
Power Achieving System(Dropping)

My name is Triumph Darcen, I died and was reincarnated into the Continent of Westland, 8th Prince of the kingdom of Vandaline, a grade F, a rank Failure and a total loser. But all that changed when something came into my life along with my reincarnation, a blessing, a Power that rivals all Power, something that made me the strongest being in the universe and that something is ....... [Power Achieving System Booting Up ..... Power Chain Locked, will open on host command Host Status: Near Death, 5% out of 100% health Current World: Westland Current City: Vandaline Primary Goal: Rule and Conquer the world Overall Goal: Become the strongest being in the continent of Westland] Now all that is left is just to use this Super weapon and become the STRONGEST.

Tega_Asadarho · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Happily Ever After

All dark thoughts ran through Triumph's mind in just a few minutes, and the lead of them all was his dead body painted with his own blood, and that he was missing a few limbs. The word he had heard Nicholas say was that these 15 beasts were all magic users, they had made a mistake they were rank D beasts not grade D, Triumph felt like smacking himself on his head for his foolish mistake, he couldn't help but blame himself, greed, greed, he had been so greedy for more rune stones that he had shot himself right in the toe by jumping into this the beast's lair.

Although Nicholas said they weren't that skilled at controlling their ability, but they are enough to make them both red paste, Nicholas was only an Eminent Nascent, so he couldn't go up against these 15 Amatuer Nascent beasts.

This isn't supposed to happen,this wasn't supposed to happen, it is nearly almost impossible, Triumph didn't understand how fifteen beasts who are capable of magic are here, it almost never heard of, they were supposed to be so rare, but he still doesn't understand how they can be here, something is going wrong and he must find it out, but just then he felt something made a faint sound in his pocket, then he remembered that in his haste to escape the wolves before, he had kept the small object which had been blinking before back inside his robes, then he took it out of his pocket, with his full memory intact now, he knew that this small object was a roin, that was created by people called enchanters, they are almost like Wizards but not exactly wizards as the only thing they do are to create charms, roins and different magical object. Just like the way a family has two types, Nuclear and Extended. Same way that magic has different branches with an Enchanter being part of it. They create roins, which are magical objects shaped like a coin, that can do so many things but also has different types, these are; Communication roins(are used for communication), weapon roins(are various type of weapons like a sword, spear, bow etc), defense roins(are used for defense) etc. What Triumph was holding was a communication roin, and as it was blinking and making a faint sound because someone was calling him, then he pressed a button on the roin which was shaped like a coin, then it transformed into a small mirror and then he looked at it, but instead of it to show his face, it showed that of a man with silk black long hair, that reached his waist level, deep purple eyes which would pull anyone into their depths when they stare directly at it, a long nose, but not a very long one though, red lips and the man didn't look a day more than 25 year old. All this features were there though, but there was an expression that ruled supreme of them all and it was anger and fury that were on it, it would have made anyone shake in their boots when they see it, but Triumph always saw this and he had gotten used to it. But he could feel Nicholas shake beside him and nothing except raw fear could be the reason, Triumph couldn't blame him though as after all they were seeing the Monarch of Vandaline city, AKA, His father, King Damian Grafella.

Them Nicholas said; "Your Majesty, I humbly greet"

Then the King Damien who was viewing the from the mirror looked at Triumph and siad; In all my 1000 years of ruling Vandaline I have never seen a prince as you, you snuck out of the Palace, and you have not been answering all of my calls, I can see you have grown some guts, I am coming to your location and you will explain what it is you are doing, and oh Nicholas, please make sure Triumph doesn't get away, because he is so going to get an earful, from me and his mother"

Then the mirror went blank and it transformed back into the coin like shape. Then Triumph kept it back, with a regretful expression on his face, if only he knew he would have dropped off the roin at home and not take it with him, he knew very well how his mother scolds someone when they did something wrong, his mother was known and hailed as the dragon queen, she is one of the very last surviving dragon, and she is a dragon shifter, while his father is a Phoenix shifter, that was how he looked 25 but had already live for a thousand years, Phoenix and Dragons were known to live for a very long life, so he knew that unless someone powerful kills them, they have millions of life awaiting them, and no one is even capable of winning a duel with his parents talk less about killing them. His father was the most powerful in the kingdom, with his mother right behind, so he was sure that they will stay, but he removed such thoughts from his mind as he remembered that he was still in danger here, he then saw a wolf howl, and then the rest of the wolves pounced on both him and Nicholas, and then Triumph knew that it was the beta wolf and now it has become the Alpha of the pack. Then something happened that made him shake his head in disappointment, that he wished he was strong not for the 100th time.

What happened was that all the wolves that pounced on Triumph and Nicholas, they all retreated and backed away, then they shot out lightning beam from their mouths right to him and Nicholas, but then Nicholas disappeared and the attacks froze in the air. Then he heard the voice of a woman whom he knew was his mother and he knew he was pretty much screwed, as Nicholas wasn't even here to plead on his behalf, and he suddenly wished he was powerful enough to escape from his parents, but he knew that it was just a wish, because he can never escape them no matter what he does. What his mother also said added to his fear.

