
Porn With Plot

Short Stories collected from different sources and authors.

I_Am_Busy · Cómic
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56 Chs

Nakano Miku X BigBlackCock

After having quite the spicy "talk" with Nino Nakano thanks to one of other Quintuplets, Ichika Nakano's assistance, the two had become very intimate in just the span of a few hours. The black tutor felt like a champion for not only being able to help these ladies with their studies and help them achieve their goals, while making a career out of it, but he was also able to sleep with two very sexy and erotic babes that were more than willing to satisfy his needs whenever and wherever they were required. Out of the five gorgeous sisters, he'd already railed two of them so hard that they'd practically fallen in love with him.

On the topic of achievements, he was feeling quite accomplished himself. After relieving his urges and helping the ladies with both their studies, in regards to both sexual studies and non-sexual studies, they had all benefited from his stay and learned quite a lot about themselves. What more could he possibly ask for? He was living the dream, there probably wasn't another tutor on Earth that was having a better time than he did. He couldn't think of any other way to better celebrate himself by asking the ladies to record a special video of the three of them going at it, filming the sex session late at night which took place in his room when the others were all sound asleep. After saving the visceral, completely unedited and raw video this cellphone's camera roll, he posted their sex sessions on an online NSFW website, but made sure that they were all listed as private until they were all "mature" enough in the development of their relationship before being displayed on the internet, exposing to the world the faces of the sister's lustful faces after being completely and utterly BLACKED.

At least an entire week had passed by after he'd corrupted Nino, forever ruining the chances of other men that tried to hit on the stubborn, prideful woman. Unfortunately for them, she was a girl with very particular tastes, only finding herself attracted to the muscular stud living at her place, only interested in becoming intimate with black men and black men alone. It was dangerous how quick women's preferences could change after spending a single night having her guts rearranged, and it appeared that another window of opportunity would open up when he was invited to join the Quintuplets on a "Sister's Date" day that would span for over 3 days and 4 nights at a special onsen. Regrettably, against his own will, he was left with no other choice but to decline their offer, as much as he would've loved to join them understanding all of the chances he would have to seduce each and every one of them, the foreign man wanted to have a little bit of an "RnR" to himself after nearly being completely drained daily from both Ichika and Nino simultaneously.


"Gosh, really?!

Of course, this disappointed them both greatly, as the two were hoping to have lots of fun with their tutor in the hot springs, but ultimately they had to respect his decision as the ladies packed their things and left together on their trip. Nino and Ichika lingered behind to give their black lover a longing kiss on the lips, the newfound couples always managing to sneak some time in the day to make out with each other when the others weren't looking.


Thirty minutes later…

After the ladies had all but left, the tutor felt like he was due for a much needed nap, even with his admirable stamina, everyone would feel tired from all of the work that he had put in. Not only was it exhausting to stay up late at night in order to indulge in his secret fuck sessions with two busty sisters that enthusiastically milked him dry of every possible spurt that they can. It was only natural that he would at least require some rest, just for a little bit. That is, until someone opened his door just moments before he was about to doze off into a peaceful slumber, catching him completely off guard as he was under the assumption that everyone had already left. He simply couldn't be bothered enough to do anything at the moment, so he pretended that he was already fast asleep, not budging an inch. Expecting whoever it was to leave, he heard a lot of rustling in the background, confused by what was going on.


Whoever it was had slowly made their way into his room, locked the door behind them for some inexplicable reason, and then sneakily put something that might've been a bag or a blindfold of some sort over his face to cover his eyes. The perplexing behavior left him bewildered, it felt like he was getting robbed or something, but he decided to stay still to see where things were headed. It couldn't have been anyone but one of the sisters, he mused. His answer would come shortly after, when he felt a set of inexperienced fingers fiddling with his trousers, doing their best to undo his belt, tugging down on his jeans before realizing that they needed to unzip the fly and clasp firstly, an audible gasp leaving their lips when they watched as his pants slid down his chocolate-dark muscular thighs. Whoever it was sounded like they'd been completely caught off guard from seeing just how long, thick, and intimidating his black cock looked after being freed from its confinements, staring and marveling at the tool in all of its glory. Even though he was far from being erect, his semi-limp appendage still made other men pale in comparison, a gargantuan slab of soft meat that couldn't be denied.

"What is this, did Nino or Ichika decide they didn't want to leave me behind?" he thought, deciding that it would be entertaining to let this ploy carry on for a little while. It didn't take long for the tutor to feel such a draft for his own private parts being completely exposed while he himself was blindfolded, incapable of seeing, assuming that one of the two had returned to exact some revenge on him for refusing their invitation, for taking the lead so many times and not allowing them to have a chance anymore at riding him on top, his thoughts and assumptions running rampant with the fantasies he were having only causing more blood to rush towards his masculine organ, slowly becoming fully erect as he could still hear shocked yelps and gasps.

