
Power Achieving System(Dropping)

My name is Triumph Darcen, I died and was reincarnated into the Continent of Westland, 8th Prince of the kingdom of Vandaline, a grade F, a rank Failure and a total loser. But all that changed when something came into my life along with my reincarnation, a blessing, a Power that rivals all Power, something that made me the strongest being in the universe and that something is ....... [Power Achieving System Booting Up ..... Power Chain Locked, will open on host command Host Status: Near Death, 5% out of 100% health Current World: Westland Current City: Vandaline Primary Goal: Rule and Conquer the world Overall Goal: Become the strongest being in the continent of Westland] Now all that is left is just to use this Super weapon and become the STRONGEST.

Tega_Asadarho · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Point Harvest

15 Point Harvest

Although the magical beasts were heading towards the palace, Triumph didn't forget about the duel since the system had promised him a reward, he then felt his intuition telling him something, he couldn't quietly understand, but his subconscious did it, and suddenly he found himself in an intangible form of the shadow, it looked like he had entered into his shadow, and now he was intangible, he couldn't attack any tangible person/object nor could anyone attack him, he started moving in his shadow form and he was rather awkward like a child who was learning to work but he glided in the shadow form like a liquid moving, but due to the darkness, no one noticed Triumph, and he was surprised as he had never thought he would be able enter his shadow and become intangible as them.

Triumph asked the system about it, and it replied him that it was part of the Shadow Control skill, Triumph nodded his head as he had already suspected this was the case, Triumph glided towards Prince William, as soon as he reached Prince William, he appeared in his tangible form and kicked Prince William on his back, and then he punched Prince William's chest, he was sure to use the element of surprise very well, but as soon as Prince William snapped out of his surprise, flames covered his hands and he threw a punch at Triumph, Triumph moved his body sideways and dodge the attack, but he underestimated Prince William's attack because the flames suddenly burst out towards Triumph's face, in that moment Triumph saw death staring right at him and without thinking, he gathered most of his energy in his throat and he activated the Supreme Voice of the creator, and he shouted;

"STOP!!!" Then to everyone's surprise and horror the flame stopped mere centimeters from him, and it then dissolved, then he looked at William with unconcealed anger and he turned to William and said softly;

"Kneel before me" Then Prince William kneeled down looking at Triumph, his face filled with defiance. All the thousands of people who had come to Triumph's birthday party and had decided to watch the duel were surprised, as one word from Triumph made Prince William kneel.

"What? Is that The Supreme Voice? How could it be possible? It was supposed to be a skill suitable to only the Creator, so how can he use it? Unless he has the Legacy of the Creator, if he really has the legacy of the Creator, then he has to die, or he will be a threat" The man who followed Prince William murmured to himself. He wore a black long robe and it had a cap on it which covered his face, he was dressed like the way witches and wizards normally do.

"You lost, you wanted a challenge, and now you've got it, so admit defeat" Triumph said expressionlessly as he stared at Prince William."

"I-I-I admit defeat" Prince William stuttered in fear, but he secretly clenched his hands, because he knew that if he was on a life and death battle with Prince Triumph Darcen, he would have killed him, but as this was only a friendly duel he couldn't use many of his killing blow attack as King Damien was here as well as Queen Freya and others. He didn't know that maybe if Triumph hadn't gotten the skills of the Creator he would have been able to defeat Triumph but now, Triumph was almost unrivaled in the Nascent realm, Triumph wasn't a fool because after he used the Supreme voice skill on Prince William who was a Peak Nascent realm expert, it took too much of his essence which was stored in his body just to use it on a Peak Nascent realm expert so if he even thought about using it on a Tyro realm expert, maybe just maybe he would be able to command them for only about five seconds and that was all because it took too much essence and if he were to run out of essence in a battle, he would be so exhausted to use any more magic spells so any thought of challenging those above the Nascent realm were all just pipe dream.

Just then the army was arranged and the drums of war were beating all of King Damien's battalion were arranged, this was a very easy battle for Vandaline, but what made it dire was that the weakest of the monsters were at Peak Nascent realm and the army's weakest were at Amateur Nascent realm, while the strongest were at Amateur Tyro realm, while the army commanders were at Eminent Tyro and the army general being at Great Tyro realm. The army was arranged pretty soon and they were ready for war, according to what Triumph had heard from rumours the Crown Prince Richard Grafella had an Origin realm expert, the kingdom of Vandaline had only two Origin realm expert, and one was with the crown prince's battalion and the other was with the king. Triumph didn't know how his brother had been able to make someone at the Origin realm work for him, because even the General of the Army was a Great Tyro so someone at the Origin realm part of the crown prince's battalion was already incredible.

Triumph inhaled and claimed the reward of the system, he thought of the sword and the blade of steel appeared in his hand, Triumph was astonished as this was very much convenient, he also summoned Luna's cape, he went outside the Palace and stood with the Army, he came here so that he would get a lot of power and energy points, he really needed them as he wanted to buy other shadow techniques.

