
Possessing A Wicked Bully (Dropped)

A happy-go-lucky playboy dies and possesses the body of a wicked bully in the middle of a crime. Will living in such a person’s body be easy? Whether a true villain or not, the bully’s sins would never wash away or be forgiven. This is a story of Drake Maxwell’s continuation.

Waterfish · Ciudad
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11 Chs


It was just another day for your titular hero…

The day started with a lucky occurrence. While I was 'patrolling' around, I came across a treasure.

Someone had dropped an erotic magazine…!

Now, any respectable person wouldn't let such a thing rot. Ahem… It was purely for justice!

I opened up the magazine, looking through its contents with a critical eye for these things.

As my father ran an adult store, it was only natural I'd understand things the general public wouldn't.

The more I 'read', the more I understood…

Wasn't this magazine a masterpiece?

Just as I was walking around appreciating this work of art in the park, I heard some lewd noises.

There was a couple doing 'that' in the park at night.

Should I intervene here?

…Nah. I'm not so horrible. You guys… Make sure you don't catch a cold. Have fun doing your thing.

Hmmm, should I take a peek at them?

…Nah, I'm not such a horrible and dense person.

Now, time to have a better look at this erotic magazine. Wow~ Tiddies~ Booba~ Nice butt-ay~

Just as I was enjoying my day off school in this not too warm park night, I heard some more noises.

It was a little bit muffled, but that only made me sharpen my senses and get a little closer to them.

When I finally saw what was happening, my hands moved inside my bag at a breakneck speed.

Then, I took out marbles from a bag inside it.

The shiny objects in this moonlit night slapped the heads on the unsuspecting dudes in those bushes.

That scene I saw within wasn't good for the eyes…

I mean, I've seen this kind of stuff in hentai and porn, a lot… but seeing in IRL was just disgusting.

The muffled screams were from a girl who had her mouth covered by a big dudes stinky hand.

Another two guys held down her arms and legs.

The last one was gagging her and messing up her clothes. He was about to even pull form his pants.

There wasn't even a need to think about what was going on here. The marbles bounced in my hand…

"Bastard! What are you doing?!" Wow, one of these guys actually had the guts to shout after doing this.

Seeing the surprised look on the other two's faces at that moment, the bulky fat blob quietened down.

Their heads might've stung, but it was probably more annoying than painful. The marbles, that is.

They didn't seem aware of what they were doing.

"Hey, I remember guys from school. Jake, Lenny, and Pat, right? Do I need to call the police?" They became stared stiff after seeing my face. It looked like the three of them recognised my face as well.

"What's a playboy like you doing at the park at night-? Hey, you quieten down now. He's not going to save you." For a second there, the girl struggling under him tried her hardest to escape their grasp.

However unsuccessful her actions may have ended, she was a tough cookie in this situation.

From what I could see, the three of them had the strength advantage from both height and weight.

As a petite girl, she was cute and likeable, but that also meant she wasn't prepared to handle these sorts of delinquents, who were just to heavy for her to shake off. Her situation was bad from all angles.

Even with my intervention, it didn't seem like I'd be able to stop them if they harmed her out of spite.

Distracting them wasn't effective…

So what was I to do?

…I could just walk away, but the girl's hopeful eyes made me want to be a kind hero in this situation.

Would she date me if I saved her?

At the very least, she better give me her number. I want a vaguely equal transaction for risking myself!

From the tape I barely glimpsed at underneath the fat blob's hand, this was a predetermined act.

They likely wouldn't be scared of the police…

"Calling me a playboy is kinda harsh, isn't it?" I put the marbles away and took a step back, holding onto my phone. Seeing how I was acting, Pat stopped gagging her and switched with another.

The dude holding down her hands quickly shifted embracing her from the back and holding her down. One had for her mouth, the other one grabbing both her wrists and keeping them close.

They seemed oddly skilled at this sort of crime…

Had they done this before?

Rather than talking things out, Pat immediately charged forward to take my phone away from me.

It was at this time a light smile appeared on my face. I blushed while taking out my favourite thing.

