Kazuya Fujiwara, a switchcoin millionaire goes outside his house, after a week, to get some snacks. When he turns around, his surroundings change to pitch black. He panics. After a few moments, surrounding change again and now, he is lying on ground while it's raining. He tries to move but cannot... What happened...?
Over the course of 4 days, Mizukage visited me everyday to watch the process of weapons magically appearing and sent ninjas to guard me as well as spy on me.
Every time I was visited by him, I gave him another shallow lie about the "boss' " identity, something that could easily be concluded as a lie at a glance but cannot be truly confirmed, however without verifying from someone else connected to him or the "boss" answering himself.
I gave him faulty information.
Stupid loopholes in every single piece of information.
This created the image of the "boss" as someone so careful with him identity that even finding out what he eats is hard, let alone his location.
After a while, he just stopped visiting me and I was kidnapped on that day itself.
I was captured by someone and a mask was put on my face the entire time.
After nearly 2 hours of traveling, I was finally unmasked and found myself in a dark room with 2 blue haired men staring me down along with a woman with auburn hair.
"Ah..." I tried saying something but my voice was extremely hoarse because of the age concealment I had done.
After getting used to my voice a little, I once again tried to speak up.
"If it isn't the opposition party." I said with a smile.
They were still silent and didn't say anything.
I put all the bindings on me inside the inventory and unlocked myself, alerting them but I was still sitting there, without any intent to fight.
I wanted to meet them to coin another deal after all, not fight.
"So, what do you seek from me, a dead man?" I said as I relaxed myself on the chair.
"Who is your boss, Spit it out! now!" the blue haired man with an eye patch screamed.
"Calm down, sonny. If I knew it, I'd be choking him to death myself." I said.
This once again put him off, because a civilian opposing ninja and taking him so lightly never happened.
(A/N: He was imitating someone civilian like, remember? Really low chakra, deteriorated muscles etc.)
I think due to my age, they are not being harsh, because all this might kill me.
"Anyway, I will introduce myself. I am the dealer, named Kazuya. What do you want?" I asked them in a professional tone.
"We want you to stop supplying the current Mizukage weapons of war." The auburn haired lady spoke with a smile.
"Nah, it ain't possible, girl. Neither I want to nor I can. Anything else? Oh, by the way, if I die, another person will be sent right away to him, under an hour. So be sure about that if you want to kill me or anything. You know, stopping a deal from being made isn't possible, in any way." I said with a smile.
"Is that so?" She asked with a smile and a tick mark on her forehead.
She is controlling a lot of anger, eh?
"Yep. I tried to kill myself many times but it just isn't possible because when I try to..." I said as I lopped off my arm with a kunai and immediately bought and used a regen ticket, which regenerates the entire body part nearly instantly.
It cost me around 100,000 points for one and I have a lot of them stored in case my limbs suffer any damage or anything.
It doesn't generate back my head, however.
That moment, instantly, a new arm regenerated again.
"...It just grows back. I've tried many times...Chopping off my head, my legs, torso, arms....Nothing works. Even I tried to cripple myself with these ninja needles...What were they called again..? Ah yes! Senbon! I tried to insert them all over my body but they just don't work." I said with an incredulous expression, shedding a few tears as well.
This surprised everyone present there.
Generating back arms instantly wasn't something that was seen every now and then, after all.
"So tell me. What do you seek? A deal for weapons or a deal of death? Enemies of organization are directly killed off, in case you were wondering. It's a cold death, I tell you. You don't even get to suffer or anything. You just sort of cease to exist, instantly." I said as I cracked my fingers and stretched my body a little.
Getting the thinking part of ninjas in the mix with the fear of the unknown, and we get endless amounts of fear.
Everyone fears the unknown, after all and no matter what, you cannot stop fearing the unknown. Even I fear the unknown a lot, even after experiencing so many unbelievable things throughout my existence.
My strategy boiled down to mind f*ck my way through them, overwhelming them with too much information to process properly.
Even as a ninja, limits of being able to think and process are always there.
The boy with sharp teeth had a fearful expression on his face for a moment.
Mei and Ao were still somewhat expressionless, but I could smell their fear from a mile away.
"Perhaps you want weapons? Like the Mizukage wants? or do you want something else? Be fast, the clock is ticking. If I don't deliver these items, I don't get to die-" I said something but suddenly a clean slash chopped off my body from the middle.
I was ready for it as well, so I instantly used another regen ticket and my whole body generated back again.
"You are f*cking rude, Spiky teeth b*tch. Ya wanna fight or something? I will call out executioners if ya want. They will f*cking tear your *ss apart and use it to lure in a few wild animals for tomorrow's meal." I said as I felt my body properly.
I hate this son of a b*tch. He is causing too much harm to me.
I was somewhat used to pain but this type of stuff still hurts like a b*tch.
This felt I had really bad case of acidity and someone was digging millions of knives in my skin when that disgusting burp happened.
