

Our MC is reincarnated into the Marvel Universe with a select group of abilities and a golden finger. He'll travel the multiverse getting rebirth after every lifetime and go to a new world, exploring the multiverse in all its glory

Adramelech · Cómic
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14 Chs

High Evolutionary's Lab

The lift was slow and shook often on the way down, but wasn't too bad of a ride. When the lift reached the bottom, we got off and looked around. There seemed to be 3 doors in front of us and luckily they were labeled. The doors lead to his labs on the left, experiments straight forward and the storage on the right. Just guessing, but I assume that the research I'm looking for is going to be in his lab, his experiments are most likely his test subjects and I'm not sure what could be in the storage. Maybe old rations or food.

"Which do you want to go to first, Thoth"(Vincent)

"We should head to the lab. As that is the most likely area to contain what we came for and everything else is unnecessary for now."(Thoth)

"Good point. Well, labs it is then."(Vincent)

After making a decision, we head towards the High Evolutionary's lab. Once we reach the door, it another couple of minutes for Thoth to hack his way through the security and open it. When it opens, a slight cold breeze leaks from the doorway. It's understandable, as it's probably meant to maintain a sterile environment and with the Ogre armor on, it doesn't bother me.

Once the doors open up entirely, we head inside and look around. From first glance, there are the obvious beakers and test tubes neatly kept on shelves and in fridges. The ones in the fridges are viewable through the see through glass door. We were able to see that each tube and beaker in the fridge contained some kind of liquid, but we weren't able to tell if it was something old and well preserved or something recent. You can never tell when it comes to a geniuses lab.

We continue to go through the lab in search of papers, files and computers. The computers while old and behind the times, Thoth was able to handle them well and started to extract information from the secured files. I ended up searching through all the files and papers and scanned them with my helmet's visor and sent them to Thoth's databanks to be view later. I had wanted to examine the fluids in the fridge, but they all turned out to be some kind of reagents containing animal and human dna, but that's to be expected as this lab was used to mix the two to try and cause one or the other to evolve into something else. As for the finer details, I couldn't figure it out as without knowing what is exactly contained within the vials, any experiment could result in terrible consequences. Luckily, with the research and notes we are gathering, I'll quickly be able to recreate them in my own lab after a little bit of studying.

After we gathered all we could from this room, we headed back and decided to check the other rooms. The next one we looked at was the door leading to the room that contain the High Evolutionary's experiments. It was easier to get through this door as Thoth already had the key code from the previous 2 doors and it doesn't seem to actually differ that much.

As with the last door we were greeted by the the cold air contained within the room. After it was opened, we walked through and what I saw could only be described as grotesque. Brilliant in a way, but still nasty.

What was contained in this room was the preserved carcasses of animals or what appears to be animals that had changed into something malformed and ugly. They looked like they were chimeras that were put together haphazardly and many of their limbs didn't fit their body. It is plain as day that these were the failures and I'm guessing they were preserved here to be experimented on in order to find out where the High Evolutionary went wrong in his research.

There were creatures with too many eyes or whose limbs were too small and deformed. Some had bodies that looked to be made of large tumors and some had bones growing from their flesh. Some had multiple heads and many had traits of other creatures mixed into their body, but in a way that looks almost like they were sewed together by some madman. These creatures obviously live a short life in unimaginable pain before they died.

Their bodies were preserved in clear glass cases and their was research notes contained in files held up in a folder attached to the cases. After going through them and adding them to Thoth's files, it was confirmed that these poor creatures were once human. The files even included the background of the human from before they were turned into these things. If this is what happens when he experiments on humans, it's no wonder he switched to animals on Counter Earth. There's no way humans would stand for this if they found out.

There was another computer in the back of this room. On it were more research files, as well as video logs about the autopsies of the bodies and the High Evolutionary's conjectures about where he went wrong and how to fix his mistakes. These would come in handy for what to avoid in my future experiments. After making sure we have everything available here, we head back.

Once we are out of the room, we then head for the room marked as storage.

"You know, it's odd that there's no security measures here. I know it's abandoned and all, but still."(Vincent)

"Yes. Odd indeed. Well don't lose hope yet. I've been scanning this structure for awhile now and with the files on the computers, I've have found out that what we are seeing isn't the whole of the facility. There is mass discrepancy from what I am detecting and what we are seeing. This is only the surface of the lab and contains the High Evolutionary's earliest experiments as well as his earlier knowledge. Anything more advanced that would be of any value to him would be on lower floors."(Thoth)

The doors soon opened. When we looked into the room, all we saw were giant containers filled with some kind of green fluid. In each container, floating in the fluid was the disfigured form of a human that had been experimented on. I quickly ran forward to examine the containers and found a monitor that goes with each container. On this monitor showed the data of the human experiments and their life signs. These humans had been in stasis in this fluid for who knows how long. I wanted to set them free immediately, but I would wait until I finished exploring the rest of the labs floors in case there were more.

I had Thoth quickly connect to an internet server, which honestly surprised me when he told me that he could detect one from done here. With him connected to an internet source, I had him connect to a satellite and hack his way into shield databases. This would probably raise some flags with them later, but I then have him look for the phone number of Nick Fury or Agent Phil Coulson. This is the first time I've ever heard of someone not on their radar intentionally get on their radar.

"Sir, it seems that I've been detected and they are trying to lock me out and pinpoint our current location."(Thoth)

"That's fine, just hurry up and fine those numbers and disconnect."(Vincent)

"Alright...I was unable to get the number of Nick Fury as his security was to high, but I managed to obtain the number of Agent Phil Coulson. It also seems they are aware of the data that I've obtained and are most likely awaiting your call."(Thoth)

With the number from Thoth, I quickly call Coulson and as expected, he was waiting for it.

"Who is this? Do you realize that what you've done is a federal offense?"(Coulson)

"Hello, Agent Coulson. Yes I'm aware, but it was the only way to get in contact. We have a situation at my location an I believe it falls under the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division's jurisdiction. Man that's a mouthful."(Vincent)

"We know and we are looking into shortening it. Now what kind of situation could warrant you to commit a federal offense in order to contact us. Also, how do you even know about us. That's classified information."(Coulson)

"It doesn't matter how I know, but right now I'm in a secret facility in Transia and there are a large quantity of containers here that contain human in some kind of stasis and all the humans have been experimented on by someone called the High Evolutionary. I'll have my partner send you the exact location."(Vincent)

I then signal to Thoth to send the location to Coulson's phone and receive a nod that it was sent.

"I've received your location and we are on our way, but when we get there we'll definely have some questions for you."(Coulson)

"Noted. See you then."(Vincent)

I hang up soon after and start exploring around the base again.