"Eeeh~ Don't get to close~ Take this! Magical Stick of Love and Justice~!" With a loud and sharp 'clanging' sound resounding, my words ended with a swing of the Magic Stick from my backpack.

"Aaah…!" Pat held his face. Despite being a few times larger than me, magic had taken him down!

"Anyone else want some of this Magical Stick?"

"That's a metal pipe!"

"No, it may look like a metal pipe, but… it has the power of God, Anime, and Hentai infused into it."

"Crazy motherfucker!" Lenny, the lankiest thug holding down her legs, let go of her to attack me.

From the difference in size and fighting experience alone, I knew swinging my Magical Stick alone wouldn't work. The power of God and Anime couldn't be used to twice in succession, after all.

"Wait!" I slipped the iPhone into my coat's sleeve and took out the treasure that I picked up before.

"If you let her go, I'll give you this magazine."

"Who the fuck wants your dirty porn mag?!"

"You do? Aren't you guys horny?" He stopped his charge. My words seemed to have calmed him.

Was it because I was absurd or reasonable?

"Hey… You're a pervert as well, aren't you?" He smiled at me in a cruel way while approaching.

"Hey, don't get any closer." He halted his steps. I wasn't stupid enough to fall for his petty tricks.

"Why don't you join us?"


"Yeah. Pat over there won't be able to say anything if you're one of us." He made a business smile.

Lenny didn't look like he cared for his friends.

It looked more like he'd be willing to 'share' to make things easier, rather than escalate the matter itself.

He was a pretty smart guy for his looks…

"Did you guys admit to being perverts~?" Seeing his smile start to fade, I continued more seriously:

"Anyway, aren't you afraid of being caught after all this is over? Unless… you're going to kill her?"

"We're not that stupid." The tall bastard took out his phone and chuckled. He checked on Pat's jaw.

It was bruised a lot, but nothing was broken.

This time, it was Jake that had spoken up:

"Would she say anything if we have pictures and videos?" He laughed while keeping her confined.

Tears started to drop from the girl's eyes, she seemed to think I'd go along with this nonsense.

"You guys watch porn, right?" When I asked that question, they didn't seem to answer me honesty.

Only averting their eyes…

"So what?" The lanky said while turning off his phone and looking at me. What did he just send?

Ignoring the ominous feeling, I decided to continue:

"You're plan would work by porn logic, but looking at reality… Taking pictures would just serve as evidence. My dad says not to confuse hentai with reality, which is what you guys are doing now."

It wasn't as if they wouldn't get caught. It's just that their actions would only harm everyone.

Both the victim of their assault, and themselves.

Their school life and social life would end. What was the point of doing this? What was the logic?

My words didn't move them.

In fact, Lenny seemed dissatisfied with my answer:

"What? Don't you have balls? They say we're young anyway. It doesn't matter if we're caught."

Right, he was this sort of guy.

I didn't want any more interaction with him.

A smile bloomed on my face, which caused a chill down the struggling girl who was losing strength.

She started to sob, losing the will to fight.

Ahh… It's at times like this I wish I'd known how to reassure people. My actions were too vague.

"Look, there's prettier boobies here." I showed him the magazine and showed the most erotic page.

Immediately, he was gripped by his hormones. A half-naked woman was posing in the high-quality picture. No matter what taste you had, it was the kind of image that would draw a guy's attention.

He reached out to grab the porn mag…

"Give it to me."

"Sure~ Here's an extra bonus."

The moment he grabbed the magazine, I used both hands to crack his kneecap from the blindspot.

"Aaargh!" He held his leg. At times like these: The bigger they were, the harder they were felled.

Meaning: A guy like me just had to put my back into it. With a heavy swing, I knocked the guy out.

And then there was one…

"Stay there!" Jake, the last dude who had the disease of being a pushover, held the girl tighter.

I stopped right in place.

He was planning to use her as a shield to block my Magical Stick of Justice. It was kinda hard now.

Do I take a swing at him anyway?

Nah, it'd hurt my pride if the girl I was protecting ended up getting hurt. Let's take things slow.

