
Powerful With The Fragment System

In a time long forgotten, the world was governed by three powerful factions: the celestial Gods, the malevolent Demons, and the enigmatic Mystical Beasts. Each group held dominion over distinct realms and wielded unimaginable power. For eons, they coexisted in a fragile balance with no factions capable of making the others summit, but an ancient treasure, said to hold the key to ultimate power, threatened to disrupt that harmony and making whoever wield it to become most powerful of all!

Bakkymee · Fantasía
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12 Chs

The Battle For Survival

Although they have just took a beating, none of them really show their full strength. They just don't want to reveal all their true secret to other faction leaders which they consider their immortal enemies, as they have been fighting for countless millions of years trying to conquer each other.

But now that the two rocky figures dare to call them weak and look down at them, Yashin wouldn't mind revealing all his trump card today, just to make the two terrifying monsters revise their words and admit that they are worthy opponent.

Not only Yashin, even Lyrak, Vaelroth, Ferkih and other powerful beings present was so angry that they didn't mind showing all their trump card even if it means battling to the death.

ThunderStrike unleashed!

Darkness Manipulation!

Heaven Song Of Bond!

Barbarian King Domain!

God Of War Berserker!

Flames Of Fury!

As the leader unleashed one of their strongest trump card one after the other, their subordinates didn't sit idle either, their combined forces of strength shook the sky and make the ground tremble.

Looking at the power the people unleashed in a state of fury, Argon and Ravenna couldn't help but feel slightly impressed. Although Dagon confidently said this universe is special, they couldn't but doubted his words.

Although they was slightly surprised seeing each of the people present aura seems to be rising tremendously, their power wasn't enough to change the outcome of this battle. They will still be crushed if nothing unexpected happen.

Heh, your strength is still lacking when compare to us, I use about 45% of my strength without using any trump card or power boasting skills in our previous clash. Ravenna look at the intruder with a pity eyes.

You understand what this means right, you have no chance to win this battle from the start, you just have to blame your bad luck for meeting us, the guardians of the number one rank fragment in the universe.

The factions group face paled significantly as they realise the bitter truth, no matter how many hidden trump card they have or reveal, it was useless against this terrifying monsters.

Why? why do you have to kill us all? Can't you let everyone go, we will be grateful forever. A giant king Kong like monkey said with trembling body.

Although we love to, we really can't. You know the rules already, if you dare to enter a fragment filament domain, there is no turning back. it's either you killed the guardian guiding the treasure or you meet the grim reaper. Argon said with a sneer, his face indifferent as he show no pity with his words.


Vaelroth roared skyward and darkness energy burst outward with him as the center.

The darkness energy was so large and dangerous that all nearby weaker allies were directly sent flying amidst scream of surprise and shock.

He, who have live for millions of years and being one of the leader that control a powerful faction, found himself helpless to the point that his fate is being decided by someone else.

Someone decide his fate for him in a battle? When has such a thing happened last, probably millions of years ago, when he was still weak and yet to ascend to god rank. He can't even remember the time or the circumstances that led to the event.

Even when facing Yashin and Lyrak in a serious battle, he has no fear and is very confident that he will not lose his life during the clash.

He stare at the two rocky figures and said in a deep voice. Even if this battlefield and the time next year will be the anniversary of my death, I will make sure to inflict many injuries on you, to the point that you will feel fear when you remember my face.

Listening to Yashin words, the two rocky figures couldn't help but smile slightly.


Ravenna said as he ready his two handed great sword in front of him, while Argon whip started dancing around him.


Vaelroth appear in front of Argon as if he teleported, he struck his fist forward which was covered with darkness energy toward the rocky figure head.

Barbarian Domain!!!

Sensing the incoming danger, Ravenna react immediately and raise his hand above his head in a act to defend himself.

But it was too late, he realised he was moving too slow and can't avoid the incoming fist.


The fist struck Ravenna precisely in the head, pushing him two steps back.

