
Poor guy become Immortal God

**Synopsis: "The Path to Divinity"** In "The Path to Divinity," we follow the journey of Theron, a humble farmer who embarks on an extraordinary quest to become a god. Guided by the enigmatic mentor Alaric, Theron faces a series of trials that test his courage, wisdom, compassion, and resilience. Chapter by chapter, Theron navigates through the mystical forest of Eldoria, encountering challenges that force him to confront his deepest fears and reconcile with his past. From facing mythical creatures to deciphering ancient texts, Theron's journey is fraught with danger and self-discovery. As Theron progresses, he grapples with doubts and uncertainties, questioning his own worthiness and fearing failure. Yet, with the guidance of Alaric and the lessons of the forest, he learns that true strength comes from within and that the path to divinity is not about perfection but about growth and self-awareness. Through facing his fears, embracing his past, and finding solace in the wisdom of the natural world, Theron grows into a formidable force, ready to take on the challenges that lie ahead. Along the way, he learns that becoming a god is not just about acquiring power but about embodying compassion, wisdom, and harmony. "The Path to Divinity" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, resilience, and the transformative power of the human spirit. Set against the backdrop of a richly imagined world, this novel invites readers on an epic journey of adventure, enlightenment, and ultimately, the realization of one's true destiny.

DaoistatW0mU · Ciencia y ficción
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101 Chs

Chapter 55

**Chapter 55: The Guardian's Oath**

The sun was setting as Theron, Lyra, and Seraphina approached the next marked location on the map. The landscape had shifted from the cold, unforgiving mountains to a dense, ancient forest, the trees towering above them like silent sentinels. The air was thick with the scent of pine and earth, and the only sounds were the rustling leaves and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures.

Theron glanced at the map again, his brow furrowing. "According to this, the altar should be somewhere near a clearing in the heart of the forest. We need to stay alert."

Lyra's eyes scanned their surroundings, her magical senses attuned to any disturbances. "There's a powerful enchantment here, masking the presence of the altar. It's stronger than anything we've encountered so far."

Seraphina nodded, her grip on her daggers tightening. "Then we need to be even more cautious. This place feels... different. Almost alive."

They moved deeper into the forest, their footsteps barely making a sound on the soft, moss-covered ground. As they approached the clearing, an eerie silence fell, and the trees seemed to close in around them. The air grew colder, and a faint, dark energy prickled at their senses.

In the center of the clearing stood the altar, its dark stone glowing faintly with an ominous light. Surrounding it were figures cloaked in shadow, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent. These were not mere remnants of Valthor's minions; they were something more, something darker.

Theron stepped forward, his sword at the ready. "We need to destroy that altar and banish these shadows. Stay close and be prepared for anything."

The shadowy figures moved to intercept them, their forms shifting and twisting in the dim light. The battle began with a ferocity that took them by surprise. These creatures were faster and stronger than the guardians they had faced before, their attacks relentless.

Lyra's spells lit up the clearing, each incantation sending bursts of light and energy towards their foes. Seraphina moved with lethal grace, her daggers slicing through the shadows with precision. Theron's sword blazed with ethereal light, each strike banishing a fragment of the darkness.

Despite their combined efforts, the shadowy figures seemed endless. For every one they defeated, another took its place, their malevolent whispers filling the air. "You cannot stop us. The darkness will consume you."

Theron gritted his teeth, his determination unwavering. "We've faced worse than you. We will not be defeated."

Just as the battle seemed to reach a stalemate, Lyra raised her staff high, her voice ringing out with a powerful incantation. A blinding light erupted from the tip of her staff, washing over the clearing and the shadowy figures. The light was pure and intense, banishing the darkness and leaving no room for the shadows to hide.

As the light faded, the shadowy figures were gone, leaving only the altar. Theron, Lyra, and Seraphina approached it cautiously, their breaths coming in heavy pants.

"We need to destroy it quickly," Theron said, his voice firm. "Before anything else can happen."

Lyra and Seraphina nodded, and together they began to dismantle the altar. As they worked, a deep, resonant voice echoed through the clearing. "You think you have won, but the darkness is eternal. It will rise again."

Theron's eyes narrowed. "Not while we stand. Not while we fight."

With a final, determined effort, the altar crumbled into dust, the dark energy dissipating into the night. The oppressive weight lifted, and the forest seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Theron sheathed his sword, looking at his companions with a mix of pride and exhaustion. "We did it. But we can't let our guard down. There are still more altars, more shadows to banish."

Lyra placed a hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with determination. "We will destroy them all. We will ensure that Valthor's darkness never rises again."

Seraphina nodded, her expression resolute. "Together, we are stronger than any darkness. We will protect our world, no matter the cost."

As they made their way back through the forest, the first light of dawn began to break through the trees, casting a golden glow over the landscape. Theron felt a renewed sense of purpose, his resolve stronger than ever.

They were not just fighting for themselves; they were fighting for a world free from the shadows of the past. And with each battle they won, each altar they destroyed, they were one step closer to that future. The journey ahead would be long and fraught with danger, but they would face it together, their light unwavering against the encroaching darkness.