"No puny wolf would touch my son except me, I want to punish him myself. Honey, please don't stress yourself I will take care of them" That last part though was directed to his father whom he could not even see, and then without him even knowing what she did, the first wolf that was heading towards him turned to ash with the wind blowing it away and the rune stone falling to the floor, the other wolves stood there for a few seconds, before a deathly aura emanating from his mother sent them all away. Through the aura they noticed that they were fighting a dragon, so all the wolves ran in different directions, but the pit wasn't that wide, so they could all whimper with fear, this was what made Triumph wish he was powerful, these wolves were afraid of his mother, wolves being afraid was almost unheard of. Triumph was already getting tired of all these things happening in just one night, almost everything he witnessed were unheard of, that if he even spoke it out, people would think he was mad. In just a few more seconds, there were rune stones everywhere, shinning in his eyes. He quickly ran and picked them up, he just loved rune stones because they were the things that saved him many times and also helped him. If it weren't for a grade A rune stone, he wouldn't have been able to cast that 2nd grade wizards spell that he casted so that he would get away from those assassins, and speaking of assassins, he didn't know who sent them but he knew that if it weren't for the rune stone which he had stolen from one of his brothers who was the 6th prince he would have been pretty much dead or in a state where he would have been immobile for weeks. Then he saw his father appear right beside his mother, with anger on his face, but it was not as it was when Triumph had saw him through the mirror so he knew that at least he was going to be in one piece as his father's anger was unrivaled, but he was not too surprised as he knew that his father had casted a camouflage spell, but the message he heard from the system made him surprised.


Spell analyzed, teleportation.

Modified and can now be casted by system on host's command, but as the host is still a 1st grade wizard, the spell cannot be casted to its full efficiency so it is short ranged and host can only teleport within 50 feet each time and teleportation spell is at level 1 with each upgrade of the skill, host can teleport by additional 50 feet.

Spell, camouflage has been analyzed and can be casted by system on host's command, due to it's complexity and host is still a 1st grade wizard, the spell can only camouflage host from those of the same realm as host, and 1 realm above host. Camouflage spell is at level 1, with each upgrade, host can camouflage himself from those a more than a realm above.

Healing of Host has been completed]

As Triumph finished reading the information from the screen display even though it had already said it in his mind, he felt mad at his weakness 'Dammit! Why am I a total loser?' he thought. He knew more than anyone that he was just joking to himself, he had asked this question so many times in the past, but he never got the answer. But atleast he still had the spells, but he was still confused on how to upgrade a spell, so he asked the system, he was expecting it to be either through skill points or experience points as he had read in many fictional novels in the kingdom, but what he heard proved him wrong.


Host can upgrade skill by using it frequently, or by using power points which can be earned as a reward through completing missions, but not all missions give power points only certain few special ones]

Now he understood he just needed to use the spell very often and by using the spell, the system gains experience and understanding from using it, and when the system gains deeper understanding, the spell is upgraded, it sounds fair and good. But now he had to stop distracting himself by thinking of these thoughts, he had to face reality, which were his parents who were staring at him with anger, and scanning him from head to toe, like as if he had something on his face. Then his father spoke;

"Triumph Darcen, you are in big trouble, for sneaking out of the palace and stealing a grade A rune stone from your brother, you thought he didn't know? Well he knew, your brother always counts his rune stones so he knew that it was you as you were the last person who came to his quarters pretending that you were there to greet him and check how he was doing, and getting into trouble, from my observations of your body you had been beaten and I can sense faint hint of the 'death trick' spell, which means you were attacked by some assassins who wish to get to me by killing you, although you are lucky you survived but you just escaped death only to land in hell"

Triumph gulped with nothing except pure fear, he knew his father wasn't joking not in anyway, but he still wanted to talk as he couldn't accept all the punishment without doing a thing.

"No way, I didn't steal it from him, I only borrowed it from him, I was planning on returning it, but circumstances made me use it" Triumph said defending himself.

"Well if you want your father and I to forgive you, you would have to do something for us, a favour, so what do you say?" said his mother who by name was queen Freya.

Triumph thought of it for a few seconds, favour? His father nearly never asked for favours from anyone, and his mother's favour's were bad news, but what could he do? It was his bad choice that brought him to this juncture, he would have just stayed back at the castle, but no he left and now he could only nod in return, little did he know he just signed his fate with this nod, because what his mother said made him know that all those anger thing was all a ruse, and he practically fell for it.

"Good, your 13th birthday is next week, and your father and I planned a birthday party for you, and the whole kingdom is invited, so from there we will get a girl for you, whom you would marry and then you can make her pregnant and she gives birth to a lot of children and your father and I will become grand parents and then we will all live happily ever after, isn't it great? I'm so happy so I have to go make plans for a happily ever after for my son"

When Triumph heard that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but against all emotions anger was what showed on his face and he let out a blood curling scream that shook the cave and shouted;