
Poster Girl

Abused and thrown away in a container, Mallory, eighteen years old, thinks that this is it; this is how her life is ending and what a tragic life it has been. But fate isn't done with her yet. Hunter Brown, a low-life gangster, is passing by an alleyway when he is alerted by the cries from a rolled-up carpet thrown in a container. She told him to let her die, but he decided to save her life. This is a novel about generations of secrets of the Wraith family being unfolded and an abused and broken girl who has to run for her life while trying to heal and start over. ________________________________________ Mallory entered the dayroom towards the kitchen with a pile of dirty plates stacked in her hands, causing heavy steps.  Seeking this opportunity, a bored Calvin Wraith tripped Mallory when she passed by where he was sitting while playing Snake on his phone. Bang! Handless, Mallory fell to the floor, and all of the plates lay scattered across the room. Mrs Wraith heard the tumult, and she stormed into the room angrily. "Stupid girl!" Mrs. Wraith scolded with a hard slap across Mollory's face. With ringing ears and tears burning in her eyes, Mallory took a short breath and tried to keep her voice steady as she pleaded, "I am sorry Mrs. Wraith. I will clean this up immediately," Mallory bowed her head and heard Calvin chuckle from the sofa, sitting with a grin, "Yes, you will. I want the room to be spotless within an hour," Mrs. Wraith demanded, shoved Mallory aside, and stormed out. "Why did you do that?" Asked Mallory with a strained voice and gazed at Calvin after Mrs. Wraith shut the door. Calvin got up and stopped inches away from a frightened Mallory. He styled his hair with too much wax, and his grey eyes were taunting her, making her more fearful of him. "Don't forget your place, slave," Calvin hissed and grabbed Mallory by the neck and pushed her up against the wall next to the window," Or do you want me to come by your room later tonight and punish you?" He whispered in Mallory's ear while she fought to breathe. She shook her head, and Calvin grinned before he freed her again. Mallory falls to the floor, tears streaming down her face.  "Clean yourself up. If my father sees you like this..." Calvin didn't finish the sentence; he didn't have to, and the raised eyebrow said it all before he left the room laughing.

novelsbykendra · Ciudad
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27 Chs

I Can't...

"No Mallory. I can't.." Hunter whispered, pushed Mallory away, and left the room quickly. He can't be involved with her in that way. He needed to set those feelings aside and be the stronger one. Even if it killed him to walk away, knowing he broke both their hearts.


Mallory stood left frozen with tears in her eyes. How could he push her away and leave like that. She knew he had wanted too. The tears began to roll down her cheeks, and she struggled to compose herself. The air was hard to suck in, and she fell down to her knees and closed the door in the fall. She began sobbing, lying in a mess on the floor.


"There is your baby," Dr. Smith said, pointing at the little baby on the screen.

"Wow, it looks so big already!" Maria said as she studied the little head and arms on the screen. "Yes, how far along is Maria?" Calvin asked without breaking away from the screen, too. He was hypnotized by the baby's movements.