A flash of surprise appear on Ravenna face but disappear quickly as if it was never there.

Interesting, to think I will be able to see the legendary Barbarian king domain again, brother what do you think? Ravenna said as he look at a certain someone on the battlefield.

Indeed, I am surprised as well. Ravenna replied while looking at Drealx, who was covered and surrounded entire in golden halo t with surprise in his eyes.

Barbarian king domain

A domain that was gifted to Acheron, the barbarian king, by the universe itself, after battling and leading the barbarians for many years.

A deadly domain that reduce the enemy stat by 30% and increase the allies stats by 15% of strength.

One need to know that 30% reduce in enemy strength and 15% increase in stat is enough to decide the victory in a battlefield.

If the gods, demons, mystical creatures and adventures guild are facing normal less powerful warrior, the victory of this battle is already decided after the previous clash against Ravenna.

It was just a pity that Argon and Ravenna are not normal warriors, the two have been fighting for years now, their experience and strength are so high that even Yashin can't compare to, and that is enough to ignore the 30% reduce in stats.

Not to mention that they too restrict the power of their attacks, they have been fighting with the intruder with 45% of their strength to begin with.

Seeing that his domain is still not enough to end Ravenna life, Drealx sign in his heart with a bitter expression.


Suddenly a long curly whip cut the space and travel through the air, heading toward Vaelroth.

Seeing the stupify expression on Vaelroth face, Argon use the chance to attack the Demon Overlord who let his guard down and was stupid enough to attack Ravenna, when there is probably another powerful existence that he need to worry about in the battlefield.

Argon didn't know whether Vaelroth was an idiot or can't think straight when in a state of fury, but he wouldn't let this opportunity pass. He would make Vaelroth pay for ignoring his existence.

Vaelroth roar as he felt intense danger, all his hair stood up, he use all the agility of his stat to move away from the incoming danger.

But to his dismay, the whip seem to come alive and chase him no matter where he run to. The whip was very fast, within a few seconds, it was just a step away from hitting him.

Seeing Vaelroth struggle, Yashin raise his divine weapon, thunder strike toward the sky which flash with lighting around it and send it to meet the curly whip.

After launching the thunder strike, which even after a long time left a flash of golden light mixed with crimson light shining in outer space, the result of the two weapon clashing was revealed.

Crimson cracks immediately appeared in space, as the shockwaves spread wide, revealing a space that was significantly darker and filled with chaotic energy and death in which even the powerful beings would only survive a meager amount of time before succumbing.

For the first time ever, the barrier shielding Hesiod planet show a long crack on the surface as the thunder strike was sent flying away, which collide with the barrier.

The few seconds of the weapons clashing was enough for Vaelroth to move away from the deadly whip, which still move forward with the same power as if the thunder strike didn't just clash with it.


Just as Vaelroth sign in relieve for escaping certain death, he suddenly cried out loud in great pain as he realised his left hand have been neetly cut off.

How is this possible? Vaelroth was very sure that the curly whip didn't touch him when he escaped from the attack earlier. Then, how come did he suddenly lost a hand, is there an hidden enemy in the shadow?

It is the strange whip, I am very sure of it. Drealx said with bloodshot eyes.

Although you manage to move away before the whip hit you, your shadow did not seem lucky, I saw it when the whip struck your shadow on the left hand.

Bloody Shadowbane whip

A dangerous curly whip, made from a powerful god rank mystical snake. A brilliant work of one of the best blacksmith in the universe with a lot of hard work.

"Unseen Strikes, Unyielding Wounds" Even if the opponent manage to narrowly escape from the whip attack but the shadow did not. It can still inflict the same level of damage to the opponent when the whip hit the shadow.

That was not only what the Shadow Bane Whip can do, the whip can still absorb 2% of the enemy power and blood whenever the whip hit it the target.

Xup guys, it is a long time right? Sorry for keeping you waiting.

I am done with whatever is keeping busy, back to updating you guys with more chapters.

Bakkymeecreators' thoughts