

Our MC is reincarnated into the Marvel Universe with a select group of abilities and a golden finger. He'll travel the multiverse getting rebirth after every lifetime and go to a new world, exploring the multiverse in all its glory

Adramelech · Cómic
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14 Chs

Deal With the Military

I hadn't heard anything from the military yet, but thanks to Thoth's surveillance I know that they are actually curios about making a deal with me and that they already have plans to implement my design in the Airforce. Now to make something for the ground troops.

Over the next 3 months, I made 2 more inventions that I patented. The first was a device that produces a forcefield like armor on the user. I designed it to look like a belt and made it so the barrier output could be control to strengthen, weaken, grow or shrink the barrier. The second was an emergency injection device containing a rapid healing medicine that could save a soldier's life on the battlefield. It was especially useful in hectic situations, like when the soldier's pinned down, can't get to a medic or is seriously injured. This medicine was also really cost effective for the military as well, so they could order large quantities for their troops.

I could've made a weapon, but I don't know if I want to go in that direction yet. If I went down that route, it could put in a similar situation as Tony Stark, betrayed, held hostage, and all his inventions that he made in hopes of "helping" people being used by the people he made them to fight against. Plus, my 2 inventions was definitely enough to get multiple branches of the military interested in me.

Also, within these 3 months, I got in contact with Mr. Blue himself. With my knowledge of the Marvel plot and Thoth hacking skills, I was able to locate his profiles on social media and in chatrooms. Once I found him, I began to trade messages with him. The conversations ranged from medicine, illnesses and our scientific pursuits, but most were about our studies into gamma radiation. I learned quite a lot from him. He even began to ask for my help into his experiments, which based off of my past life knowledge, I was able to figure out it was the beginning experiments to cure Dr. Banner. If I continue to interact with him, I'll definitely be able to get my hands on the hulks blood and access to his research.

Sadly I did run into a little hiccup. Once Oscorp found out about my patents, they tried to strong arm me into giving them my research and patents. Luckily I wasn't under any strict contract besides the NDA, so they couldn't do anything to me, as these were my own designs and it was done in my own time and away from the Oscorp building. While they didn't get anything from me, they did terminate my employment. Too bad for them, I didn't need them any longer, but there's no way I was going to take this without retaliating.

Remember the antennas from the Spider-man games that help the police and Spider-man locate crimes faster? The same antennas that was never implemented in the MCU movies. Well I decided to not give Oscorp the chance.

A month later, I develop the antenna network, patented it and sold the antennas to the police and then had them put up on top of all the tallest buildings in New York. Then, I connected all of them to a super secure network, so that they can't be hacked and could send crime reports to a police exclusive app on their phones. I even designed and patented the app. Crime rates took a quick dive, but I know that it will spike up again as soon as the heroes start showing up.

During this time, the military has been ordering my Barrier Belt and my Stem Shot in bulk and with the advanced payment I was able to buy a small warehouse with my parents help and refurbish it into a proper lab and factory. All the workers were copies of Thoth's body, but they were all inhabited by basic AI led by Thoth. With this robotic workforce, I was able to push out massive quantities of my products.

Later, I was notified by Thoth that the military has sent me a message asking for a meeting about a deal. Just what I was waiting for. With this encounter, my plans has progressed immensely. I quickly had Thoth send a reply to the message to set up a date for next week. And when they agreed, they sent me a message saying who was the one I was meeting and it was none other than General Ross himself.

When the day came for the meeting, I dressed up in a nice suit and head out with my mom as my dad was at work. As a minor, I definitely can't be alone with someone when making a deal with them, especially if it involves a contract. When we arrived, we quickly found Ross, as he was the only one in a military uniform in a pretty fancy restaurant. We quickly introduced ourselves and did away with the formalities. We sat down and our conversation started.

"So this is the little genius that's said to be as smart as Stark and with none of the attitude or smugness. So, how about we get down to business? As you are the one we are trying to make a deal with, I will being addressing you for the remainder of this conversation. No offense Mrs. Howlett."(Ross)

"None taken. I'll just be listening in and I'll only interject if it's really necessary."(Mom)

"Very well. None Mr. Howlett, the reason I'm here is to try and make a deal with you to try and get you to supply us with the medicine and barrier device to the military at a discounted rate and to try and convince you to come up with more invention for military use. Maybe even weapons. Just state your demands and I'll see to try and get them met to the best of my ability."(Ross)

"So let me get this straight, you, the military, wants a child to make weapons of war? The discounts I understand and can do, but why weapons? I thought the military already had a weapons contract with Stark?"(Vincent)

"Well, we do, but the military can use all the help it can get. I don't know if you watch the news, but I'm sure you've heard of the Hulk, right? Well right now we are doing our best in getting rid of this threat to humanity, but every time we find him, he escapes and no matter what we throw at him, he throws it right back. We need something to gives us an edge against these kinds of threats. Then there're the mutants. They hold unimaginable powers and most can't control these powers and are dangerous, but the most dangerous are those that have control of their powers, like Magneto. Pretty much all of the military is useless against his power and he is against non mutants and is a dangerous extremist. How do you expect us to battle these threats with our current equipment. We are in a race against time. Human ingenuity versus rampant and unpredictable mutations. We are one the former side and sadly we are losing. This puts us all at risk."(Ross)

"Hmm, well I can think about it, but for now with all the racists against the human rights of mutants, I don't think it'll be a good idea to put mutant killing weapons out there. The most I can do is make more protective gear for your people. While this won't secure an absolute victory, but combined with your current weapons, it should allow your troops to stand against them."(Vincent)

*sigh*"I guess that's good enough for now, but now onto what you want."(Ross)

"Well, what I want is simple. As you know, I was recently laid off from Oscorp, but while I was there, I worked on their super soldier serum and I happen to hear that the military has its own. One they've discontinued. All I want is a couple samples and all the research material on the subject and if I can improve upon it, I'll share my findings with the military in hopes of giving the military the super soldiers they've been wanting for so long."(Vincent)

Once Ross heard what I said, you could see the surprise and greed in his eyes. His whole military career has been him trying to recreate Captain America. Too bad that all his attempts has failed and the only success was an accident performed by Banner.

"I don't know how news of this military has found its way to you, but you must know that you can't speak of this subject to anyone. If you can promise to make super soldiers for the military, I'll get you what you want, but I have to bring this up with my superiors. You'll receive our reply in a week if it's fast and 2 months at the latest."(Ross)

(AN: And so it begins.)