
Porn With Plot

Short Stories collected from different sources and authors.

I_Am_Busy · Cómic
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56 Chs

Grayfia, Rias, Akeno X BigBlackCock

Crawling into bed with her husband, Grayfia shot a quick smile over his way as they cuddled up to each other. Sizechs was one of the sweetest men she had met and she was happy to be his wife, especially when he would get close to her and squeeze her hips in a possessive way. Though, tonight was different when he did just that. Tonight, Grayfia had a plan that she knew would make her life with her husband change forever. She would always be his maid and his loving wife, but his lover? She had a plan for that.

Her smile faded from her lips as she gently pushed his hands away from her body. "I'm sorry, Sirzechs, but not tonight. We have a big day tomorrow. You need all the rest you can get." There was a gentle and affectionate tone in Grayfia's voice as she brought one of her hands to the side of Sirzechs' head, activating a quick spell that put him to sleep and wouldn't wake him up until she released the spell. "And I don't want you waking up while I'm enjoying myself tonight."

Grayfia joyfully licked her lips as she crawled out of her bed, staying for just a moment to make sure that her husband was asleep. Before she suddenly disappeared from the room for a moment, teleporting away to grab a black man that she had found as a lover recently. When she reappeared in the room, the black man's arms were already around her waist and his hands were firmly on her plump rear end. And Grayfia couldn't help but giggle to herself as her lips met his own.

The two of them made their way over to the bed at their own slow and teasing pace, Grayfia simply adoring the way he possessively and greedily stole kisses from her. She also loved the way his hands almost immediately started to roam her body and explore her skin despite the fact that her husband was sound asleep just a few feet away from them. Even as Grayfia found herself suddenly pushed onto the bed, she loved the way this black man seemed to already act like she belonged to him despite their relationship being no more than a few days old.

She playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she spread her legs and invited the black man to her bed, gasping in glee when he climbed over her and stole another kiss from her lips. Grayfia didn't hesitate to start exploring his body with her hands, purposefully tugging at the clothes he was wearing while she did so. Whether she got him undressed in seconds or if it took hours, Grayfia knew that her husband would be asleep the entire time and none the wiser about what was happening behind his back. So she planned to take her time and enjoy herself as much as she was able to.

However, as she shared kiss after kiss after kiss with the black man that she considered her new lover, Grayfia couldn't stop herself from thinking about the first time she saw a black man in action. Almost a month ago when she caught Rias getting fucked by a man she had never met before.


It was a day like any other when Grayfia had gone to check in on Rias for her dear husband, the two of them wanting to see how the young Gremory was doing during her day. However, when she teleported into the room where Rias was at, Grayfia found her dear sister-in-law on her back with her legs held into the air. She was getting fucked by someone that the maid had never seen before. Someone with dark skin and a massive cock that all too eagerly plunged in and out of Rias' pussy, allowing her to see every inch of it while the young girl was fucked almost without mercy or shame.

However, instead of getting in the way and stopping the two of them, Grayfia realized that they hadn't noticed her. And it seemed like they weren't going to as she watched them start making out in front of her, too engrossed in each other to care about anything going on around them. So, instead of saying a word or even moving from her spot, she watched as Rias was fucked into the floor like a common street whore. And the size of the black man that was fucking her made Grayfia's heart skip a beat in her chest. Not only was his clearly visible much larger than Sirzechs', but the veracity and intensity of his thrusts were making a devil like Rias quiver and moan like a whore.

Grayfia felt herself growing excited and aroused as she watched the two, both wanting to join in and experience it herself but knowing that she shouldn't in order to avoid letting anything stranger happen. Though, that didn't stop her from bringing a hand between her legs and teasing her wet pussy through her dress as she watched, biting down on her lower lip to keep her from being loud enough to be noticed. Not that Rias would likely pull away from the black man fucking her into a moaning mess even if Grayfia was loud. But she didn't want to take that chance.

As she watched this black stranger's massive member force its way into Rias' pussy over and over again, Grayfia wondered if it felt good to be used in such a way or if her dear sister-in-law was just a young whore in the making. Whichever option it actually was, she couldn't bring herself to care as her eyes started to focus on that incredible, throbbing, pulsing dick that plunged into Rias time and time again.