He didn't wait too long as very soon he was already hearing the roars of magical beasts and soon, the very first of the magical beast which looked wolf like in appearance, it was about six feet tall, its eyes was red and it had two horns protruding from its heads, its tail had many spikes, and its body was covered with green scales. It immediately lunged at the army, before anyone could even react, Triumph stepped through the shadows as he used Shadow step his Nascent ability, he appeared behind the magical beast and hacked at it, the beast used its paw to hit Triumph's sword away it then used its second paw to slashed at Triumph's head, the beast perfectly maneuvered in the air, and it opened its mouth and a fire ball flew at Triumph.

Just as the paws and fire ball were about to hit him, a barrier appeared in front of Triumph and the attack bounced back at it. The beast fell to the ground, Triumph dashed at the beast and used his sword to slash at the beast again, and he could only put a minuscule crack on the beasts scale, the beast lunged at Triumph again and he rotated in the air and threw his right leg at the beast head, the beast and Triumph moved back for a few metres.

The beast glared at Triumph and then it shot out three consecutive fire balls at Triumph, Triumph raised his sword, and the darkness around Triumph swirled like a mini tornado and it entered into Triumph's sword, and he slashed at the fire balls, the fire balls divided into two with each slash.

Triumph lunged at the beast and the beast used its paw to defend against Triumph's attack, Triumph's sword slashed the paw into two like a hot knife cutting into butter, the beast whimpered in pain, Triumph didn't waste time and stabbed into the beast's head, just then the system announced his kill.

[You have slayed a devil monger]

[You have received 20 power points and 20 energy points]

Triumph inhaled in exhilaration, he had just slayed a rank D Peak Nascent realm so easily, he stared at the forest and about ten devil mongers had already came out from the forest, he smiled and cracked his knuckles, he raised his sword and rested it on his shoulder. Triumph had been too eager just now, so he went back to the Army and stood among his battalion, his battalion was smallest as well as the weakest. Triumph thought for some time and asked the system if there was a way he could make his weak battalion to become strong.


Host can buy the technique of cultivation relaying sphere, with it; Host can create orbs which can train a person to learn whatever skill or spell is in the cultivation relaying sphere.]

Triumph calmly nodded, he kind of understood what the system had said. There was once a technique which could be used to learn skills and spells, one of them was called the cultivation relaying sphere, and with it one can create an orb and if a person wanted to learn the skill imprinted in the orb, the person's consciousness enter into the orb to learn the skill, but sadly all those techniques had been long lost, now the system had told him and he can buy the technique it was great, when he checked the system's store he saw that the cultivation relaying sphere cost 2000 power points.

Triumph snapped out of his thoughts when he heard all the commanders shouted at their different divisions of soldiers to charge forward, and then both humans and magical beasts started their fierce war for who would come out alive. Triumph joined the fray and battled with different magical beasts, his power points and energy points was increasing rapidly, and soon the magical beasts finished, Triumph checked his system interface to check his power and energy points, he saw a whopping 5222 power points and 5222 energy points, he exchanged 2000 power points for the cultivation relaying sphere, Triumph asked the system for a body defense and offense constitution technique, he found one for 3000 power points and it was called King of Bandits constitution, it could increase his defense and offense drastically as well as he got certain knowledge about all kinds of weapons and different basic skills like swimming and others.

Triumph clenched his fist and released it so he would check if he could see any difference in his strength but he noticed nothing. Triumph opened the system interface and asked the system what was really the need of the basic stats he had, and it told him the strength stat could increase his grade, the stamina stat could increase his endurance, the agility stat could increase his quick wit and alert, the perception stat could increase his acuity and the bloodline stat could increase his rank as well as his essence reserve. Triumph nodded in understanding as he now understand it more better, so the higher the higher his bloodline stat, the higher his rank, a dangerous glint flashed past his eyes as an idea crept into his mind, what if he put all of his energy point into the bloodline stat, then he would be the most talented person in the world, who knew what rank he would be if he had more than five thousand in his bloodline stat, just as he opened the system's interface, he opened the basic stat skill in the system's interface.

[Basic Stat skill;

Strength: 18

Stamina: 18

Agility: 20

Bloodline: 16

Perception: 20

(Available energy points to distribute: 50)]

'System what is the meaning of this? Why is it showing my energy point to distribute is only 50?'


Host can't contribute more than fifty energy points on basic stat per day, so Host spend wisely]

'Curse you system, why the hell aren't you an overpowered system and you dare to call yourself Power Achieving System, I'd rather say Power Limiting System since you deprived me of becoming overpowered' Triumph shook his head with a somber expression.


Host should be happy as the system took consideration on Host feelings which is why the system chose to remove the limitation of only ten point per a basic stat each day, so Host I am waiting for your gratitude]

'You!!! I swear if you were in front of me, I'd make sure to beat the heck out of you' Triumph shouted at the system in his mind.


Host, please don't delusional as it is detrimental to your health] the system coyly replied to Triumph's word.

'Now you've done it, you've finally hit my nerve, if you have the guts come out and face me' Triumph shouted in his head, but sadly the system no longer answered him and just silently kept quiet, Triumph was fuming with rage and it showed on his face.