
Power house

when a leader of a village get information on a demon organization planning on seeking war on all 6 villages to retrieve keys in each village that keep their god (hades) prisoned, he informs all 6 villages and their leaders to get ready for the threats that could possibly end the world

Faintanonymous · Ciencia y ficción
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12 Chs

Chapter 01- Dai

Chapter 01 - Dai

13 years later..

( a Kid with black spiky hair, eyes that resemble Rin's orange fiery eyes. a purple tank top with black pants appears to which seems to show he's on a mountain of sone sort )

"What is that some kind of animal? So this is my opponent for this training section.. This looks really strong, but I train with my sensei Yami. So This should be easy, Dai show me what you have learn"

(the kid grins and ties up his headband) 

"Okay sensei… good now show me what you have learned boy"

"Sensei taught me to be one with my sword to be a perfect assassin.If I become one with my sword it would guide me to anyone's weakness no matter the enemy in order for this to work I have to be perfectly calm in a place where my mind is completely dark and only thing I should see is the enemy weakness burning" 

( dai begins to be perfectly calm and relaxing his mind to become one with his sword)

" I see you you.."

(Dai strikes and lands with the unknown animal And the animal quickly runs, dai jumps tree from tree chasing after it then the animals stops and release a powerful roar that knocks everything down in its path and Dai dodges the attack) 

"Huh what was that powerful roar. If that would have hit me, who knows what It could have done…. That is no ordinary animal dai. That is a demon, Whattt! A demon!!? Yes a demon but Don't worry it's a low class demon they are only capable of possessing animals so someone of your caliber should be able to handle it but demons who are capable of stealing humans bodies are far stronger remember that. Use what i taught you and let it guide you to victory and hurry you have school later…., Fine but if I lose it's your fault and do i really have to go to school today.. Mhm yes boy, aww man that sucks" okay here goes nothing 

(Dai starts to close his eye and calms his mind down to reach the state one more time)

"There you are, ROARRRRR"

(Dai was sent back by the force of the roar)

"holy hell that's powerful" 

(Dai quickly gets behind the demon)

"How is this you ugly demon"

(Dai blitzes the demon and cut its body in half and it slowly falls Too the floor)

" Yess! I did it you saw that sensei.Don't celebrate yet boy!"

( then suddenly The demon body starts to regenerate and that because all demons have the power to regenerate if you don't hit its weakness) 

"Huh..It can do that! And it grew bigger! This is a low class demon!! I told you too relax your mind your sword would guide you to its weakness, I tried that.. You didn't try hard enough, okay I would give it one more try but If I fail you seriously need too come kill this thing before it eats me alive "

(Dai relaxes his mind to become one with his sword to get the demon weakness for the 3rd time)

"Your body should be able to move without using your mind,Your sword should be the only thing in your mind, Yeah I see now his weakness is his heart.

(Dai calmly run to the demon, The demon release multiple shockwaves dai calmly evades all the attacks)

"This is the end of you demon"

(Dai pierce the demon in its heart and the demon body disintegrates)

"I've did it Good job dai you have completed your training for the day but you still have lots to learn , Mhm im ready for everything sensei. I love the spirit dai now run too school or I would give you a worse beaten then the demon did, aww Mann fineee"

End of chapter 01

Written by fainted