the two movies, as CA came out before SM and they never said anything about when peter got bit and said he was doing his rookie hero thing already for awhile, I may have to change the spider bite date to an earlier year so that the story will flow better. The next few chapters will start interacting with the Hulk's story and then Iron Man's.)

Hey y'all! I just wanted to say that I may have to stop updating inorder to stockpile a few chapters. Then I'll be able to update on a more normal and consistant schedule. I'm now trying to get your opinion of this choice.

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