Fortunately, Grayfia was able to pull herself out of her lustful stupor and teleport out of the room and back to her home before she was noticed. In the back of her mind, she knew that she would need to do a little bit of research on black men and see just what about them would make Rias of all people submit in such a way.


With the memory having come and gone from her mind, Grayfia couldn't help but giggle under her breath as she turned her head to look at the sleeping Sirzechs in her bed. The spell she cast still seemed to be working as intended, not letting him hear or feel anything that was going on around him as he slept. "Sleep well, Sirzechs… I don't know if I'll be sleeping too much tonight with our special guest here with me."

Grayfia's lips curled into a smile as she shifted her white panties out of the way, showing off her dripping wet pussy to the black man she brought into her bedroom. Bringing her hand to her crotch, she used her middle and her index finger to teasingly spread her pussy lips for the man to see, inviting him to take his time and ravage her without a care. But when he stood still for a moment, simply enjoying the sight of her body, Grayfia let out a gentle breath. "Don't just stand there and stare. I want you to breed me. I want you to fuck me on my marital bed. Dominate me next to my sleeping husband and don't stop until you've put a baby into me. Then you can stare at your conquest.~"

The smile on her lips faded away for a moment as the black man quickly grabbed onto her hips, making her wonder just what he was going to do with her. Just as quickly as the question came to her mind, Grayfia found her answer in the form of her new lover getting underneath her and laying next to her husband, his black cock slapping against her stomach and her thigh while he simply held her in his lap. His grip was tight and the look in his eyes told her that if she wanted him to ravage her next to her husband, she would need to prove it.

Fortunately, that was something Grayfia had no issue doing. With her black lover's strong hands holding tightly onto her hips, she lifted herself out of his lap and pressed her dripping pussy against the tip of his shaft. And with only a moment's hesitation, she dropped herself down back onto his lap, screaming in pure and utter bliss as she impaled herself on his thick and hard shaft. Each and every inch of his member was inside of her now, stretching her inner walls and reaching all the way to the entrance of her womb before she started to move.

Hot and heavy breaths left Grayfia's lips as she started to rock her hips back and forth, riding the black man and his wonderful dick. "You're certainly… Far bigger than… My husband… And that… Man I saw… Akeno with…" Those heavy breaths quickly started to become lurid moans as she picked up the pace of her rocking, recalling the time she saw Akeno riding a black man just like she was about to.


It had only been a few days since she had caught Rias sleeping with a black man, but Grayfia found herself wanting to check and Rias and her friends more and more since then. Maybe it was to make sure that her sister-in-law was still safe and sound for Sirzechs' case. Maybe it was to hopefully walk in on the young Gremory with another black man, allowing her to see more men fucking the young girl. Or maybe it was simply because Grayfia was intrigued and jealous that such a young girl was getting to sleep with such versatile and powerful men.

Whatever the reason truly was, Grayfia teleported her way into the Occult Club's building while it was late at night. She had felt a presence in the building and wasn't sure if it was someone sneaking in or someone trying to damage something. But when she got there, she immediately heard the sounds of sex filling the building without shame or care, assuming no one could hear whoever it was. Though, Grayfia knew it wasn't Rias since the voice that was screaming in pleasure was different from her dear sister-in-law's.

However, the knowledge that it wasn't Rias getting fucked only pushed Grayfia to check and see who it actually was that was screaming out in bliss. Of course, it had to be one of the other girls in the occult club, and last she had seen the group, there were certainly more young ladies than just Rias and Akeno. Fortunately, it didn't take Grayfia long to find her way to the meeting room of the building, hearing the sounds of sex slow down to a stop now. In the back of her mind, she knew that meant that the girl getting fucked must have gotten creampied and was taking a moment to settle down.

She giggled under her breath, assuming that it was someone young and energetic still needing to stop and catch their breath. Though, as she peered into the room, Grayfia realized just who it was. Akeno was sitting in a black man's lap, her arms around his neck, and his dick buried inside of her cunt. Her eyes were glowing as she looked down at the man, watching him lick and suck on her nipples.

