

They rested briefly on the spot of land as they grilled the blood dragon. Both of them devoured it as if they hadn't eaten in days.

Although Cecily has a small body, nearly half of the blood dragon was devoured by her..

They resumed their travel after eating, and after Will was finished observing the plants brimming with vitality.

Sadly he didn't feel that they would be useful to him, so they jumped in Cecily's flying treasure and sped of into the distance.

While flying, a question that popped into his head only recently started to surface again, causing him to send a mental message to the system.

'Can I use my potions on others? Or are they restricted to my use? Like will the potions turn into plain water or something if I let someone else use them?'

-You can let others use the potions you make, the only difference is that you have to consider their cultivation levels if you want the potions to work for them. Unlike you, were you can just take any potion regardless of it's strength, they need to have the potions made for their cultivation level. Potions meant to cause harm like exploding potions, poison, etc will work no matter the cultivation level, though the stronger the cultivator the weaker their effects.

After a slight pause, the system gave Will an answer that caused his eyes to glow. What Will understood is that if he makes a powerful potion and just lets anyone take it, they might explode or just vaporize, so he needs to make it fit their current level. For potions meant to harm, the stronger the better.

Will isn't a saint or anything, so he isn't just going to make potions for random people, but for those who have been assisting him, or those he can call friends, he will have no issues making them a potion.

Although it really annoys him that he is limited to two potions a day no matter how powerful he is, it makes sense though, if he has no ingredients he can just use mental energy and pure mana to basically make anything.

Even if the heavens didn't want to erase him, the universe would surely try to erase him because of that ability.

The heavens stem from the universe after all, universe laws are more powerful than heavenly laws.

Sadly, the universe dao is nearly impossible to step onto, so cultivators can only walk the treacherous heavenly dao.

Though, the heavenly dao is like a harmless kitten compared to the universe dao.

Ignoring the two potions a day limit, he can only make one without passing out anyways, depending on

it's strength.

He now has a way to pay Cecily back for the help she has given him, even if he thinks she is annoying, he can't deny that she is likable none the less.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, after traveling thousands of kilometers, Will and Cecily were stopped by a wall of powerful miasma.

During their two days of travel, they witnessed several wild beasts, and several magic beasts get swallowed by swamp land and devoured by hidden predators.

There were multiple times where Will wanted to stop and collect things he sensed, but Cecily would give him a glare laced with a slight killing intent causing Will to give up.

Will had to resists the temptation the past two days because of Cecily's scary look.

The wall of miasma that was blocking them reached a height that was so massive they couldn't see past the clouds that were floating around it.

"Was this here when you left?"

"No, this is new, I even feel a slight demonic energy radiating from it.."

Cecily looked at the miasma with a helpless look on her face, if it was there before there would have been no way for her to get to the cave she was in before.

Cecily wasn't the only one with a strange expression, Will was looking at the miasma and the surroundings with a pale look on his face.

Not only were there some foot prints, nearly all the plants in the vicinity were scattered dust and ash, it was as if the vitality was sucked out of them.

It was identical to the scene he saw when he was exploring the forest near the cave, he even felt the same feeling.

If they kept heading in the direction they're heading, something bad will happen!

"I see an opening!"


looking in the direction Cecily was pointing, Will shook his head clear of those distracting thoughts.

Currently they needed to get to the sect, like anyone would hurt the only daughter of the sect head?

"A pack of level two silver wolves.. There are five.."

"Wolves, not now..."

Will's face took an an expression of dread as he looked at the wolves Cecily was talking about. Even with their power combined it would be difficult to handle all of them.

Although they possess more than enough power to easily take them all out at their current level, when it involves the teamwork of wolves, it becomes a whole lot more complicated.

"I don't see the alpha"

Moving behind the only patch of living bushes, Will couldn't help but notice that there wasn't even the slightest sign of an alpha in the vicinity. Without the alpha's command, why would the wolves come to this wall of miasma?

Brushing aside some of the ashes and dust, Cecily moved next to Will as her eyebrows scrunched together.

Watching the silver wolves pace back and forth and sniff the air on occasion, Will was lost temporarily in the beauty of those terrifying creatures.

They had pure silver fur that hung below their bodies, every movement caused their muscles to ripple, which caused their fur to move like pure silver waterfalls. Their pitch black eyes sparkled as light reflected off of them.

Combined with their height of three meters, they were a beautiful but terrifying bunch of wolves.

Minutes passed when Cecily shook her head, "We should just charge through, they can't keep up with the speed of my flying treasure. Although they will chase us until they foam at the mouths because of the close loss of life they would have with my flying treasure charging through"

"Why don't we fight them?"

"Haven't we fought a lot already? I am tired and want to get home as soon as possible"

"Alright alright"

They quickly entered the flying treasure as they charged forward with a sonic boom as the screaming sound of an object cutting through the air could be heard as they disappeared in the opening.

The pack of wolves snarled as a couple of them were nearly thrown into the miasma, letting out enraged howls they chased after the direction they went.

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