"Hmm? Would Nino or Ichika still be reacting like this? They've already seen it so many times, why would they be surprised? I know I'm really big, but at some point they'd get used to it." he pondered, with his surprise guest backing away in reflex as her solicitous gaze fell upon the black truncheon forming in front of her very eyes. She couldn't quite explain just how erotic it was to watch a man's penis grow from its original size into the astounding, monstrous proportions that it reached just inches away from her face. There were numerous occasions where she could hear praise about black men and their genetically gifted cocks, and this heart-throbbing moment only proved the claims made through those moans to be one hundred percent accurate. How everything came to be was to be expected after the countless risks that they've taken, it was practically impossible to believe that every single person in the house would be asleep at any given time, especially given their ages. His adorable uninvited guest was none other than one of the five sisters, Miku Nakano.

About thirty minutes ago…

Miku wanted to know why, or more importantly, how the tutor was capable of making two of her own sisters fall prey to his depraved needs. It wasn't a secret that out of the five, she wasn't exactly considered the most "vocal" of the bunch, typically keeping her opinions to herself, and was always soft-spoken in everything that she did. However, not once, but one several occasions Miku had caught a glimpse of either Nino, Ichika, or even both of them at the same time getting fucked hard for hours on end, and what was even more of a harrowing sight was when they would beg for the man's raw creampie without wearing protection, living life on the edge and dangerously allowing themselves to be shot up with cum. If she didn't know any better, Miku had already assumed that both Ichika and Nino might've already become pregnant with the amount of times that they'd allowed for him to-, no, the amount of times that they'd pleaded for his black seed to thoroughly flood their needy, aching wombs. They wanted it so badly that she couldn't even argue and claim that he was forcing himself upon them, it was so evident who the real initiators was, their dark-skinned tutor could have went the entire day ignoring them, and both Nino and Ichika would find themselves paying a nighttime visit to his room no matter what. Perfectly encapsulated by how their sex sessions would conclude every time without fail, Nino and Ichika would wrap their legs around him like clingy girlfriends, so tightly around his waist, not wanting to spill a single drop of the creamy load.

It was time that Miku executed her plan. Requesting a private meeting with the man was nearly impossible for herself, and she risked the chance of being seen by the other sisters if they were home. Miku wanted to get to the bottom of this whole thing, having lacked proper sleep over the course of the past few days ever since she'd made that discovery. His virile grunts and his sister's high-pitched moans kept her up at night, torturing her with arousal. That was why when it finally was the day of their hot springs trip, Miku informed everyone that she wasn't feeling well, surprising herself with her acting skills as she lied to Nino and Ichika, putting up a front that she was feeling under the weather and ill. She reasoned that since their tutor was staying back at home too, then she should be fine, and some nights of rest and medicine would be sufficient enough to complete the job. Miku told them that she didn't want to interfere with their fun, and it would be a chore to take care of a sick person when they should be enjoying their vacation. Seeing that it would've been gravely disappointing to cancel the trip when they've already come so far now, the other four sisters left her in the care of their highly capable, foreign tutor, not paying much mind to it since she didn't seem terribly sick.

Even Nino and Ichika given their salacious natures didn't think twice about Miku's proposal, despite the fact that they considered themselves staying behind and playing around with their tutor, it would've left Yotsuba and Itsuki stranded for themselves, and such a decision would've been considered selfish of them. Miku was always known as the docile type, in their eyes, it wouldn't have been possible for Miku to engage in a relationship with the tall, muscular black man behind their backs. It's not like that they would've vehemently denied it, considering the Quintuplets had learned to share with one another, but they definitely would've been stricken with jealousy knowing that Miku was hogging him all to herself on the days that they were gone. Thankfully, that was an outcome that they didn't have to worry about, right?


Little did they know, they couldn't have been more wrong about Miku. The quiet, demure woman wasn't the silent prude that everyone made her out to be. They were sisters, and they'd lived together for years, but not one of them would have anticipated her behavior. While they were already on their merry way towards the Onsen, Miku was exploring the situation on her own, putting herself in the fire, locking herself in with her own pent up tutor, who was still closing his eyes and wondering what the extended pause was. After whoever it was that stripped off his pants, they hadn't moved, they hadn't budged an inch, even. It was like they were frozen in place, like they didn't expect the sight that sprung to life before them.

"Why is she only sitting there, breathing on me? Aren't you going to start servicing me like usual? Ichika? Nino?" he thought, clearing his throat as he figured that he would have to speak up in order to urge this naughty invader to hurry up and finish her business.

"Umm… I can feel your hot breathing hitting my cock, you know? Are you just trying to tease me? That won't work on me, or maybe you're waiting for me to take my blindfolds off, so that I could see your pretty face in action before you begin?" he said, growling in anticipation from the kinky foreplay.

Miku was shocked because she'd assumed that he was asleep, seeing that there was no reason for him to pretend like he was sleeping if that were the case. She felt a lump form in her throat, an anxious chill running down her spine, a crimson-red blush dawning her rosy cheeks as she flushed up with her temperature spiking quickly. If any of her sisters saw what her face looked like right now, they would have assumed that she'd been suffering from a fever. Not wanting him to take off the blindfolds, she pushed herself into action, barely capable of mentally preparing herself as she darted her slithery tongue past her slim, pink lips and then awkwardly licked the tip. After conducting some research of her own, watching how Nino and Ichika performed, she tried to retain as much of that experience as she could, but it was much harder pulling it off in person than she anticipated. Miku barely touched him with her tongue, and it felt almost tickling. He tilted his head in confusion, and Miku panicked as she tried her best not to make a noise, swiping her tongue across her bottom lip and then attempting to drag her wet muscle with more firm contact, in broad motions.

