
Power Achieving System(Dropping)

My name is Triumph Darcen, I died and was reincarnated into the Continent of Westland, 8th Prince of the kingdom of Vandaline, a grade F, a rank Failure and a total loser. But all that changed when something came into my life along with my reincarnation, a blessing, a Power that rivals all Power, something that made me the strongest being in the universe and that something is ....... [Power Achieving System Booting Up ..... Power Chain Locked, will open on host command Host Status: Near Death, 5% out of 100% health Current World: Westland Current City: Vandaline Primary Goal: Rule and Conquer the world Overall Goal: Become the strongest being in the continent of Westland] Now all that is left is just to use this Super weapon and become the STRONGEST.

Tega_Asadarho · Fantasía
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19 Chs


When Triumph turned around, he saw a middle aged man, standing and looking at the other two wolves on the floor with a thoughtful expression, then he looked at Triumph with a stunned expression, while Triumph maintained his expressionless face. Triumph already recognized him to be his guard mage, from his Night Sky battalion. As a prince, he was entitled to his own battalion according to the rules of the kingdom.

His battalion was named night sky battalion by him, because he loved watching the skies especially at night. He then remembered that he was only 12 year old, and the reason for his height being that of a 15 year old was another spell he had casted so that he wouldn't be recognized when he was sneaking away from the palace, so he quickly gave a command to the System to remove the spell. He was still too weak to do anything after all.

If the system wouldn't be able to do it, he would just go to his Master, who was a 3rd grade wizard to just reverse the spell, although it would cost alot of energy as the spell was casted by one of his father's friends who was a very powerful witch. But he became surprised as the system's only response was affirmative, and then it was done, he was shocked and also happy, that the system had chosen him, to reside in. But he snapped himself out of such useless thoughts, when he heard his guard mage who was called; Nicholas speak;

"This is surprising young prince, you were able to take out grade D magical beasts on your own, although it was only two, but it is to be appreciated when considering your strength. I have searched and I don't find any traces of magic at work here, this is astounding, you used brute force to kill one wolf and make the other one pass out, I never knew you had such talent for being a fighter"

What Nicholas said was right, he was just a grade F, and he was able to contend with not just one but two garde D magical beasts, it has never been heard of. He just got the system ten minutes ago and he was already able to contend with beasts that were two grades above him, he could only think about his future with the system with a huge grin on his face. If this continues, he would soon be able to fight toe to toe with grade A's, although it seemed like a far fetched dream now, but he knew that it would come true, very soon. But for now he had to find an excuse to give Nicholas, because he knew the man won't let him be no matter what. Magical beasts are beasts who are capable of cultivation, they are also ranked like humans, but unlike humans who are as from Rank/Grade S being to strongest to Rank/Grade Failure being the weakest, the weakest of the magical beasts are grade/rank E, some magical beasts are mages, so they are tagged by ranks (i.e a beast capable of magic and is a C, is called a rank C, while a magical beast who refines body and is a D, is called a grade D) but magical beasts who are capable of magic are very rare to find, but fighter beasts are always easy, Triumph knew all this, but he couldn't just find the perfect lie to tell, as Nicholas could practically sniff out lies, as all this thoughts went through his minds, he suddenly remembered the gem that had fallen out of the Alpha wolf after it had died. He went and picked it up, according to his knowledge, he knew very well that what he was holding was a rune stone, it is the raw energy that is absorbed by the beasts and which becomes solid after the beast dies, it is then found in the direction of its heart. It contains alot of energy and it can be used for various things such as; it aid in spell casting, the energy can be used to cultivate and train, it can be used in the creating of roins, it is also costly and only merchants and nobles can get it, or a common man who is lucky enough to be able to kill a magical beast and obtain it. It can also be refined/processed to be power sources for magical weapons. Triumph looked at the black coloured rune stone for a few seconds and then he said;

"Beautiful, isn't it so Nicholas? You know time is getting late and dawn is approaching soon, we have to get going, and also I would like to go down into that pit to get my fortune, because with twenty grade D rune stones, I would be able to turn a common man's life upside down, Nicholas can you please help me with the flight spell?"

After saying that, Triumph jumped down into the deep pit that he couldn't see the end, only darkness was what he saw, he kept falling and falling that he even thought that Nicholas forgot that he was falling, but just then he started floating and he saw Nicholas beside him, he knew that the spell was casted, and together they both flew down at high speed, and just then he heard a message from the Screen Display System in his mind, which made him smiled so wide that he was sure his face would tear but he didn't care as the system spoke good news to him, he could help ask it to repeat it several times again.


According to system's observation, host is not capable of a flight spell, so System has recorded the spell, and it can be used by host on host's command]

Triumph didn't know whether the system was able to record all spells that it witnessed, so he asked the system;

'System, do you record all spells that you witness? Because if you do, why didn't you record the spell that Nicholas used to defeat the Alpha wolf?' The response he got from the system made him hiss with frustration.


System observed the spell, but it can't be used by host as host as host doesn't have a magecore, which people who are born with talent in being a mage has, host is a rank Failure, so the magecore is not present in host's body.

System was only. Able to record the flight spell, because as host is a wizard he would be able to cast it without having a mage core]

This broke all records Triumph had heard of, as this is something not supposed to happen, which wizards are not capable of flight, they only use magical brooms, but the system had just thought him something that was supposed to be a lost magic for wizards. Then he asked the system how this was possible.


According to system's calculations and observations, Wizards/Soccerers, Witches, Magicians, and Mages are all from one root, Mages are just like a refined version of a Wizard/Soccerer, Witches and Magicians.

A mage is someone who is capable of everything a wizard, witch, and a magician is capable of combined, but it is limited. Whereas Wizards and Witches has to chant and use spells to do their bidden, Mages only need to command and it is carried out by their magecore, meanwhile the magecore then draws power from the Mages dantian(an organ which stores energy that the mage absorbed) and casts the spell. Mages doesn't need to chant. Everything a magician is capable of, a mage is also capable of it, but as a magician is born with the ability, he can wield it better than any one, that is, a rank D wind magician who has trained his ability to the fullest can upon a tornado that is capable of flattening an entire village, same as a water magician as he will be able to call upon a tsunami on land that can flood an entire village. Mages can only cast the spells but not do what those born with the ability can do.

So all this leads to the question host has asked, the system was able to modify the mage flight spell in such a way that it can be used by host. Host would not need to chant as the system would be the one casting it. The spell casted by the person knowm Nicholas to defeat the Alpha wolf has been recorded but if system wants to modify it, host would have to witness the spell atleast thrice so that system would be able to modify even the most minute of the spell, so as not to cause an overload to host's body]

'That's how it is then, now I understand it, all I have to do is find a way in which I would have to make Nicholas cast that spell' Triumph thought to himself. Just then he saw that they were approaching the end of the dark pit, so he casted a spell to brighten up the pit and he saw with cold sweat that he couldn't have been more wrong, out the 17 wolves who had fell into the pit, only two had died the rest were still alive only a little bit injured.

He was still weak, and he knew that he couldn't contend with 15 wolves but he saw that Nicholas was already preparing a spell, so he got a little hope that atleast he would not die, and maybe he would really have a chance to witness the spell again. So he landed on the ground softly, only hear Nicholas say something that made his face fill with nothing but pure horror.