Rather than focusing my eyes on him, I looked at the girl he was holding onto like some kinda panda.

Her eyes had become enlivened once again…

Since that was the case, then there's one thing left.


The Magical Stick dropped from my hand. It left Jake looking at me with hesitation and confusion.

I crossed both my arms in place, unmoving.

The ease he felt loosened his grip. Perhaps

It was at that moment… She struck!!

The girl within his grasp kneed him in the face. A slender form even if that was just from me alone.

Now… was the time to move.

Of course, Jake wasn't going to sit back and let her escape. As they were struggling, I took a baseball throwing form. Two arms went up along with one leg, then they all came down like cocking a gun.

Something flew at his face the moment she cleanly head-butted him back. It hit him straightforwardly.

"Fuck!" Jake held his eye.

My knees bent to grab my Magical Stick. Then I headed on over to finish the job. Smiling slyly…

"W-wait! I-" *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

I tenderised those braincells of his, since it didn't seem like this cunt was using them anyway.

The moment the girl got up, she also kicked him a few times in fury. Her emotions were still high.

Not that such a thing was hard to understand.

"You want to use a Magical Stick?" She turned to look at me with red eyes when I handed her my favourite thing. For a brief moment, she looked at me with the same confusion she had earlier on.

"Y-you're serious about that…?"

"Don't diss the Magic Stick."

"No… Ummm…"

"Want it or not?" I shook it at her. When she saw my insistence, she grabbed my thing tightly.

…I mean my Magical Stick.

No, the hard ro-

Ummm, sure… Let's just call it a metal pipe. There seemed to be no way of saying this normally.

"Oh yeah, Pat should waking up now." I pointed at the fat blob who was the fast to taste my steel.

As expected, she had a more unforgiving personality than her appearance had let on.


She slapped the dumb delinquents around a whole bunch of times… before finally calming down.

Sometimes, she went back to hitting them again.

They probably wouldn't die from this. Her weak swings just irritated the wounds I'd already given.

Was this on purpose…?

Everyone had become unconscious. There wasn't anyone left to see what condition we were in.

Seeing that she regained her composure a bit, I waited for her to get herself back together.

It's better if she initiated the conversation.

Seeing me crossing my arms behind her with a relaxed expression, she seemed influenced a little.

People said my mood was really contagious.

"T-thank you…" It seemed like the trauma had sunk in deep. She couldn't make clear eye-contact.

"No problem. Anyway, can I have your number?"


"Also, wanna read this porn mag with me? It's a frickin' masterpiece~!" She suddenly got silent.

Her eyes looked at me with an expression that seemed to say: {Are you serious right now?}

"I thought you were different from them…"

"I'm pretty sure I am…?"

"You're not."

"…That's harsh. Just say if you don't want to take a peek." I opened the mag and sat down nearby.

It was better not to let this trio out of our site.

"…I'm going to leave now."

"Sure." I didn't lift my head from the image of boobs. My attention was focused on them jigglers.

"You're not going to stop me…?"

"You're choice. Anyway, aren't you going to call the police?" This seemed to be a serious situation.

"N-no, I'd rather this be kept a secret."

"They won't suddenly disappear thought."

"Are you worried about me?"

"I'd hate it if my feelings moved like that."

"Didn't you save me out of compassion?" She lifted a brow. To her, my words were a little complicated.

"I did it because I wanted to. Anyway… you haven't said anything about your number, or the porn mag."

She didn't answer immediately. Her expression changed a few times… until it came to her:



"Give it to me." She took my phone, entered some digits, saved it as 'Sophie', and gave it back to me.

Then she sat besides me and looked at what I was reading with bemused eyes. She was acting weird.

Sharing a visual masterpiece was one thing, but it didn't make sense why she was doing this.

"…You sure?" I put my phone back.

"…" She seemed oddly focused while watching me read the magazine. Her gaze wasn't wavering.

I shrugged, and decided to do what I wanted to do.

Both of us were unaware at the time that this would be the last time we'd ever get to talk like this.

An ominous shadow headed in our direction…