
Power Of Trust

Tittle:The Power of Trust Main Character: Wan Zheqing Side Character: Bai Lingzhou & Xi Weishi Genre: Historical, Fantasy, Wuxia, Brotherhood, Action

RMB_1306 · Cómic
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9 Chs

Chapter 1 [part 1]

Wan Zheqing grows up in the Floral Realm where half of the food and produced recieve by the other Realms. Wan Zheqing was the only son of the Floral Emperor and Floral Immortal, furthermore when Wan Zheqing meets a strange man who will soon become his master. It turns out that Wan's master is the Gate Keeper of the YinYang Realm.

After Wan Zheqing became 18 years old, his master handed all his knowledge to him through the ancient technique called "Hinzu Placed" (which when used, the caster will age abundantly and the reciever's knowledge will increased rapidly and thier meridian will double). Wan's shocked made him fall to the ground when he saw his master aged from 30 to 50 years old. Alast the master told Wan that if he unlocks all the power he will become an Immortal like her Mother and his Father.