"You're a much better fuck than I thought you would be. Makes me glad Rias let me borrow the building for the night so we wouldn't have to worry about being caught.~" Akeno licked her lips as she brought one of her hands to the back of the black man's head, pulling him close and gasping when he suddenly bit down on her nipple. "Though, I suppose it helps that Rias went to your friend's apartment to get fucked like the whore she is.~"

Grayfia watched in silence as Akeno started to slowly and carefully rock her hips back and forth in the man's lap, riding his cock like she was meant to never leave it. And it certainly showed just how much the young half-breed was enjoying herself as she started to bounce in his lap, the sheer amount of cum that leaked out of her cunt and onto his balls making it clear that this wasn't her first creampie of the night. But that didn't deter Grayfia was watching with studious eyes, watching the way Akeno's rear end jiggled and shook with each bounce, finding herself growing jealous of the young girl for getting to take such a massive and wonderful cock.

However, as time seemed to tick and fly by, Grayfia knew she couldn't stay for long. That she had to stop and make her way back home before things somehow got out of hand. She bit down on her lower lip and inhaled sharply, disappointment and lust filling her as she took a step back away from the door. In the back of her mind, she hoped that she had gone unnoticed as she teleported back to her home, not wanting to cause trouble with anyone over something that she was going to indulge in herself.

Grayfia let out a gentle breath as she pressed her back against the wall of the hallway she teleported into, bringing a hand to her chest as she thought about just how she was going to find a black man to fuck her like she had seen with Rias and Akeno. And that's when it hit her to find a black man of her own to sleep with, to simply go out and see who she could find. She bit down on her lower lip as she thought of just how she was going to do that without Sirzechs noticing.

Luckily for her, it wasn't hard for her to teleport out of her home and back to Kuoh Town, roaming the streets in the dead of night to find a man to ravage her like no other man had before. And almost as soon as she started to walk into the street, looking around, she was spotted by just the kind of man she was looking for. When she heard a loud whistle fill her ear, Grayfia turned herself around to see a tall, well built, and muscular black man looking at her like she was just a piece of meat for him. And she knew right away that this was the one for her. "Can I help you, Sir?~"

"Sir? Not only are you dressed like a little maid, but you've got the proper manners for it, too? Well, you're right that you can help me. My dick needs to be sucked and you look like the perfect bitch to do it."

Grayfia's heart skipped a beat in her chest as she listened to the man. Blunt, forward, uncaring about if she would turn him down or not. He was perfect to be her new lover and treat her the same way she saw the girls being treated. Fortunately, when he pulled her to a nearby hotel just a few minutes later, Grayfia found out just how right she was, loving the way he manhandled her with only one care in the world. His own pleasure.


When Grayfia's mind returned back to reality, she found herself bent over her husband's sleeping form. She saw the gentle smile on his face, heard the heavy breaths he took as he started to snore, and noticed the lust that was boiling inside of her because of it. The fact that her lover was fucking her over her husband was twisted and devious in its own right. But the fact that he wouldn't be any wiser to the fact of what she was doing caused her pussy to tighten around her lover's black cock.

Though, Grayfia also felt a strange sense of pride and enjoyment when her black lover grabbed onto the back of her head and pinned her down against Sirzech's body, keeping her cheek pressed against his torso as he thrust into her from behind. When she realized that she didn't feel any guilt over cheating on her husband, that she didn't feel any desire to stop because her face was pressed against his toned chest, Grayfia could help but feel like some kind of cheap whore for the man behind her. And she loved it. Especially when he brought the hand that was on her head to her plump rear end, squeezing and kneading her shapely ass cheek.

Each and every thrust that filled her cunt was another thrust that caused Grayfia to scoot just a little bit closer to her husband, that caused her body to be pressed a little bit harder against his. And before long, she found herself practically laying on top of him as she was fucked from behind, her breasts roughly pressing down against his chest as hot and heavy moans spilled from her lips.

In the back of her mind, Grayfia wondered just why she had decided to let this black man take her in her marital bed. Just why she didn't sneak away for the night like she easily could have. What about getting fucked next to the man she pledged her life to turned her on so much? And when she felt her lover suddenly plunge himself as deep inside of her as he could, Grayfia remembered just why she had chosen to do this. As rope after rope of his thick, heated, and fertile seed pumped directly into her womb, she remembered that it was because he convinced her to do so.