"Stand down, Chojuro!" Mei screamed as she tried stopping him but it was already too late.
With another slash, I was about to be chopped off but I stopped with my hand, which led me to bleed a bit before Kyuubi's chakra and Uzumaki bloodline worked it's magic and started healing me.
Lucky for me, I didn't use another ticket.
"Are you really gonna be like that?" I asked as I unleashed Kyuubi's killing intent on him alone.
This sent a deep chill to him and other's present in the room.
"Executioner doesn't discriminate once I unleash him. That little boy just rips through everything until it dies and let me say, no matter how much damage you do, you cannot kill him without destroying his body totally, all in one go. I am controlling my temper quite a bit because you all are potential customers. Do not try to do that again or this time, I will release the executioner." I said as I withdrew the killing intent.
"We are terribly sorry, Dealer-san. I hope this won't strain our relationship." Mei said with a smile as she fidgeted with her hair.
Well she was someone who'd avoid fighting.
As long as I don't mention anything related to her insecurities, this will be fine.
"What do you want? Weapons? Ability to fight against someone strong? Killing someone? Information on someone?" I said as I offered them a lot.
After thinking for a bit, Mei responded with "We'd like to buy weapons please."
Almost trapped but she narrowly avoids it. Well, it's not like you can avoid it for long enough.
"No powers to fight against someone or getting them killed directly?" I asked.
"No. We'd like to purchase weapons please." She said.
"Very well. How much?" I asked as I brought out a list.
"This is what is available in stock." I said as I gave it to her.
She check them for a bit and showed a surprised face but quickly pointed out that she wanted everything on the list.
"That will be around 500 ryo for a set of kunai and 300 ryo for a set of shuriken with different prices of various swords. No discounts or price changes because your dog bit me twice." I said as I pointed to Chojuro.
"That's...Acceptable." she said as she glared at him once more but only sighed.
"This is the total amount." I said as I calculate the pricing and gave the list to her, which made her eyes widen a bit.
Looks like she isn't in charge of buying weapons.
"How would you like to pay? Up front or in installments? Remember, not even in death will your debt erase so don't think you can avoid paying by dying." I said.
"Of course we wouldn't do that. I'd like to pay in installments. Bring in a part of the said amount, please." She said as she looked at Ao.
Ao wanted to say something but he didn't dare to, in fear of angering Mei or the so called Executioner, which was another intricate lie made by me.
His Byakugan cannot do anything so he cannot detect any lies from my chakra, concealment won't be exposed until something with perception of Rinne-sharingan is in the play.
"Yes." He said as he exited the black room and brought in a big briefcase of money after a few minutes.
This place must be near the base, considering this or they just carry a lot of money with them, most likely it's the latter.
I quickly counted the money, transferred it into the space inventory and gave them one fourth of the supplies whilst I aged myself using the concealment skill.
I coughed a lot and after some time, I spoke.
"Boss has agreed to the deal. Please take away the supply from another delivery boy I will send here. What is this location?" I asked.
"We won't be revealing any locations or information about this place." Chojuro responded coldly.
Looks like he recovered from the scaring I gave him.
"I didn't talk to you, f*ck face. I am talking to the customer, not your sorry sword slashing *ss. Shut up and go cry in a corner, whiny little c*nt." I said as I abused him a bit more until he didn't have any retort.
"The address cannot be revealed, no matter what. Is there another way to adjust?" Mei said after sending Chojuro away from the room.
"Nope. How will he deliver the items then? I cannot do it because I will die in the process of fulfilling my current deal with Mizukage." I said.
"...We will reveal the location but please do not reveal this location to Mizukage, no matter what." She said as she flared her chakra to try and terrify me.
"It won't happen. We respect all our customers and give them full privacy. Otherwise how could our business even run? Anyway, turn around and let me make the seal of deal." I said as I noted down the address of the current location.
"What is that?" She asked curiously.
"Seal of the deal will disappear once you've paid the full price. Until then, it will stay as a mark for us to find you for the money. Keep in mind, don't try to mess with it or you will suffer a fate much worse than death." I said.
"I will take on this seal." Chojuro said as he stepped out like a loyal pawn.
"Unfortunately, you aren't the only one who is getting the seal, Spiky teeth boy. 2 additional witnesses for the deal are needed and all three of you will get it. " I said.
"I will be getting this seal on myself." Mei said.
"Wait, Mei-sama-" Chojuro tried saying something but she signaled him to shut up.
"Let me run a check first. Please be prepared for some pain." I said as I stabbed her back, avoiding lethal points.
This was to confirm this wasn't a clone or anything.
After some blood came out and I waited for around 10 minutes to confirm no stupid ninja magic was at work, I used another regen ticket and that immediately closed the wound.
This once again alerted everyone in the room but the tension died down after they saw that she was healed up once again.
I quickly made the slave seal on her on her neck and she stood up after that happened.
"Thanks for your patronage. Would you like anything else?" I asked with another professional smile.
