

Lander Macho has the superpower to be able to increase and decrease ANYTHING! Join his adventures in the world of superheroes in the DC and Marvel universe!

SoberFist · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs


Lander Macho and Brainiac were in a conference room on the Castle of Infinity, discussing the recent developments on Mars. Lander was looking at the reports of the Ultron Legion, which was continuing their research on the new creatures that have emerged on the Red Planet.

"Brainiac, look at this," Lander said, pointing to a holographic display of a group of Grizeons that appeared to be levitating objects with their minds. "These Grizeons have developed superpowers. This changes everything."

Brainiac examined the display and nodded. "Yes, it does. We must act quickly to assess the situation and plan accordingly. If these Grizeons are not controlled, they could become a threat to not only us but also to themselves."

Lander agreed. "We can't let them run wild. We need to understand their capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. And we have to be careful, we don't want to spook them."

Brainiac nodded. "Agreed. We can't risk them discovering our presence on Mars. We should send a team to observe them covertly and gather as much information as possible."

Lander considered this for a moment. "But who should we send? The Ultron Legion is our best team, but they are too conspicuous. We need someone who can blend in."

Brainiac considered this. "I have an idea. I recently created an android body that can pass for a Grizeon. I can modify it further to give it a more convincing appearance and infiltrate their communities."

Lander was impressed. "That's a brilliant idea, Brainiac. But what about the risks? If they detect you, they could become hostile."

Brainiac reassured him. "I have thought of that, Lander. I will program the android to simulate Grizeon behavior and mannerisms, and I will also equip it with a cloaking device to remain invisible to them."

Lander nodded in approval. "Okay, make it happen. Let's gather as much information as possible before we make any moves. We don't want to start a war on Mars."

As Brainiac left to work on the android, Lander Macho remained in the conference room, deep in thought. The appearance of the superpowered Grizeons was a game-changer, and he knew that they had to act fast to understand and control the situation.

He thought about the potential consequences of this development. If these Grizeons were left unchecked, they could become a threat not only to themselves but also to other intelligent life in the universe.

Lander Macho's thoughts were interrupted by a proximity alert from Brainiac. Lander was deep in thought about the recent appearance of superpowered Grizeons and how they could affect the future of the gray-skinned aliens on Mars. He had to put those thoughts aside for now, as the alert was more pressing.

"What's the situation, Brainiac?" Lander asked as he turned his attention to the screen in front of him.

"Multiple dungeon portals have appeared all over Mars, and some of them have even appeared near Grizeon communities," Brainiac replied as he brought up a holographic map of the planet.

Lander's face turned grim as he saw the map. "This could be trouble. The Grizeons are tough, but these dungeons are unpredictable. We need to make sure they don't pose a threat to our citizens."

Brainiac nodded in agreement. "I've already dispatched our Ultron Legion to investigate the portals and take care of any monsters that emerge. But we need to be prepared for any possible scenario."

Lander stood up from his throne and walked towards the holographic map. "I agree. We can't afford to take any chances. We need to make sure our people are safe."

Brainiac brought up another screen showing the Grizeons preparing for the incoming threat. Lander watched with interest as the gray-skinned aliens began fortifying their communities and sharpening their weapons.

"It looks like the Grizeons are already preparing for the worst," Lander said, impressed with their resourcefulness. "They may not have superpowers, but they are strong and determined. We need to make sure we have their backs."

Brainiac nodded. "Agreed. We should offer them our support in any way we can."

Lander nodded as he continued to study the holographic map. "We need to make sure these portals don't become a recurring problem. We need to find the source and put an end to it."

Brainiac began scanning the area around the portals. "I'm detecting a strange energy signature coming from the portals. It's unlike anything I've seen before."

Lander looked at the screen with concern. "Do we have any idea what it could be?"

Brainiac shook his head. "Not yet. But I'm running some tests and analyzing the data. Hopefully, we'll have some answers soon."

