
Powerful With The Fragment System

In a time long forgotten, the world was governed by three powerful factions: the celestial Gods, the malevolent Demons, and the enigmatic Mystical Beasts. Each group held dominion over distinct realms and wielded unimaginable power. For eons, they coexisted in a fragile balance with no factions capable of making the others summit, but an ancient treasure, said to hold the key to ultimate power, threatened to disrupt that harmony and making whoever wield it to become most powerful of all!

Bakkymee · Fantasía
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12 Chs

What Is With The Red Eyes?

With the war raging for over a month now, and the blood of powerful beings flowing like rivers on the land of Hesiod. The blood turn into mist that make the natural white sky turn bright red that covered the whole world of Hesiod, making the citizens hiding in their home tremble in fear of the strange phenomena.

Aurelia, one of the mage of the celestial army. Stand at the forefront of the battle as her presence illuminating the battlefield. She lifts her mighty wad and a blinding beam of light shoots forth, dispelling the darkness and heralding the gods' charge.

With a resounding cry, the gods roar as they saw thousands of demons falling under the attack of Aurelia. The celestial army charges into battle, their confidence grew wide, and their swords gleaming with divine power.

With bloodshot eyes while turning his head to look at the beam of light taking the lives of his comrades, Malgazar, one of the demons general takes to the skies, roaring with malevolent fury. He hurls blasts of infernal fire and unleashes dark curses upon Aurelia and the gods' forces, seeking to demoralize and scatter them. His command over the dark arts is formidable, and he proves to be a cunning and strategic adversary.

Aurelia counters with a wave of her hand, creating ice protective barriers that shield her allies from the demonic onslaught. She projects waves of healing energy to mend the wounded gods who didn't react on time and retaliates with bursts of divine energy that disintegrate the infernal fire from Malgazar.

Aurelia confronts Malgazar in a dazzling display of power and grace. They engage in a fierce aerial duel, exchanging devastating blows that send shockwaves across the battlefield.

Malgazar's fiery attacks are met with Aurelia's divine shield, and her luminous staff inflicts wounds that smolder with holy energy. As they clash, the very fabric of reality seems to bend under their might.

Though Malgazar is a fearsome opponent, Aurelia unwavering resolve and her unique skill to borrow the strength of her allies without affecting them for one minute begin to tip the scales in favor of the her. She began to push back Malgazar while inflicting wound on every vital parts of his body.

Weakened but undeterred, Malgazar summons his biggest darkest powers, intending to unleash his most powerful attack to end this confrontation once and for all. As he conjures an enormous vortex of chaotic energy, it becomes apparent that victory or defeat will be decided with this attack.

Aurelia channels the borrow strength of her divine brethren and ascends to her true form as she didn't dare to take the attack of her opponent head-on, glowing with an awe-inspiring brilliance. She launches herself towards Malgazar, determined to end the conflict and send this troublesome opponent to the grim reaper.


In the climactic clash, Aurelia's divine energy overpowers Malgazar's dark might, and the demonic general felt his throat pierce through by a ice sword. The vortex of chaos energy surrounding Malgazar slowly faded as the he collapsed on the ground, the war general is defeated.

Throughout the battlefield, individual battles of epic proportions ensue between legendary champions of the universe. A demon king with flaming swords locks blades with a godly warrior wielding a celestial spear. Their clash shakes the very foundations of the battlefield.

In the heart of the conflict, a lone adventurer from the guild, named Elysia, also emerged as a key figure. Her mastery of arcane magic and strategic brilliance made her a formidable force on the battlefield. Elysia ventured deep into the mystical creatures ranks to confront a graceful unicorn directly, wielding an ancient artifact capable of sealing 30% of an enemy power for thirty minutes.

The final confrontation between Elysia and the unicorn was a breathtaking spectacle. Spells clashed, and the land trembled under the weight of their power. In a dramatic climax, Elysia managed to use the artifact, draining the unicorn of it power, but not before sustaining grievous wounds.