This black man that she met no more than a week ago convinced her to fuck a stranger and to never fuck her husband again. All in the same night. Simply because of the way he fucked her. The way his cock stretched her inner walls and caused her to scream in pure pleasure when he hit the right spot. The way his hands were far more dominant and possessive than Sirzechs' ever were despite her husband being a devil. The way this black man acted like he owned her the moment their eyes met on the street. All of it convinced Grayfia that it was okay for this man to have his way with her, that it was okay for him to cum inside of her enough to risk getting her pregnant.

And she couldn't have been happier about the realization until she felt the man's hands grab onto her hips, throwing her down onto her back where she was next to her husband. Grayfia's eyes met Sirzechs' sleeping face for just a moment before she felt this man's hands grabbing onto the back of her knees. And before she knew it, he had her legs bent into the air with her knees pressing against her breasts.

Before she could say a word to the man that hat claimed her pussy and her sex life in the span of a night, Grayfia felt his cock pressing against the entrance to her pussy. And not even a moment later, she felt that massive and wonderful cock force itself into her cunt. In the new position, it felt so much thicker than it had when she was being fucked from behind, reaching her womb and stretching her inner walls in an entirely new way. Grayfia didn't hesitate to reach her arms out and wrap them around the black man's neck, pulling him close enough for their lips to meet in a heated and desperate kiss. A kiss that showed just how excited and turned on she was from this.

Her husband sleeping next to her, her black lover buried inside of her and fucking her cunt, and her heart racing in her chest was she was mating pressed into her marital bed. It was such a strange but wonderful experience to be fucked like this. But Grayfia couldn't have been happier about it as the man she considered her lover started to fuck her like he really meant it. Each and every thrust that filled her pussy caused the bed underneath her to creak and crack from the force of his thrusts, threatening to break simply from the sheer strength of his hips.

But Grayfia didn't pull her lips away from his as he fucked her into the bed like a toy, instead happily suckling on his tongue and letting him explore her mouth as if he owned it. The pleasure and bliss that coursed through her body grew more intense with each thrust that filled her, causing the usually stoic maid to moan out in sheer and utter bliss like there was no tomorrow. The depraved joy that she felt from getting fucked next to her husband and likely bred by a man that wasn't him caused her heart to soar in her chest, the joy that she felt visible in her eyes as she looked into her lover's intense and lustful gaze. Though, she didn't say a word to him as he continued to thrust into her, clouding her mind with lust and desire to the point that she knew she might lose herself before the morning came around.


When the next morning came around, Sirzechs slowly opened his eyes and looked around the bedroom. He felt far more refreshed than he usually did when he slept. But when he looked at the time, it was even earlier than he was supposed to wake up for his meetings today. Did Grayfia have something planned for him? Or was he going to be on his own today and things just happened to work out?

A moment later, Grayfia stepped into her bedroom with a tray of breakfast laid out on it. She may be a cheater and a wife, but she was still a maid. Her lips were curled into a bright and radiant smile as she made her way over to the bed her husband was sleeping on. "I didn't think you'd be awake yet, Sir. I have some business to take care of with Rias in the human world, so I was going to leave you breakfast." As she spoke and made her way toward the bed, a few of Grayfia's steps were out of place, causing her to very noticeably limp to the bed.

"Is something wrong? I don't think I've ever seen you limp like that before." Sirzechs didn't think twice about what could be the cause of it as he reached for the breakfast that his wife and maid had prepared for him, just happy that she was still thinking of him first despite clearly being injured in some way.

"I simply slept wrong and my hip hasn't felt quite right yet. That's part of the business I have to attend to. I'm going to make sure it's nothing serious." Grayfia spoke with a steady smile on her lips, happy to see her husband simply shrug it off and trust her judgment as willingly as he was. The moment he took the food away from her, she nodded her head to him and started to make her way out of the room. "Remember, Sirzechs, you have three meetings today. Do try your best to not be late to them."

Grayfia didn't hesitate to close the bedroom door behind her as she stepped out of it, limping her way a few feet down the hallway before teleporting into Issei's home to see Rias between a black man's legs. She chuckled under her breath as she watched the two for a moment, catching the young girl's attention and causing her to gasp in shock that she was suddenly standing there and watching. "Don't worry, Rias. I'm not here to get in the way of your fun or to turn this against it."