"W-Wow. It's really thick, and it tastes a bit salty. Maybe he didn't shower yet? Ah, but I don't really mind it. It tastes a little bit better than I thought it would. Nino and Ichika always look like they're having so much fun when they put it in their mouths and lick it with their tongues." thought Miku, trying to mimic what they would normally do when servicing the man with their mouths. In her head, she was doing much better than she thought. Miku's soft tongue benefited from her warm breath tickling the taut skin of his fat, bulbous head. It was so dark like the rest of her body, and she couldn't help but circle around the ridge, carefully lapping at the tip numerous times.

"Hmm? Is it just me, or… Does this feel a lot different than usual?" he thought, noticing the downgrade in technique, unfortunately for Miku she wasn't quite as adept in the art of cocksucking like Nino and Ichika. It was a bit clumsy, but as time went on she grew more comfortable with having her tongue drag along the length, gaining courage and stretching out her oral muscle to slide against the shaft of his burly black shaft, blushing at the feeling of his pumping veins rubbing against her tongue. Instead of assuming that it was actually one of the other sisters, he'd assumed that either Ichika or Nino were trying a different approach, perhaps it was some sort of roleplaying? His head was lifted and he was faced in Miku's direction, although he couldn't see her because of the blindfold, she could feel his passionate gaze, feeling his dick twitch in her hands. Miku grasped the burly behemoth firmly, holding it in place while she progressively became sluttier by the second.

"That's right, it's not just his penis that I should be treating with my tongue. There's his-... His testicles too." thought Miku, feeling like she could nearly faint from how erotic she was acting, realizing just how uncharacteristic it was of herself to be this enamoured by something so shameful, completely charmed by his enormous black cock. Luckily for Miku, he couldn't see the expression on her face, the sheer awe that she was in, gawking at the colossal sized member before her, the intoxicating smell so pungent as she drew her nose closer to the source of it. His big black sack was sweaty, the leathery skin having a noticeable sheen over it, she curiously wondered if it would taste any different than the huge meat pole that she'd been licking like a popsicle. Tucking the strands of hair blocking her view behind her ear, Miku drew closer and planted a gentle peck on one of his oversized balls, just realizing how gargantuan the gravid orbs truly were, seeing them clench slightly upon making contact. They were laid out so perfectly for her, gathering them in her slim fingers, lifting them up and left astonished by the weight of them. The size of his testicles were enormous, gazing at them with impassioned arousal as her tiny hands wrapped around the base of his sack, moving the large spheres residing inside to the front and around, lowering her mouth again to use her tongue to massage the oval-shaped balls. Her theory was proven to be correct, as the musky taste was somehow even more powerful than on the rest of his swelling hardness. Instead of shying away due to the overwhelming scent, Miku pursed her pink lips and pressed her lips against the bulging sack, showering kisses all over it, leaving traces of her lip gloss behind, her eyes lighting up with her mouth hanging open as she overstepped her comfort zone, clumsily trying to fit one of his fat globes inside of her mouth, making doubly sure that her teeth wouldn't make contact with the extremely sensitive part of his body, knowing that this was every man's weakness.

"Ugggh, fuck!... Nin-.. Ichika?... Fuck, whoever it is, that feels damn good." he praised, making Miku's ears perk up as she had to have been doing something well if he were to have mistaken her for either one of those two. Feeling the two golf-sized balls in her hands, she felt like massaging them one at a time using her hands, while her daring tongue swiped against them to make them wet, sucking more if it into her mouth as she made a gargling sound from how filled her mouth became with his profound, sweaty dark pouch. Hanging dangerously close to her throat, Miku's gag reflex triggered instantly and she was forced to spit him out of her mouth, panting mightily as she felt ashamed of herself for being unable to finish the task. She'd always had a bit of an inferiority complex having always compared herself to the other sisters, always feeling self-conscious when she lacked something that one of her siblings excelled at. Having always lacked faith in herself, this was the first time that she was relying on nobody else other than herself.

"Mmhhnnmm!~" moaned Nino, although she wanted to act just like her sisters, the horniness that she was displaying was completely of her own pure volition, expressing herself through her actions, having riled him up as the gigantic black stick that rested on her face like a hot iron rod. Panting profusely as after having removed his droopy balls from her sloppy mouth, holding the giant black cock at the base, worshiping it just like Ichika and Nino do. She wanted to be a part of their illicit relationship herself, the taboo of it all turned her on more than anything, knowing that her father would be furious if he ever found out the true nature of their friendship. Mr.Nakano was completely oblivious to the fact that his precious little daughters would soon be entrapped by bbc. Miku moved his hefty dick back and forth her own face like it was a thick, black wand, smearing his sweat over her soft cheeks, dragging it over the bridge of her nose, feeling the organ throb in its heat, moving it back towards her lips, trying to feed the hard beast within her lips. Slipping the stiff black roll within the plushness of her hot, slippery orifice. Enveloping him within her hot, watery mouth. In comparison to her uncertain, skeptical moves at the beginning, the difference was like night and day. Miku practiced and tried everything at her disposal to hear the man groan, and whenever he did, she'd smile so wide that he could feel her lips forming one around his girth. Moving her mouth back and forth, bobbing furiously as she let her spit build up and bathe his awesome manhood. His rigid darkness resting wonderfully on her tongue, as wet sounds echoed in their bedroom, allowing up to seven inches of raw cock that expanded her hungry mouth and the entrance of her throat.