Lander paced back and forth, his mind racing with possibilities. "We need to stay vigilant. We don't know what kind of monsters could come out of those portals, or if they could pose a threat to the entire planet."

Brainiac nodded. "I've already instructed the Ultron Legion to keep a close eye on the portals and report back to us if anything unusual happens."

Lander looked at the holographic map once more before turning to Brainiac. "Keep me updated on any new developments. And make sure we're doing everything we can to keep our people safe."

Brainiac nodded in agreement as Lander returned to his throne. They both knew that this was just the beginning of a new challenge for the inhabitants of Mars. The appearance of the dungeon portals had changed everything, and they needed to be ready for whatever came next.

The Grizeons continued to prepare for the incoming threat, unaware of the forces at play behind the scenes. As the Ultron Legion continued to investigate the portals and the strange energy signature that emanated from them, Lander and Brainiac knew that they were racing against time. The fate of Mars and its inhabitants hung in the balance, and only by working together could they hope to overcome this new challenge.


Lander Macho and Brainiac watched from their screens as the Grizeons battled the monsters emerging from the dungeon portals. They observed how the gray-skinned aliens have adapted quickly to the outbreak, especially those who possess superpowers. These superpowered Grizeons became the leaders of their community, and the normal citizens seem to listen to them.

Brainiac noted, "It's interesting how the Grizeons have developed a hierarchy based on their abilities. It's similar to the way human societies are structured."

Lander nodded. "Yes, it seems that evolution has taken its course on this planet as well. I wonder what else we will discover as we continue our research."

Meanwhile, on the surface of Mars, the Grizeons were fiercely battling the dungeon monsters. The superpowered Grizeons took charge of the defense, and their unique abilities proved to be quite effective. They have developed new techniques in combat, combining their superpowers to create devastating attacks against their enemies.

One of the superpowered Grizeons, named Xander, stood in the midst of the battle, using his telekinetic powers to move the boulders and rocks around him to create a barricade against the monsters. His fellow Grizeons followed his lead and took positions behind the makeshift barrier.

Another superpowered Grizeon, named Zora, used her electrical powers to create powerful blasts that stunned the monsters and gave her allies an opening for attack. She darted around the battlefield, her lightning-fast movements making her almost impossible to hit.

As the battle raged on, the normal Grizeons watched in awe and admiration of their superpowered counterparts. They saw them as heroes, and their respect for them grew stronger with every passing moment.

After the battle, the Grizeons held a council to discuss the dungeon outbreak and how they would protect themselves from further attacks. The superpowered Grizeons took charge of the discussion, and their leadership was unquestioned.

Xander spoke up, "We need to set up perimeter defenses around our communities and form patrols to watch for any new dungeon portals that may appear."

Zora added, "We also need to develop new weapons and tactics to better combat the monsters. I can help with that."

The council agreed with their suggestions, and the superpowered Grizeons set out to lead their fellow Grizeons in implementing their plans. As they worked together, the bond between the superpowered and normal Grizeons grew stronger.

Back on Castle of Infinity, Lander Macho watched the Grizeons' progress with interest. He knew that they were evolving quickly and adapting to the challenges of their environment.

He turned to Brainiac and said, "It's remarkable how these creatures have developed in such a short amount of time. I can't wait to see what else they are capable of."

Brainiac replied, "Indeed, it will be fascinating to observe their continued growth and evolution."

As Lander Macho and Brainiac continued to watch and study the Grizeons, they knew that they were witnessing a unique and significant moment in the history of Mars.


The Grizeons watched as the dungeon outbreak continued to wreak havoc on their planet. They had adapted to the situation, and those with superpowers had taken charge to protect their communities. But there was still one place on Mars that remained a mystery to them - the Forgetful Plain.

Some Grizeons described it as a barren wasteland, while others speculated that it was a hidden utopia, a place where Lander Macho, the mysterious being who had created the Ultron Legion, resided. However, no one knew for sure, as anyone who entered the territory would suffer from a form of mindwipe, making it impossible to remember what had happened.