She didn't waste a moment before starting to make her way to the young Gremory's side, undressing with each limping step that she took. By the time she was next to Rias, Grayfia was just as naked as the day she was born, a bright and excited smile on her red lipstick-stained lips. "I'm only here to join you in the fun since my partner had to leave before Sirzechs woke up." Playfully dragging her tongue along her lips, Grayfia cupped both of her breasts in her hands, wrapping them around one side of the black cock that Rias was previously tending to. "Don't stop just because of me. Feel free to keep pleasing him.~"

Of course, Rias was a bit confused about what was happening at first. She didn't know just why Grayfia of all people was acting this way. But she wasn't about to stop tending to her secret boyfriend just because her brother's wife stepped into the room. Though her heart raced in her chest when she got a good look at Grayfia's body, the young Gremory was still confident and excited for what was to come. "I don't know just what's gotten into you, Grayfia… But I'm happy you're not going to rat me out."

Rias teasingly licked her lips before wrapping them around the head of the black man's cock, starting to bob her head up and down what she could of his length. She all too eagerly sucked him off in front of a woman that could easily spill this secret to anyone she wanted. But Rias couldn't bring herself to care about that when she felt Grayfia's soft breasts pressing against her lips as they both did their best to please this young man.

The two seemed to work in tandem with each other as they looked up to the black man's face, seeing a cock smile on his lips. And both Rias and Grayfia couldn't stop their hearts from skipping a beat or two in their chest when they saw it. It was clear he wasn't looking at them as women, but instead of just sluts he could fill with his cum before leaving and never seeing them again. And both of them couldn't help but feel a bit more excited, their pussies quivering, at the thought.

Of course, it caused Grayfia to pull herself back until her breasts were no longer around the young man's black cock, allowing Rias to take his entire length if she wanted. The older woman quickly climbed her way onto the bed and pressed herself against this man's torso, pressing a gentle few kisses against his jawline. All the while, Grayfia brought one of her hands to his balls, teasing and massaging the surprisingly heavy sack like it simply belonged in her hand. "I see that look in your eyes. I hope you're planning on following through with what's going on in your head. It's obvious you want to cum inside both of us… Maybe even get us pregnant.~"

As she spoke, Grayfia dragged her tongue along his cheek until she reached his lips, stealing a quick and lustful kiss from him. "I think you should take that chance. I think you should pin us down and ravage us just like you want to. Neither of us will struggle. And neither of us will shout for help. We'll accept everything you can give us.~"

Rias watched Grayfia make out with the man as she spoke, a hopeful expression on the young Gremory's face as she continued to bob her head up and down the length of his shaft. In the back of her mind, she hoped he would cum in her mouth so she could swallow it all and not share a drop with Grayfia. But as he grabbed onto the back of her head, she didn't think she would get that, her tongue dragging along the underside of his cock as Rias found herself being pulled off of his shaft.

But instead of finding herself suddenly thrown to the side where she couldn't tend to him anymore, Rias found herself forced onto her back with her legs spread as far as they could go, his cock pressing directly against the entrance to her pussy. And when she looked to see where Grayfia was, she found her brother's wife hovering over her face, her pussy dripping with arousal down onto her. "I didn't think you'd be the needy type, Grayfia…"

"What can I say? Sirzechs doesn't satisfy me anymore.~" Grayfia smiled to herself as she plopped herself down against Rias' face, making sure to press her pussy down directly against her lips in the process. All while her eyes were locked on that hard and throbbing black cock that slowly and carefully penetrated the young girl, spreading her pussy lips around his shaft and stretching her inner walls enough to make her moan like a whore.

Grayfia instinctively brought one of her hands to her breast, squeezing the soft mound as she watched the black man start thrusting into Rias. Something about seeing his cock plunge into another woman's pussy sparked a sense of jealousy inside of her. Even though this black man wasn't the lover she had taken home with her last night and maybe not even the black man that she caught Rias fucking in the past, she still felt jealous that such a young girl was getting to experience the thrill of being fucked by a black man before she was.

However, that jealousy didn't disrupt the pleasure that she felt as she played with herself, bringing her other hand to Rias' breast just in time for the young Gremory to start licking her pussy. In the back of her mind, Grayfia wondered just how long she would be able to keep this up with Rias and the black man before they were going to be caught. But she couldn't bring herself to care when he suddenly grabbed onto the back of her head and pulled her close enough to steal a kiss from her lips, concern fading from her mind.