Even after practicing on her own after trapping herself in the bedroom, Miku couldn't quickly adapt to the turgid size of the real deal. There was no dildo or object that could've prepared herself properly, simply because he was so well-endowed that it would've been extremely difficult to find a perfect replica or even close to his size. Sucking and swallowing as much that could fit in her mouth, adventurously jerking her head back and forth as she repeatedly put her clenching gullet to the test, seeing just how deep she could take him. This all progressed over the course of the next few minutes, and there was something extra enthralling about having his vision completely obscured by the blindfolds. Normally, he definitely would have lasted much longer, but Miku's exceptionally eager mouth was quickly driving him towards his end.

"Fuck… I'm gonna blow." he muttered, his big broad chest heaving as he rested his hands on his abdomen, only a couple strokes of her lips before exploding inside of her mouth, Miku felt that he had already reached his limit, immediately coming to a halt as he let out a confused moan slip when Miku let him plop out of her thick lips. She didn't use them to talk often, nor would anyone know how strong her tongue could be.

"Wait!.." she muttered weakly, her voice was quiet enough that he couldn't tell who it belonged to, wondering why Nino and Ichika had both lost their spunk. Miku wanted to feel his release at least once inside of her, not wanting to waste the very first load that he'd extracted out of her by having him shoot it all out inside of her mouth, that was something that would need to wait until another time.

"Why'd you stop?" he gasped, having become a bit frustrated because of his orgasm denial.

Miku Nakano bowed her head in apology, even though he couldn't see her, however he was confident that he wouldn't be disappointed with what would come next. Slowly, piece by piece, Miku carefully removed her clothes. Starting with her tight top, if his eyes weren't tied behind the blindfold, he would've been receiving one of the greatest strip teases of his life. She wasn't taking her time intentionally, but because of the nerves that she was fighting. He couldn't see, but he could still hear quite vividly. For a man that had fucked plenty of times, having showered his cock with the joys of pounding gorgeous women time and time again, he was surprisingly excited and thrilled about the spice that not being able to see added. It almost felt like all of his other senses were heightened, he was able to hear all of the details as she stripped off all of her clothes. Lifting her shirt over his head, the sounds of her pants struggling to slip past down her hips, until finally, Miku Nakano was stark naked before her own tutor, a person that she wasn't supposed to becoming intimate with, never once did her father consider the possibility that his beautiful daughters would fall for him.

"Sorry, I promise I'll make it up to you!..." expressed Miku, speaking with some emphasis for once, hopping onto him and straddling the man's lap, kindly pushing him onto his back to lay comfortably on the bed with her fingers pressing onto his chiseled chest. Never had Miku been this assertive for anything, but she'd never craved anything more in her entire life.

"What's taking her so long? She's really making me wait, teasing me again, huh? I commend your restraint, normally you'd do anything to make me cum as fast and as much as you possibly can."

Miku usually lets other people lead the way, but tonight, at this very moment, she was stepping out of her shell and pursuing something on her own. The difference in proportion from his pillar-like cock in comparison to the tiny slit of her moistened pussy with her even smaller hole in between was difficult to match properly together. His fantastic black snake pushed against her mound as Miku lined herself up before trying to take a seat on his impossibly fat cock, whimpering a slew of moans as her vaginal lips separated and slid past the girth of the engorged head.

"A-Ahhh!… Ahh…" she cried, wiggling her hips trying to properly fit the monstrous black cock inside. It probed against her entrance as she gradually parted for him, the excessive tightness of her cleft left her tutor groaning from the penetration alone, the scintillating process captivating the interracial couple, with Miku's undivided attention and her eyes glued towards the breaching of her pale, plump folds. Aware of condoms, but won over by the notion that a raw cock felt much better, Miku grunted and shook her hips after just barely managing to punch her aching sex open with a monumental slam of her hips, life changing sensations rippled through her nervous system as her eyes slammed shut, her breath escaping her as she felt her heart throb wildly in her chest. A surge of adrenaline that she'd never felt before, with his inches slowly disappearing into her inviting canal, her sexually aroused gash stretching open and fitting like a sleeve over the infallible erection.

"Hnngh! Oh! Oh!" howled Miku, clearly demonstrating signs of struggling.