The Grizeons had tried to breach the barrier surrounding the Forgetful Plain, but it was impenetrable, and anyone who tried to enter was immediately affected by the mindwipe. It was as if Lander Macho had erected a shield not just around his territory, but also around the memories of those who entered.

The superpowered Grizeons had tried to use their abilities to break through the barrier, but even their powers were useless against the magic of Lander Macho's Infinity Cosmic Gem Armor. It was a frustrating and perplexing situation for the Grizeons, and many wondered what secrets lay hidden inside the Forgetful Plain.

Meanwhile, Lander Macho and Brainiac continued to monitor the situation from their throne room in the Castle of Infinity. They had been keeping an eye on the dungeon outbreak and had noticed that the Grizeons had adapted well to the situation.

But their attention was suddenly drawn to the barrier surrounding the Forgetful Plain. Lander Macho had designed the barrier himself, and he knew that it was impenetrable. He was confident that no one could enter his territory without his permission.

However, he was intrigued by the Grizeons' attempts to breach the barrier. He wondered if they knew something about his territory that he didn't. He turned to Brainiac, who was standing beside him.

"Have you noticed the Grizeons' attempts to enter the Forgetful Plain?" Lander asked.

"Yes, my lord," Brainiac replied. "They have been trying to breach the barrier for some time now, but it seems to be impenetrable. Even their superpowers are useless against it."

Lander nodded thoughtfully. "It seems they are curious about what lies inside," he mused.

"Shall we allow them to enter?" Brainiac asked.

Lander considered the question for a moment before shaking his head. "No," he said firmly. "I have erected the barrier for a reason. If they were to enter without my permission, it could lead to disastrous consequences."

Brainiac nodded in agreement. "As you wish, my lord."

Lander leaned back in his throne, his thoughts returning to the dungeon outbreak. He wondered if there was a connection between the outbreak and the appearance of the special Grizeons with superpowers. He turned to Brainiac once more.

"Have you noticed anything strange about the Grizeons with superpowers?" he asked.

"Yes, my lord," Brainiac replied. "They seem to have adapted well to the outbreak, and they are leading the charge against the dungeon monsters."

Lander nodded. "But there's something else, isn't there?"

Brainiac hesitated before answering. "Yes, my lord. Some of them seem to have developed new abilities, ones that we haven't seen before."

Lander raised an eyebrow. "New abilities?" he repeated. "What kind of abilities?"

"Some seem to have developed the ability to control the elements, while others have the power to manipulate time and space," Brainiac explained.

Lander considered this information for a moment. "Interesting," he said.

Brainiac nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is. But we must be cautious, as their newfound abilities may pose a threat to our mission here on Mars. We cannot allow them to interfere with our research and data gathering."

Lander Macho furrowed his brow in thought. "Agreed. We must keep a close eye on them and monitor their activities. But at the same time, we cannot deny the potential advantages of having superpowered Grizeons on our side."

Brainiac nodded. "Indeed. Perhaps we could recruit some of them to aid in our mission."

Lander nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, it's worth considering. But we must be careful not to reveal our true intentions to them, as it could potentially cause alarm and resistance."

As they spoke, a proximity alarm suddenly blared, and Brainiac quickly brought up a holographic display showing multiple dungeon portals opening all across Mars. Some were even appearing near Grizeon communities.

Lander's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the display. "This is troubling. The dungeon outbreaks are becoming more frequent, and we must act quickly to contain them."

Brainiac nodded in agreement. "I suggest we dispatch a team of Ultron Legion to deal with the portals and eliminate any monsters that emerge. It is imperative that we keep the Grizeons safe and maintain order on Mars."

Lander nodded, his mind already whirling with plans and strategies. "Agreed. Contact the Ultron Legion immediately and have them deploy to the affected areas. We must protect our interests here on Mars."

As Brainiac began making the necessary arrangements, Lander turned his attention to the Grizeons and their rapidly developing superpowers.