The Moonstalkers of the mystical creatures weaved illusions amidst the fray, causing friend to mistake foe, sowing chaos in the ranks of demons, gods and mystical creatures, making them attack their allies.

Heroes rise and fall, although many seems to die in this battle. Within millions of years, there will be new powerful beings that will rise to the rank of demi-god and gods, even surpassing those who died in this battle.

As the weeks turn into month, one month turn into five months. Alliances form and crumble, betrayals sow discord, and sacrifices are made for the greater good. The fate of the fragment hangs in the victor of this battle, and the outcome of this epic war remains uncertain.


In a certain location on the battlefield, four powerful aura would be felt fighting in a dangerous way that spatial crack appear automatically around the surrounding where their weapons clashed.

Drealx had already turn into a madman as he attack restlessly without caring about his defence. He was so badly injured to the point where a fist size hole would be seen very close to where the heart is located from the other side of his body.

He had once again escape from death, when Vaelroth almost pierce his heart with his sharp claw covered with dark energy. With a last struggle, he manage to dodge the sinister sharp claw aimed at his heart by an inch with difficulties.

He was so afraid that he thought for a moment that he had died. Although the fragment is the key to ultimate power, he have to be alive if he want to wield this ultimate power.


Drealx propose as he once again narrowly dodge two powerful attack from Yashin and Lyrak.

Hmmmm, I think what this boy said makes sense. All we saw was just a huge door covered with mysterious ruins. We should see what is behind that door first and after that, we shall continue our battle. Vaelroth said with anticipation on his face.

Although he knew that Drealx seems to be making some kind of excuse for a temporary break, so that he can recover some of his battle strength as he would no longer fight continuously or else, he would collapse and faint no less than three days if he continued fighting without any rest. He didn't care too much about a weaker god who he can kill anytime when they leave this place. All he care about was to see how this great fragment look like.

I also think we should stop and focus on that door, I don't know if it's me or if anyone of you can sense it, but I feel uneasy whenever I stare at that two pairs of red eyes on that door. Yashin said with a big frown on his face.

Same here also, Lyrak said while shaking his two scorpions like tails.

Now that you mention it, I feel like the grim reaper himself is staring at me directly, Vaelroth said while muttering under his breath. Although sometimes he can be greedy and sometimes act aloof, but when it comes to real matter with his life on the line, his attitude will change ninety degree and become serious as he didn't joke with his life.

Noticing the abrupt change of expression in each faction leaders face, Drealx wouldn't help but get serious too. He didn't feel or sense any danger from anywhere, but if those three monsters who have been fighting for months without showing any signs of tirelessly or drop in strength and power said they sense danger, then there is danger. That is it, no argument.

With everyone feeling something strange on the battlefield and stopping their attacks, they wouldn't help but look at the most dangerous location where constant spatial crack appear every seconds.

Seeing their respective leaders standing alright looking fine and signing with relieve. They wonder what happen that make them to stop their battle suddenly.

Hahhahahhaaha, looks like you four finally notice it too right? I got the feeling not long ago after I felt my blood boiling and my adrenaline skyrocketed to the maximum, and that only happens if I am fighting beings of equals level or someone who have the capacity to endanger my life. God of war, Ferkih said with a wide grin on his face as look at the four leaders, Yashin precisely.

And let me warn everybody here, this level of adrenaline I am experiencing right now is not of battle or wanting to appear suddenly in a battlefield and fight forever like always. Ferkih said as he paused slightly to say his next words carefully while swallowing his saliva.


God of war said aloud with his body trembling slightly. After calming down his trembling body with difficulties, he later muttered what only he would hear under his breath. Maybe this coming battle will be fun, after all, it has been a long time since I fight beings over my level.

Use four hours to write this chapter in the middle of the night. As a new author writing his first novel, leave a review

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