"This is…"

The tutor knew both Nino and Ichika's body very well, able to tell them apart if he were to fuck them both blindfolded. Not only that, but he'd never forget the feeling of taking a woman's maidenhood, realizing that the pussy desperately trying to impale itself onto his ebony dicktip couldn't have been either of them. He had his doubts and certainly was suspicious, but now it was confirmed. One of the other sisters had to be the one getting ahead of herself and tried to ride him, her lustful cries sounded like painful grunts as Miku needed to pause several times, hiccuping a vehement moan when she felt the intruding manhood reach the embodiment of her virginity, her hymen. If it weren't Nino or Ichika, he felt like he'd need to be gentle with the other three possible candidates minus Yotsuba, knowing how to treat a girl delicately, for now. It sounded like Miku was suffering initially from the searing hot shock that came with having her pussy wedged so far apart, but he knew that he'd be replacing those sounds with angelic moans in the throes of passion. The realization that he would be dominating yet another one of the Quintuplets reignited his already burning flames of arousal, and he couldn't wipe the smug grin off of his face as another of the sisters willingly sought after him, entranced by his good looks, it was like the sisters all shared a preference towards black men.

"Aahngh!~.. Ahh!…" mewled Miku, witnessing her chastity being seconds removed from being obliterated for eternity. His rigid darkness patiently waited at the entrance, almost as if waiting for Miku to take the next step, her frantic breathing almost made it sound like she was hyperventilating, breaking out in a nervous sweat, the decision she was about to make would change her life forever. Ichika and Nino professed their love for black cock through their moans, and Miku knew that if she went through with this, she'd never turn back. Embracing herself for the memorable times ahead, Miku lifted herself slightly higher in the air, and then taking the plunge.

"Hooonnghhh! Oohhnggh! Hhaaannghhh!"

His hulking member utterly demolished Miku's virginity, a scorching hot flow of blood trickling out of her electrified pussy as Miku screamed at the top of her lungs with the extra fluid dripping down the man's black shaft, deflowering the gorgeous broad as he congratulated her with a playful smack on the thighs, tugging her closer towards him to encourage a grinding motion that she slowly settled into. They didn't stop there, with Miku turning delirious as she'd never once believed that the type of euphoria coursing through her veins was possible, even after seeing how Nino and Ichika reacted from getting fucked with it, she'd completely underestimated him, underestimated black cock. After tearing through her hymen, Miku's wailing moans bounced off of the walls, her insides churning and contracted tightly around his meat, sputterning nonsensically as she gasped, spritzing the man's groin in her juices and trails of her blood. He didn't particularly mind, aiding her by holding down her hips as Miku snapped her hips from the intense ruckus of sensations, being bombarded by new feelings that she could have never imagined before. Rutting senselessly, the pressure that she felt in her stomach as he somehow reached all the way to the entrance of her baby making chamber, heaving back and forth as Miku closed her eyes and reveled in her eroticism. The painful pleasure that she felt built up upon stronger, hotter sensations, beginning to push on needier against him as Miku screamed her moans at the height of her lungs, having never produced such boisterous noise in her whole life. Her very first black cock, the foot-long monstrosity buried within her incredible mixture of tightness and wetness, while he felt that Nino and Ichika excelled at one or the other, Miku was the most balanced of both worlds.

After having successfully invaded her warm, succulent pussy that welcomed him in, he decided to have some fun and test how Miku would hold up after rocking his hips against her, hearing her delicious, lurid moan from the impact. Everything that she felt was so surreal, it was crazy to think that Miku had actually done something so out of the ordinary for the quiet, reserved woman. Her soaking wet clit was hot to the touch and as erect as she could be, controlling her own destiny as she sped up the pace of her bounces, sobbing gently as she lewdly rubbed her own nipples between her thumb and forefingers, under the impression that the tutor wouldn't see her acting so sinfully perverted. Sex was amazing. Miku fully understood why Nino and Ichika were addicted to it, they almost wouldn't go a single night without having it. She couldn't blame anyone, it was only a matter of time before he herself surrendered to it, succumbing to temptation, being driven to new heights of pleasure, thrusting herself down and back up like a wet piston, everything that she experienced was incomprehensible, constantly gasping with shock, unable to adapt without being thoroughly amazed.

"Mmngh!~ Mmn!~ Mmhm!~"

He couldn't help but find her moans adorable, Miku was so much more sheltered than the other two. Although he hadn't yet confirmed their identity, that was the assumption he made after remembering how soft spoken she'd been, rewarding the girl with several slow strokes that nearly sent Miku past the brink of ecstasy. She had been so concentrated on sawing him in and out of her gushing quim, that she'd completely dropped her guard. Her glazed eyes weren't staring at her blindfolded tutor, but down at their colliding crotches, humping him furiously as her vaginal cream was so potent and copious that it completely covered her traces of blood, shuddering through her writhing and groans, lost in another world as Miku shook her bottom energetically.

"I think I already know who you are, but I want to see it for myself!" he thought, determined and having already long enjoyed the thrill of being blindfolded, overstaying it's due. Without warning, he reached behind his head and removed the blindfold, his eyes focusing after the shining bright lights of the room blinded him for a second, before fixating on the gloriously provocative sight before him. Miku's orgasmic expressions and the helplessly lewd faces she was making were indescribable, if he were to pick in order how likely each of the Quintuplets were to come begging for his dick, Miku would've been dead last. There was no way for him to know that she could be such a vixen, a temptress with her body, engaging in perverse kink-play.

