
Chapter 15

Jana walked into her mom's house finding her mother in the kitchen looking through bills at the table.

"Hey mom, what bill are you looking for?" Jana said.

"Jana, baby girl, I didn't hear you come in. Where is Angel?" Mary replied looking for Angel.

"Angel is back in Michigan. We are separated for the time being. So, what bill are you looking for?" Jana responded calmly.

"I will not have my baby girl unhappy there has to be a reason behind your separation after two years. You were so happy and so was she, this doesn't make sense." Mary replied.

"Mom, everything is fine. She will come back when she is ready, I was about to have us separate because she hadn't proposed or even brought up marriage. We were falling apart due to work and home life." Jana responded thoughtfully.

"Jana, I don't care how hard either of you work this is ridiculous. You're home life wasn't that difficult either, so what is the real reason both of you gave up? No sex, not enough time together, no meaning commitment...there has to be something for this to happen and you better not lie to me, Jana Bella." Mary replied in a frustrated tone.

"Mom, it is nothing to that extent. We just need time apart, all couples do it." Jana responded with her head down.

"Really? I am sure she left you a tear in your heart with a letter because you're father was good at running from his problems and seems you two are well at it too. You two have been back and forth for so long it is unreal. I will not believe what you tell me but I know one thing I wouldn't recommend finding someone else if she does than that is her mistake. You two belong together no matter how bad it is." Mary explained as she found the bill and placed it on the side to put away all the other bills.

"Point taken mom. I am going upstairs and settle in, I need time to think and get back to work tomorrow before my boss has a fit because I took time off over this mishap me and Angel are having." Jana responded grabbing her bag and lugging it up the stairs.

Getting all the way up to her bedroom where her and Angel stayed at for one evening before heading off to Kansas City for a romantic getaway, the room was still left the same as they left it. Jana decided it would be best to sleep in the other room down at the end of the hall, she couldn't face with memories of Angel it just bothers her too much and she needed space to stop these emotions from eating at her. Jana did remember Angel promising her to never leave her side because of what her father did but she doesn't think that is within reason why they went separate ways, she knew that and believed Angel wouldn't intentionally leave her to this resort of loneliness. Jana reached the bedroom as she heard the house phone ring and she rushed to it then heard her mom pick up at the same time, her mom answered.

"Hello." Mary said.

"Mary, is Jana available? I need to speak with her." Angel said on the other end.

"Of course, she is right upstairs let me go get her." Mary said as Jana urgently responded.

"Mom, I am on the phone, thank you, you can hang up now."

"Alright sweetheart, dinner will be ready at five so be sure to hurry up, and Angel we miss you please come back soon." Then Mary clicked off the phone as Jana sighed a relief.

"Jana, I know we haven't been apart very long but hear me out. We needed this for us, I know I said in the letter that we could see other people though in my heart I couldn't, we will be together again before you know it. I didn't leave you like your dad did just we both needed time apart to figure out if we are ready for marriage later on down the line. I know you are, I have known that for over a year but I am doing this the honest way. So, please wait for me to come home. I love you." Angel said through the phone making Jana's heart race with a tear running down her cheek.

"Angel, I was going to leave to Kansas City but couldn't bear going out there and I had to stay in another room of my parents because of my thoughts of you. I am already missing you this is just to difficult we were already together for almost three years. I wanted to leave but in my heart I wanted to be married to you now not this far apart. Angel, how are we going to get through to this? We are in separate states and dating isn't exactly exceptional at this point." Jana replied biting her bottom lip.

"Jana, please just tell me you love me and we will end this call." Angel responded through the other end of the line.

"I don't want to end this call, Angel, I beg of you please come home." Jana begged for her sake of sanity she didn't want to do this.

"I love you Jana, talk to you in a few months. See you later." Angel clicked off on Jana and Jana broke down in tears with speaking I love you too softly.

Jana cried her eyes out until she ended up falling asleep unfortunately missing dinner with her mom because she felt so worn out and useless. The love of her life is so far away it hurts.


The next morning Jana couldn't handle it anymore she ended up calling off work because she needed time to sulk in her feelings though the bakery seemed to handle itself most days and she didn't mind that at least she wasn't her boss handling it all. Jana got out of bed, got some clean clothes for the day, and headed into the shower though she rather have stayed in bed, she highly doubted her mom would let her since they would bond over Angel with hopes of them getting back together even though Angel already said it isn't happening at this moment.

Jana got cleaned up then bounded down the stairs to find her mom with a smile on her face with warm coffee in her hand at the kitchen table.

"I hope Angel comes back today, you two are in need of one another." Mary said.

"Mom, she isn't coming back and she is going to call again in a few months." Jana replied wiping a tear away.

"Get in that truck and get your woman, Jana, this is ridiculous you two love each other so much." Mary responded through gritted teeth.

"No, I am not chasing after her this time. We will get through this separation plus it is worth being alone for a while to gather our thoughts on if we are ready to marry in the future." Jana replied.

"Then I am going to find her and bring her back because I am not having my grown ass daughter staying in my home. Where in Michigan is she?" Mary responded slamming her coffee cup against the table.

"I believe she is still in Rose County with Shauna at Midnight Cafe but mom seriously you are going to make this worse than it needs to be. Me and her can handle this separation." Jana explained calmly as possibly.

Mary got upstairs to her bedroom doing whatever she is planning then came back down changed and with a bag full of things then shook her head with disappointment at Jana. Jana saw Mary slam her front door then revved the car up and leaving Jana alone. Jana knew this is going to be bad that her mom is going to drive a day and a half to get to Angel to bring her back to Kansas.