"No. Thank you for serving us." Mei said with a smile.
"Now sit down both of you." I said.
"Be prepared for some pain but don't expect for it to heal..." I said quickly as I struck them with a kunai.
"...Because witnesses aren't buying anything so healing you is sort of pointless." I said as I pulled out the kunai and waited for them to bleed out for some time.
I quickly patched them up with some healing cream and bandage, though.
After that, I quickly marked them with a slave seal as well.
"Here. All nice and done. Now let's try if it works. Boss, please try it." I said as I used the concealment skill to change my appearance.
This time, my height started to increased to 6 feet 11 inches, my muscle mass increased a lot. My strength was still the same all along but the looks were rapidly changing.
My jawline became sharp as a knife, my hair shortened up a bit and got cut in a stylish pattern and my body got more and more chiseled, finally ripping out my clothes.
This was my fake persona of "Boss", Ernest Khalimov.
The Gigachad himself.
This was all for the memes and my entertainment, now that I have succeeded.
"Put your left arm over your head and stand on one leg." I said.
My voice was quite changed as well, donning a really heavy Russian accent.
They did exactly that.
"It's working, ain't it? Aight, Imma head out now." I said as I transformed into myself again.
There reaction was priceless to watch.
I was still trying to control my laughter, desperately.
"Alright...Now, Mei and Ao...fight Chojuro to death and don't stop until I say so. Don't destroy the surrounding area too much, though." I said.
The sheer look of despair on their faces was enjoyable to watch.
"What is going on?!" Everyone asked in confusion as they started fighting each other.
I didn't respond and let them beat up Chojuro for quite a bit.
This dude made me waste 100,000 points for no reason, though I sorta already bought it beforehand but still...he slashed me so he gets the L.
I will watch him suffer now.
After he nearly died, I asked them to stop.
"Don't mess with me again or I will get you killed. Now..." I said as I unconcealed my chakra and created a few clones.
"Bring in other people inside. Strong ones, first. Clones, give them the list of commands and start making the seal on others as well." I said as I used the space inventory to bring out some dishes out and started some cooking.
I was hungry and food in Kirigakure was sh*tty as hell.
After becoming a good cook, you just can't eat properly without finding faults in others' cooking. I was literally traumatized by there usage of salt and consumption of either really salty food or really bland food, and these people had the audacity to call it 'luxurious'.
After BBQing some meat that was inside my space inventory, I offered All three of them to eat it, but they refused it.
"Just eat it and tell me your honest opinion when I ask. It's an order." I said as put a place in front of them and silently ate the food while my clones started putting slave seals on others.
No one was suspicious as there leaders were silently eating food with me,.
You don't eat or share food with strangers.
This was harshly followed in the ninja world as it was common sense.
The food could easily be poisoned and hence, eating food with someone became a sign of lot of trust.
While a lot of people were marked with the slave seal, slowly but surely it came to an end, after nearly 3 hours of intense hard work of carving slave seals on everyone.
"So how was the food?" I asked as I wiped away my mouth and drank some cold water stored in my space inventory.
"It was amazing. I've never eaten anything like that." Chojuro said first, even though his expression was a really hostile one.
"It was good. The salt levels were finally consumable and it was really tasty. I would pay a lot to eat something like that again." Ao responded next.
"It was impressive. I'd marry you just for this but you're too old." Mei said whilst she tried to hide her blush.
"Quite a p*dophile-like thought or accurate one? I don't know what to say...I am confused as well. Are you right or wrong?" I said as I morphed back into my child version, which were my personally the cutest years.
"I am just 8 years old." I said in a cute voice.
Her eyes widened a lot.
Then I transformed again, into my youth form.
"Or am I 21 years old?" I asked with a charming smile.
I then transformed back into the old appearance I had on previously.
"Alas, no one will get to know that. Anyway, in 2 days, you will carry out a full invasion on the Mizukage. Some of you may die, but I am willing to pay the price. A small price to play- ehm I mean create peace for once and for all. None shalt truly suffer under me...or will they? Hahaha!" I said with a grin and mocked them.
All the people were already marked. This mission was a success.
"You've been hit by~ You've been struck by~ A smooth criminal~. This a major f*ck you." I said as I started humming the tune as well and flipped them out with a sh*teating grin.
They too realized that they forgot to process the situation properly because of too many factors like the killing intent, the arm chopping incident, the psychological pressure etc.
They all had a hatred filled glare and didn't stop anything giving me hostile glares.
After that, I got some more information from all three and snuck back into the village without any troubles, once again hiding.
I got some more information from them and silently went back to Kirigakure while disguising myself once again.
This encounter definitely concludes two thing.
One, a lot of traitors are there near the current Mizukage. Otherwise how could I be kidnapped like this without him knowing?
Two, I have one faction under my control, I can focus on the other faction now.
(A/N: Here is a big boy chapter.
Opinion and questions here.
Gimme power stones and sweet reviews.
Thanks for reading!)
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