"Aaahhnn!~ Oohnnghhoo! Uunnghhh!" stammered Miku barely hanging onto her bearings, covering her eyes in shame with the shade of her blush matching that of a strawberry.

"M-Miku? So it was you."

She jumped at the sound of his deep voice, having completely lost her sense of surrounding amidst her chain of climaxes. Miku didn't know what to say, no matter how daring she'd become, there were still times where she'd lose her confidence and her voice, not to mention how difficult it was to manage thinking, talking, and riding all at once.

"I'm not complaining, but. I never thought that you of all people would be doing this. I can't believe that you wanted to fuck me so bad, that you'd try and do it in my sleep, or cover my face and pretending you were somewhere else." he chuckled, admiring her pristine figure as he slid his hands against the smoothness of her flat tummy and naval, as if he were inspecting her body.

"Uhh! Uhm!~ It's because!-… I wouldn't usually do this, but!… I was curious." admitted Miku, having to take significantly deep pants in between every couple of words, even while they were talking Miku didn't want to stop her adventurous hips, in a drunken state of pure lust from the stabbing of her cunt. Miku skewered herself as she didn't feel any space left in her stuffed vaginal orifice, gawking as she slowly slid him out until only the ridge remained, plopping her weight back down onto his peaking dick with enough force to make his black pouch bounce and slap against her skin.

"Ggh! You were curious?" he responded, wanting her to elaborate.

"I-I wanted to feel what Ichika and Nino were feeling! I saw the looks on their faces when they were with you. Mmnh! So filled with love and lust!" confessed Miku, thrashing her head and throwing her body against him, grinding fervently as she bobbed up and down the entirety of his length, ensuring that not an inch remained untouched.

"Hah, you're a dirty girl, Miku. I'll make sure that you properly understand what they felt!" he grinned smugly, having allowed Miku to have her way for long enough. His specialty was how dominant his masculine frame was, and his expertise in manhandling women was what Nino and Ichika loved about him. Miku definitely received a good taste of what they were working with, but she hadn't seen it all yet. His charcoal-dark body raised off the mattress, his intimidating bulk of mass muscle left Miku shrinking before him, having to be pulled off of his dick as it slipped out of her and smacked against her thigh, leaving a trail of sweat and pussy cream behind.

"I'm going to give you the fucking you deserve, Miku." he growled, feeling her legs hooking towards his sides, taking the chance to fondle her generously sized breasts, having no clue that they'd match Nino and Ichika's. The clothes that she'd typically wear always did a fantastic job at hiding the weapons she was hiding beneath, possessing a seriously seductive rack that he couldn't help but fondle, jostling his shaft in between her folds as he knelt on the mattress, holding and lifting her up by her supple asscheeks, her back resting on the mattress but her hips raised in the air, his trunk-like thighs acting as further support.

Miku was delighted in her role as the aggressor, but she felt her heart leap with joy and her stomach fluttering with butterflies seeing the huge man lean over her. She felt so delicate being smothered beneath him, feeling so small while being completely dwarfed by his towering height and bulk.

"Eek!~ Ahngh! Aahnnn! Mmmghh! Hnnghhoo!"

Degenerate sounds that nobody could've ever imagined seeping out of Miku's mouth came out as her tight cleft was cleaved repeatedly by an astonishing huge rod of fuckmeat. It slammed into her repeatedly like a black battering ram, the level of intensity and the piercing was unmatched, Miku couldn't replicate this when she was riding on top, loving the feeling of being powerless and completely smashed by his hips in a fiery blitz. She couldn't speak yet alone think properly as her tits jiggled as well as her immaculate flesh, slapping against her skin as they were drenched in sweat, creating a taboo chorus of passionate mating as Miku flinched with her head bouncing along with the rest of her body, her toes curled and her muscles flexing as the overwhelming waves of sexual satisfaction washed over her with elation. The tutor that spent every day teaching her how to improve as a student at school and excel at her studies was now showing her the beauty of a black cock fucking, pounding her recklessly as he slammed all the way to the base within her coiling pussy, splashing all over his shaft as Miku grabbed her face in her hands like she was venting out of sexual frustration from how impeccable she felt.

"How is it, Miku? Now you get why Nino and Ichika love me so much, hmm?" he teased, there was something that hit differently when defiling a girl that was as pure and shy as Miku.

"Unnghhhh! Unghhuhhh! Gghoodd! Shooo ghood! B-Black c-cock!" choked Miku, an admirable feat to even be able to process what he was saying and to mutter a somewhat coherent response past her violent grumbling, their hips reaching a hectic pace as Miku furiously climaxed without restraint, she was repeatedly orgasming until she couldn't control herself any longer. Arching her back and kicking her legs all the way out, enjoying the feeling of his fingers mushing into her nice asscheeks, twisting her hips and grinding her overjoyed cunt onto the burly dark meat. Her teeth began clattering, wondering if she was seeing stars in the distance, it was like her pussy had been sucking his cock deep into her body. Working him up for what felt like an entire hour already, the searing hot buildup of cum began traveling upwards his veiny, pulsating cockshaft after the bulging sack clenched slighty as did his buttocks. The sexual collission of their bodies ramped up in pace as Miku felt herself enter a concussive state, his strong hands grasping her waist as his massive pair of testicles swayed against her, watching as Miku's face had never looked so intense, so enrapt with arousal and euphoria, lips quivering while riding out an earth-shattering orgasm, pummeling against her cervix was his dangerously hard cocktip.

"Shit, I'm gonna cum real soon. Where do you want it, Miku?" he asked, giving her a final warning before it was too late, even if she hadn't answered vocally, he would've deciphered the answer based on the suctioning of his member, her hot, dense cream lathering him in a beautiful sheen that allowed him to slide in and out of her with relative ease. Miku's pussy was extremely pink and swollen, raising her knees higher and holding her thighs as far apart as they could, squeezing her tiny white pussy down and clamping it around his ebony cock as she attempted to milk and wring every last drop of cum out of it.

"Inside of me!" she screamed vehemently, on the receiving end of a pair of linear, ram-rod like thrusts into her queefing cunt as her feverish moans echoed with his nutsack flopping incessantly against her ass, a rollercoaster of emotions surging through her as every rational train of thought was forced out of her brain, spasming wildly as his madly pistoning rod was seized by her clinging insides, vigorously hammering into her welcoming womb before giving her the reward she'd so desperately desired, his hips gliding forwards as they pressed up against every doughy curve of her, moaning concurrently as he started to pump her full with numerous loads worth of an ejaculation. It was impressive how much he'd stocked up despite having jizzed various times throughout the course of one day, however it was actually the first for today, having saved up more than enough to completely splash and drown every warm wall of Miku's vagina, shallow pants as their hips swiveled together, grabbing ahold of her and fucking her like a ragdoll as he deposited his thick black seed somewhere deep in her belly. She passed out right in front of him as he watched the light leave her eyes, her pupils rolling to the back of her head as they slammed shut, twitching as she'd squirt out and spray her cum out after every couple of seconds.

"Right… You should get the rest you need right now, because you won't be getting a lot of it over the next few days. And it won't be the last time that I pour all of this inside of you, either." he spoke, rubbing the part of her front where her womb would be located, watching as their mutual love juices spilled out of her aching hole. What Ichika and Nino told him echoed in his mind, they would be gone for three whole days, and four nights. That was all the time he had to spend with Miku alone at the house, while the other sisters were out on a trip. Miku had a spectacular start towards honing her ability on receiving a black cock, but there was much work to be done, and they would have their very own study sessions for hours and hours on end. His harem was expanding dangerously quick, and now more than half of the Quintuplets were already wrapped around his fingers. Miku slept like a log for hours on end, only to recover and wake up like a million bucks.


The day after…

Miku and her black lover were together in the washroom the morning after they'd indulged in sublime, animalistic sex. She had spent ample time researching the ways of pleasing men, and she offered to "clean" him first thing after waking, before he'd even brushed his teeth yet, or taken a shower. His intent was to show Miku the ropes and to make suggestions that would have turned her into an already more desirable woman than she already was, but apparently Miku was a lot more independent than he'd given her credit for, something that he'd already figured out quite a bit the night before. She was down on her knees, having already taken off all her clothes, which almost seemed pointless to wear at this point as the two were probably going to spend most of their time together fucking all over the house, on every piece of furniture, enjoying the liberties of being completely alone together without the possible interruption of the other sisters. One day, he imagined what the house would turn into once each and every one of the sisters had joined his harem, and become seduced by his beautiful black hog.

"Hmm, you want to wash me?" he questioned, picking up a bottle of soap to which she practically smacked away.

"Yes, but I don't need that!... I won't use soap, but instead… How about this?" she whispered while flashing him a wink, holding her immense jugs up with her hands supporting the weight underneath them. A titjob was one of the many things that he loved, and Miku was far more equipped than he'd been led to believe, scooting closer towards him and his crotch, allowing him to palm her head like a basketball while he gripped his own dick and slapped the hefty phallus back and forth in between her pendulous breasts. The large lumps of flesh were remarkable throughout, he honestly couldn't tell if any of the Quintuplets were lacking in this department, it was like they were blessed by their genetics, almost wishing that he could meet their creator, the mother that birthed them because of how erotic their bodies all seemed to be.

"Sheesh, it's like these things are built for black cock." he commented, making Miku blush furiously as her interracial fetish had certainly been amplified.

After hearing such encouraging words like that, Miku felt supremely confident, more than she'd ever had in her life, and smothered his fat appendage within her cleavage, wrapping and squeezing him with her fatty flesh. His dark dick was quite the mess after having smashed her into an orgasm for countless of hours, and yet Miku wasn't deterred by the pungent smell or taste whatsoever, allowing him to fuck the valley of her pure boobage with hard, heavy thrusts. Making them slap against her chest as Miku was engrossed by the fact that his black flared helmet head was capable of slipping past the hold of her gigantic titties, stroking him with her udders and smashing her tits back together as she tilted her mouth downwards to lick and lap at the slit before deciding to take it inside of her wet, glossy lips. Sucking on it with even greater enthusiasm than she'd shown the night before where her actions were still uncertain and hesitant, despite the wonderful result that was produced. Moving her tongue rapidly around the four or five inches of dick that was exposed, performing her duty as advertised as she let her thick saliva drip down her boobs to trickle over the other areas of his cock, substituting her saliva for soap as his hard as a rock, jet black dick produced the loudest flopping noises as he grabbed the sides of her marshmallowy skin and bounced his thighs off of them, groaning profusely as it proved to be even more effective than the oral fucking from their first encounter.

"Goood, fuucckk!" he yelled, defeating the purpose of having to clean him after he blasted his slimy sperm all over her face without warning, covering her jaw line, her cheek bone, her hair and ear, reaching all the way to her forehead, causing Miku to gasp as she rocked back on her haunches, closing her eyes with her mouth left hanging in pure shock as she was dripping wet with his goo.


The second day…

There was nothing reserved about Miku any longer, the character development that she received was astounding. If there was something that she wanted, she went out on a limb and captured it with her own hands. The tutor didn't teach her to become the salacious woman that was no longer so selfless to sacrifice herself, but he influenced her to make that decision for herself. Miku wasn't in bed when he woke up, which was out of the norm considering she loved snuggling up to him and cuddling after having just persevered through a fuck marathon the night prior.

"Miku?... Where did she go?" he asked himself, walking around the house completely in the nude, which seemed to be their regular attire since they've transformed the Quintuplets apartment into a nest of copulating intensity fucking.


It was almost like there wasn't a day where she didn't completely surpass his expectations, wearing nothing except an apron that didn't do a great job hiding her side boobs that hung out, their perkiness and firmness were out for all sore eyes to see. Her shapely bum pushed out with the apron leaving it hanging open, and Miku turned around as she was cooking breakfast, this time wanting to be the one who made the food for him. A sight that only the luckiest men in the world would see, Miku was acting like a hot wife, but in reality she was merely a woman allured by the charming man that had seduced herself and her sisters.

"Oh, good morning… I hope you like what I'm wearing, recently I read that- Aaahn!~" yelped Miku, who wasn't even given the time of day to finish her sentence before the buff black man was already behind her, holding her breeding hips and jabbing at her beaten pussy after bending her over the counter. She wasn't implying that she wanted him to make a move on her, she was practically begging for it, flattening the meat on her rear with crushing thrusts as he made her booty clap louder than ever before, an underrated part about her body that he didn't pay enough attention to over the course of the past several days. Miku wanted to flaunt her every asset, wishing that he would come to fully appreciate her worth. He grunted profusely as made her detonate all over the floor, before picking her up and lifting her into a full-nelson hold, a difficult position to pull off unless the man was exceptionally fit. His strong, brawny biceps locked her tight into place, as Miku never felt more vulnerable before, the man walking around the kitchen while he started plowing away at her avaricious cunt, nearly folding her in half as he roared his moans as they'd sunken into depths of carnal desires yet again.


The third and final day…

Yotsuba Nakano, who was the most athletically gifted of the five sisters, immediately dashed to the suit as fast as possible, demonstrating her child-like enthusiasm as she challenged everyone with her to race home with the winner winning an unspecified prize. Of course, nobody else even wanted to participate except herself, and Yotsuba was obviously the victor. Opening the door with a victorious smirk on her face, once again securing her empty victory. The orange-haired buxom bouncing around with a bubbly expression on her face, in her usual unshaken mood.

"I'm ho-"

"Aaahn!~ Aaah! O-Oh! Y-Yes!"

The sweet moans that she heard blasting through the whole apartment could've only belonged to one person, the sole sister that stayed behind, a topic that she heard both Nino and Ichika chatting and teasing about when they were on the trip. Nobody had heard her yet, because she hadn't yet yelled as she usually would, all it took was one glance over to see Miku and their favorite tutor fucking Miku right in the middle of the living room, without a care in the world. They were already at the end stages of their primal love making, Miku was submitted in a mating press on the couch which barely had the space to support them both, with the dark-skinned foreigner being so large, with Yotsuba staring in bewilderment, witnessing the gaudy sight of one of her quintuplet sisters receiving a deep, copious creampie that signaled the end of their private vacation together. Considering how far the walk was from the station, neither Miku nor her master predicted that any of the sisters would have arrived home this early, completely clueless to the fact that Yotsuba Nakano was observing such a scene. They were on cloud nine, far too gone and lost in their own little world of passion to notice her staring right at them, Miku and the absolute hunk of a man kissed with such intimacy and passion, having grown unfathomably close in only the span of three to four days.

"O-Oh, wow…" commented Yotsuba, having never experienced something so… breathtaking. They weren't just having sex, it felt deeper than that. Miku didn't just seem happy, she was elated, exhilarated, consumed by whatever it was that she felt, whatever emotion was being produced by the immoral actions that she and their tutor was doing in the very same place where they would conduct their group study sessions together. Yotsuba couldn't describe what she was seeing, she couldn't explain to someone what she felt at that very moment. A lingering, primal sensation of sex coming to wake, an understanding that sooner than later, her life would be taking a turn that she'd never expected.